Facebook and iOS - iphone

Is there an open source API that allow me to post on groups of Facebook? Secondly, do I need to create an application for that or no need? I'd like to do that through iOS.

You should be able to use the Facebook Graph API and simple HTTP requests (using the iOS SDK) to do this. There's also an actively developed open source Facebook iOS SDK that should make this process even easier.

FaceBook has an API - have you checked to see if what you want to do is supported?
As far as their being a need - FaceBook has their own iOS app. Do you want to do something that it can't already do?


Is it still possible to register my FB application to use Facebook REST API that is marked as deprecated?

Is it possible to register my FB application to use Facebook REST API?
Or is it possible to authenticate in facebook mobile app with no redirection?
You do not need to register an app with a particular API - just go ahead and use it, the instructions are all there. However, Facebook recommends that you do not use the REST API as it is no longer being supported or updated. Use the Graph API and/or FQL - these are under active development and they're what most of the development community use.
Regarding the mobile app issue, could you give a little more detail? The OS and SDK you're using, for example?

How to go about building an iPhone app that accesses a website with a custom UI?

I don't quite know how to explain this but I want to build an app that can access a website like, for example, Facebook, but I don't actually want it to be Facebook's website in the sense that I want to design the UI. There is a couple of apps like this already in the app store, one being called "Facebook Touch HD". I have managed to get an app to access Facebook with UIWebView, but it just goes to Facebook's mobile website, obviously.
Look at the Facebook IOS SDK.
You probably want to fetch data from Facebook using its APIs. Facebook actually offers a library for iOS, so you may want to check it out.
In general, this applies to any site that offers an API. Usually you can use NSURLConnection to make requests to get the data you're interested in (check the specific API's documentation for details); then you have parse that data (most services output data in XML or JSON).

Facebook and Twitter API help for Iphone SDK

Im trying to implement Facebook and twitter into my app, anyone link a place with a good step by step for each.
I have tried several on various sites and youtube, and all have made my app crash. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
One place to start might be using ShareKit:
That bundles together a lot of social platform updates in something easy to integrate. I think you can customize it beyond what is there.
Don't forget you'll need application ID's for each service you intend to link to - you need to create a twitter and Facebook app account.
For twitter I use cocoa built in
for iOS apps.
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/ios/build/
- https://dev.twitter.com/docs/ios
USE MGTwitter Engine to use twitter api in iphone.and PlainOauth library..It can be downloaded from githubsite..

iphone xcode - Twitter api or snippet

I've seen a few "Share" twitter or FB on some iphone. Is there any framework or SDK for this or some code snippet to copy from.
I dont want to write it from scratch if there is something already available.
ShareKit is very easy to configure and use and supports Facebook, Twitter, and many other services.
Take a look at MGTwitterEngine.
You can use facebook-ios-sdk for Fb and Twitter.framework for twitter.

How to integrate twitter,facebook into iPhone app ?

I want to put facebook,twitter,flickr into my iPhone app, so that users can easily login in and post message from my app easily.
Put the question here is to get some clues or existing works for this purpose.
After searching, I get some related works here
What is the best one you used ?
There is a new open source project that provides support for both:
This issues has already been discussed a lot in SO.Try to search SO before posting your query.
For Twitter try MGTwitterEngine.
For facebook try Facebook API
For flickr try objectiveflickr
Chk these
Facebook API
Twitter API