what exactly is the phytree object in matlab? - matlab

This question has bothered me for a while, so I post it here just in case someone else has the similar issue. After debugging the code to ask it print out the variables, I understand that the phytree object is a struct array with three fields, i.e., tree, dist and names. Here, tree is a matrix with the size the number of branches times 2. But because the data is large, I cannot quite figure out what exactly is the matrix tree. Can someone help? Thanks in advance.

The output of seqneighjoin is not a struct array with the fields tree dist and names, it's a phytree object that has some internal properties called tree, dist and names. Since you're already taking a look at the code with the debugger, take a look at the line right at the end of phytree.m - you'll see that it specifies that the output tr is an object of class phytree, not a struct.
I'm not sure if you have much background using object-oriented programming in MATLAB, but it's a bigger topic than I can discuss here - I'll just say that an "object" is something that has properties that store information in the same way that a struct has fields that store information; but an object also has methods that are functions stored as part of the object and that act on it. For the phytree object, these methods are functions such as prune for removing branches, getnewickstr for getting a Newick-formatted string, and so on.
You can find out more about MATLAB OO programming in the documentation. Unfortunately, there's a bit of an issue with that - in R2008a, MATLAB introduced a new form of OO, and all the current documentation is based on that style of OO. phytree is implemented using the old style of OO, so you may need to look at the doc for an old version of MATLAB to find out its syntax.
You shouldn't be trying to access the internal tree property directly. If you want to get it, use get(tr, 'Pointers'). It's an array listing which branches are connected to which other branches/leaves.


What are the function-call/procedure-call pairs in GAP?

By function-call/procedure-call pairs, I mean pairs of functions that do the same thing, except one returns it's result whereas the other alters it's argument(s) to be the result. For example the pair List/Apply.
List(list, func) Returns the list resulting from applying the function func to every value of list.
Apply(list, func) Applies the function func to every value of a mutable list list, changing list.
I've become annoyed of writing my own functions to find that GAP already had a built in version I should be using, so it'd help to know these pairs. Like, does Filtered have a procedural counterpart I don't know about? Or do I need to write my own? If a function does have a counterpart will it necessarily be listed in the documentation for that function? The only other such pair that I can think of right now is Concatenation/Append. What are other such pairs of functions/procedures in GAP?
Although this may be of little help, as Alexander Hulpke explained in https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3704518, "The general language convention is that verbs do something to an object, while nouns create a new object with the desired characteristics." GAP naming conventions are described in the GAP Reference Manual here.
So, a counterpart to Filtered would likely be called Filter - but there is no such function (and Filter has another meaning in GAP). We do try to mention counterparts in corresponding manual sections - if you find them missing, then please suggest improvements to the GAP documentation, preferably at the GAP repository on GitHub.

How to keep program data in different m files in matlab

I want to write a modular matlab program and I have some data structures such as history in my program. Is that true that I have to keep all my data-structures in the main script of my program? In other words if I have some arrays and fields of data, if I put them in other m files, such as functions, they are temporal and they are going to be collected as garbage in my program execution. I am a java developer and now I want to develop some code in matlab.
As Tommaso suggested in a comment, you should use classes. Look at the documentation for classdef to get started. The full documentation to create classes starts at this page.
But to directly answer your question: it is possible to store static data in functions: see persistent.
If you're making a GUI, there are built-in ways to store data, see guidata.
Finally, there is also getappdata and setappdata, which set global variables but specific to one app.
For all that's good in this world, don't use global, it's not worth the hassle, here are plenty of better alternatives.
PS: if the links here break, note that it is always possible to type help <cmd> to get help on one of the functions mentioned here.

How to see the type of a matlab variable

I'm looking at a rather large and poorly written Matlab program. One of the things that makes understanding the code tricky is the variables don't show their type. In searching I only found explanations how to do this while debugging code(the whos and class commands). I'm looking for a way to view type information in the editor itself.
For example in the following code I would like to know the type of A and B:
classdef Data
function obj = Data(A)
obj.B = A.B;
Or is the type not determined until the function is called, and A could be any class with a B parameter?
As I mentioned in the comments, unfortunately there isn't any way I know of to do this in the IDE without entering the debugger because MATLAB is not statically typed. You can also trace through the function and see what is calling the methods/functions/etc. in question and the variables used.
Your ending sentence is correct. Looking at your example solely in the eyes of the IDE A could be any data type, even one where the dot notation isn't valid (and thus would throw an error). It's up to the user to add input validation for functions that are not built in.
Usually numeric variables are defined as doubles, you can ask if a variable belongs or not to a specific data type, here are some ways to do it.

pass by refernce method in matlab

I'm developing a robotics application in Matlab for my thesis. I'm experienced in C#, PHP, js, etc etc.
I would love if objects I create could somehow be passed by reference. I heard that there are things called "handle objects" and others called "value objects". I can't find any specific documentation on how to create a "handle object" and it seems they are usually graphics objects.
I have a few design patterns that are easy to implement when passing by reference is possible. I would like certain objects to share 'simulation spaces', without making each space a global variable. I would like to avoid passing IDs around everywhere, in an effort to keep objects synchronized. I would like to share environmental objects between robots, without worrying about the fact that passing this object actually copies it. (this will lead to bugs over time)
I'm starting to feel like my only solution will be to have a weird global 'object broker' that has the latest copy of many common system objects. I hope to avoid this sort of thing!
Any advice would be amazing!
Handle objects are created by the following syntax
classdef myClass < handle
% properties here
% methods here
A good place to start looking in the documentation is the classes start page. Note that value and handle classes have only been implemented in R2008a, and are reasonably bug-free since R2009a (though more recent releases have improved performance quite a bit).
If you're coming from other languages, this section about the differences between Matlab and other languages OOP can be useful.
Your classes should inherit from the handle abstract class
classdef MyHandleClass < handle
% // class stuff
Class with this semantics can be passed by reference in a java like way.
Consider also this section of the guide.

What was the original reason for MATLAB's one function = one file and why is it still so?

What was the original reason for MATLAB's one (primary) function = one file, and why is it still so, after so many years of development?
What are the advantages of this approach, compared to its disadvantages (people put too many things in functions and scripts, when they should obviously be separated ... resulting in loss of code clarity)?
Matlab's schema of loading one class/function per file seems to match Java's choice in this matter. I am betting that there were other technical reasons for speeding up the parser in when it was introduced the 1980's. This schema was chosen by Java to discourage extremely large files with everything stuffed inside, which has been the primary argument for any language I've seen using one-file class symantics.
However, forcing one class per file semantics doesn't stop mega files -- KPIB is a perfect example of a complicated, horrifically long function/class file (though a quite useful maga file). So the one class file system is a way of trying to make the user aware about code abstraction more than a functionally useful mechanism.
A positive result of the one function/class file system of Matlab is that it's very easy to know what functions are available at a quick glance of a project directory. Additionally many of the names had to be made descriptive enough to differentiate them from other files, so naming as a minor form of documentation is present as a side effect.
In the end I don't think there are strong arguments for or against one file classes as it's usually just a minor semantically change to go from onw to the other (unless your code is in a horribly unorganized state... in which case you should be shamed into fixing it).
I fixed the bad reference to Matlab adopting Java's one class file system -- after more research it appears that both developers adopted this style independently (or rather didn't specify that the other language influenced their decision). This is especially true since Matlab didn't bundle Java until 2000.
I don't think there any advantage. But you can put as many functions as you need in a single file.
For example:
classdef UTILS
methods (Static)
function help
% prints help for all functions
disp(char(methods(mfilename, '-full')));
function func_01()
function func_02()
% ...more functions
I find it very neat.
>> UTILS.help
Static func_01
Static func_02
Static help
>> UTILS.func_01()