Prevent ctrl-B from setting bold font while working with md files with the Markdown All in One extension - visual-studio-code

In VS Code, when you are working with a markdown file with the "Markdown All in One" extension active, ctrl-B sets the selected text to bold by surrounding it with **
The problem is that I use the ctrl-B keyboard shortcut all the time to show/hide the side bar.
Is there any way to disable that emboldening shortcut (or define an alternative one) when working with Markdown files, and to use it for hiding the side bar?
edit: the problem was that I had the 'Markdown All in One' installed

I don't think this can currently be done without uninstalling / deactivating your "Markdown All in One" extension. If you look at the list of keybinding actions it offers (see those that start with markdown.extension.editor.toggle), there are ones for toggling code spans, blocks, math, lists, but none for toggling bold and italics, which I find strange. No dice either searching for suggestions in the keybindings.json with "markdown.extensionbold".
So either I'm missing something, or you need to make a feature-request on their GitHub. If you do, post a link in the comments here for posterity.
As a last resort to get a fix right now, you could just remap your toggle-side-bar keybinding to something else.


How do I get imports to show up when I press ctrl+dot in javascript in vscode?

When writing JSX (or any typescript code really) if you have an available import that's not yet imported, you get a squiggly line under it and can press ctrl+dot on it and then automatically import the code as a "refactoring."
How can I set this up in Javascript? I've seen a screenshot of someone else's VSC where it is available underneath "more options" and so I'm pretty sure it's possible, but when I press ctrl+dot I get nothing.
Note: I'm aware I can press ctrl+space. However, I don't want to do this, for two reasons. (1) alt+space is pretty bad UX because if you press it in the middle of a word it continues to autocomplete even if you already had the full name there and so you are left with an incorrect tag (e.g. if your cursor was after the d in Keyboard for a component called KeyboardRow you are left with KeyboardRowRow) and (2) I want to rebind quick fix to alt+enter to match pycharm; and I want the same hotkey & UX in both Typescript and Javascript.
I haven't worked too much with JS, mainly with TS, but I have two extensions installed in my vscode that helped me a lot while coding in vanilla JS.
Path intellisense and Auto import
You can try if My Code Actions can be used to construct a Quick Fix for these types of PROBLEMS/squiggles

How can I easily toggle display of problem underlining in VS Code editor panels?

I'm using VS Code with a number of different programming languages, which all have some form of problem validation provided via an extension. While these problem underlines are generally useful, I find them very annoying while I'm writing a particular piece of code, and only useful once I'm mostly done typing. I often think while writing code and I also tend to hit Ctrl+S very often, so there is no way that my IDE can "debounce" properly, as it wouldn't be able to tell if I'm done writing code or not.
How can I disable all lints from being displayed, regardless of the programming language used, until I re-enable them (or restart Code or whatever)?
I'm not looking for a always-hidden solution that permanently changes my settings. More for something that I can toggle with a keyboard shortcut or similar.
While I am most interested in a solution that works regardless of where the lints come from, the two extensions that'd be responsible for most of my lints are rust-analyzer and Kotlin, but I also have clangd and TexLab installed and also use TypeScript whenever I can't avoid it but currently I don't have any extension for it installed.
I don't think the exact thing you are looking for exists at the time of this writing.
I am not aware of any "global" (programming-language-agnostic) setting that toggles showing underlines for problems in the editor view. There is a setting that toggles showing decorations for problems in the files/folders view (problems.decorations.enabled), but that's not what you're looking for.
As shown by the answers to How to disable error highlighting in VS Code?, there are settings on a per-language basis to disable validation (such as css.validate, php.validate.enable, html.validate.*, json.validate.enable, etc. Note that language extensions may not follow that pattern of naming their settings fields)
In terms of getting a keyboard shortcut to toggle such a setting (whether the currently-non-existent-(I-think) programming-language-agnostic setting, or an individual programming-language-specific setting), see this Q&A: VSCode: Keyboard shortcuts for modifying user settings, where #matt-bierner points to the rebornix.toggle extension, which allows configuring keyboard shortcuts to toggle individual bi-state settings fields.
As for feature-requests and possible future features to VS Code, see this issue on the VS Code GitHub repo: Toggle problem visibility in Editor #166797. You can show your support for the feature reuqest by giving a thumbs up reaction to the issue. But please don't make a "me too" comment. "me too" comments generally come off as annoying to repo maintainers because they clutter up discussion and don't contribute anything of significant value.
Override theme colors in settings.json
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Visual Studio Light]": {
"editorError.foreground": "#00000000"
"editorError.foreground": "#00ff00"
will make errors transparent while using "Visual Studio Light" theme
and lightgreen while using any other theme, for example
with the extension When File you can make the squiggles transparent when the file is dirty.
Add this to your settings.json file (global or workspace/folder)
"whenFile.change": {
"whenDirty": {
"editorError.foreground": "#ff000020",
"editorWarning.foreground": "#ff000020",
"editorInfo.foreground": "#ff000020"
File add a new line css. Lint dot empty rules and assign the value of ignore.

Customize background color of suggested text

Does anyone know whether it's possible to customize the background of a text after it has been suggested by IntelliSense? I'm using the Everblush theme.
As you can see in the GIF, after selecting the suggested "activityBar.activeBackground" option in the settings.json, I get this annoying white background between the two quotes. This also happens with brackets and with other programming languages (Rust for example).
Do you have any idea on how to change this?
Keep in mind that this happens only after I press the ENTER key on option given by IntelliSense. It has nothing to do with normal text highlighting.
Following rioV8 suggestion, I found out that the option for this particular case is editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBackground.

How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider

I have a VSCode extension that helps me autocomplete file paths, however many file paths grow long and are truncated in the VSCode intellisense popover window.
How can I set VSCode to either:
have a fixed width that I can set to be large
automatically expand to fit the intellisense options (preferable)
I happen to have written the extension so if needed I can update it if that is required.
One way around this is to press Ctrl + Space (or what ever your "Trigger suggestion" shortcut is) while the suggestion popover is open to show more detail about current selection.
So this (where I can't differentiate between the Trans imported from #lingui/macro and the one from #lingui/react):
Becomes this:
I don't think this is possible, VSCode generally gives extensions very little control over the built-in UI. See also the Restrictions section of the Extensions Capabilities Overview. Technically there is a way to hack around that, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
There are also a number of settings for the suggest widget, but none of them seems to correspond directly to width. The closest you can get would be reducing the font size with "editor.suggestFontSize".

VS Code - Turn off auto close tags, but leave on autocomplete

Recently switched from Sublime Text 3 to VS Code. Overall pleased with the switch except for this one little thing that's just annoying enough to be a dealbreaker if there's no solution. In ST3 if I type, say, a <div>, it doesn't automatically drop in a </div>, which is nice because I'm often pasting it in and don't want it closed right there.
What ST3 DOES do, however, is complete the tag the moment I type </. It autofills div> the moment I type the forward slash. This is the behavior I want from VS Code. I can't find any mention of this anywhere which is completely baffling. I know how to autoclose tags, but that's no good becasue then I have to manually close them. I want VS Code, like ST3, to autocomplete the tag for me, just not immediately.
Go to File > Preferences > Settings, search for html.autoClosingTags and set it to false.
This will make it so when you type <div>, it won't insert </div> automatically, but if you start typing </, it won't close the tag automatically. You can press ENTER to make it autocomplete for you.
Or you can leave this option enabled and when you type <div> and it autocompletes, you can just press CTRL + Z.
More information on this behavior here.
Add this to settings.json to make it work like Sublime Text:
"html.autoClosingTags": false,
"auto-close-tag.SublimeText3Mode": true
Go to Settings, search for "auto closing" and enable/disable these options as needed
Or set them in your settings.json file like so:
"html.autoClosingTags": false,
"typescript.autoClosingTags": false,
"javascript.autoClosingTags": false,
On Windows/Linux - Ctrl + Shift + P
On MacOS - Cmd + Shift + P
In the search box type settings.json
paste the following line there
"html.autoClosingTags": false
A very simple trick i learnt
If you want to disable tags auto completion for just a single task for example. To save a file without vscode adding closing tags. Just set a different language mode for that file.
Change from the inferred one i.e html to Batch, Diff ignore. The options on vscode are many. This will enable you to save the file without addition of any closing tags.
After you are remember to reset the language mode to Auto Detect.
To access language mode-:
Use the command pallete and search Change Language Mode or
Find a shortcut at the bottom right section on Vscode.