How to enable completiion in Coda like Textmate & Notepad++? - emacs

Textmate & Notepad++ can complete all words which appeared in the current document, how to enable this in Coda?
e.d. I have typed "some_text" in a document, then when I type "some_" then press ESC - "some_text" should appear in the suggestions list.

Auto-complete in Coda is automatically enabled, and as far as I know, it can't be disabled. It is a lot like Dreamweaver with auto-complete, it will show you your starting tags and should automatically close some tags.
As for words, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't do that.


Prevent ctrl-B from setting bold font while working with md files with the Markdown All in One extension

In VS Code, when you are working with a markdown file with the "Markdown All in One" extension active, ctrl-B sets the selected text to bold by surrounding it with **
The problem is that I use the ctrl-B keyboard shortcut all the time to show/hide the side bar.
Is there any way to disable that emboldening shortcut (or define an alternative one) when working with Markdown files, and to use it for hiding the side bar?
edit: the problem was that I had the 'Markdown All in One' installed
I don't think this can currently be done without uninstalling / deactivating your "Markdown All in One" extension. If you look at the list of keybinding actions it offers (see those that start with markdown.extension.editor.toggle), there are ones for toggling code spans, blocks, math, lists, but none for toggling bold and italics, which I find strange. No dice either searching for suggestions in the keybindings.json with "markdown.extensionbold".
So either I'm missing something, or you need to make a feature-request on their GitHub. If you do, post a link in the comments here for posterity.
As a last resort to get a fix right now, you could just remap your toggle-side-bar keybinding to something else.

VS Code - Turn off auto close tags, but leave on autocomplete

Recently switched from Sublime Text 3 to VS Code. Overall pleased with the switch except for this one little thing that's just annoying enough to be a dealbreaker if there's no solution. In ST3 if I type, say, a <div>, it doesn't automatically drop in a </div>, which is nice because I'm often pasting it in and don't want it closed right there.
What ST3 DOES do, however, is complete the tag the moment I type </. It autofills div> the moment I type the forward slash. This is the behavior I want from VS Code. I can't find any mention of this anywhere which is completely baffling. I know how to autoclose tags, but that's no good becasue then I have to manually close them. I want VS Code, like ST3, to autocomplete the tag for me, just not immediately.
Go to File > Preferences > Settings, search for html.autoClosingTags and set it to false.
This will make it so when you type <div>, it won't insert </div> automatically, but if you start typing </, it won't close the tag automatically. You can press ENTER to make it autocomplete for you.
Or you can leave this option enabled and when you type <div> and it autocompletes, you can just press CTRL + Z.
More information on this behavior here.
Add this to settings.json to make it work like Sublime Text:
"html.autoClosingTags": false,
"auto-close-tag.SublimeText3Mode": true
Go to Settings, search for "auto closing" and enable/disable these options as needed
Or set them in your settings.json file like so:
"html.autoClosingTags": false,
"typescript.autoClosingTags": false,
"javascript.autoClosingTags": false,
On Windows/Linux - Ctrl + Shift + P
On MacOS - Cmd + Shift + P
In the search box type settings.json
paste the following line there
"html.autoClosingTags": false
A very simple trick i learnt
If you want to disable tags auto completion for just a single task for example. To save a file without vscode adding closing tags. Just set a different language mode for that file.
Change from the inferred one i.e html to Batch, Diff ignore. The options on vscode are many. This will enable you to save the file without addition of any closing tags.
After you are remember to reset the language mode to Auto Detect.
To access language mode-:
Use the command pallete and search Change Language Mode or
Find a shortcut at the bottom right section on Vscode.

VSCode Vim extension to search for visual mode selected text

In vim I can search for a visually selected string using a number of techniques including what can be found here:
Is there a way to do the same thing in VSCode with the Vim extension?
Right now, VsCodeVim doesn't support the command in search mode, so that keybinding isn't possible.
If you want to see that in the future, opening an issue at would help.
EDIT: is implemented, so this functionality is now there.

Remove auto-completion with Enter key in Kate text editor

In Kate text editor, one can auto complete using either the Tab or the Enter key.
I find auto-completion with the Enter key disruptive, because often you really do mean what you say, and want to go to a new line. Who knew.
How can I disable only the Enter key auto-completion without removing the Tab auto-completion?
You CAN'T do that.
Sorry, but auto-complete really works ok the way it is. If we alter that behavior, we will get many more reports about that than with the current way.
And then:
You can deactivate the auto completion in the settings. Then you can invoke it manually. If that doesn't help, then yes, Kate is perhaps not the best choice, sorry.
So it seems, from the developers' own mouth, that Enter can't be turned off. You can turn off autocomplete as a whole, or if you don't like that, you can find another text editor. Or you can edit the source code yourself, after all it's Open Source.
The developers like it as it is, and have no intention of making the behavior configurable.
I've seen a workaround in this article that works for me:
go to: Settings->Configure Keyboard Shortcuts. Then change the Action:
"Insert Smart Newline to Enter instead of Shift+Enter.

Notepad++: disable auto-complete in comments

I'm using Notepad++ for C coding.
The auto-complete functionality in NP++ seems really naive. No matter where I am in a file, it always tries to give me a list of auto-complete suggestions (most of which are just random words, rather than function or variable names).
It becomes really annoying when I'm trying to write a long multi-line comment, and I keep having to hit escape at the end of lines because the auto-complete pop-up wants to change what I'm typing.
Is there a way to disable auto-complete inside comments?
Is there a way to disable keyboard interactions with auto-complete? The time it saves by filling in text for me is negligible compared to the time it saves me from having to go and confirm that I'm spelling function or variable names correctly. So, it would be just about as useful if it always made suggestions, but where the arrow keys and enter interacted with the text, rather than the pop-up.
You can go Settings →Preferences → Auto-Completion and from this point you can set whether you have auto-completion on words, functions or both.
At this point, I don't believe there is a way to disable auto-completion within comments.
A workaround is to turn off auto-completion using Ctrl+Enter for your code, and Ctrl+Space for your comments.