Which Flurry library should I use for universal iPhone/iPad apps? - iphone

Flurry has a separate analytics SDK for iPad apps vs iPhone apps. If I'm building a universal app to run on the iPhone 4.0+ and iPad 3.2+ (iPad native, not compatibility mode), does anyone know which SDK/lib I should use? And is there any reason I shouldn't use the same SDK/lib for apps running on iPhone 4+ only? (Basically, I'm confused as to why there are separate SDKs at all.)

Since you would like to have your new application work on both the iPhone and iPad please use Flurry's iPhone SDK.
If you have an application that is only meant to work on the iPad please use Flurry's iPad SDK.

With the latest 3.0.7 Flurry SDK version both libraries and headers are identical (tested with md5). Looks like they have merged both branches, possibly as of the 3.0 version. They should make that clear by releasing a common iOS SDK but the answer to your question is now clear: either one will do.

I think the iPhone 4.0+ SDK may work properly on iPad. I have this address where you can ask directly to Flurry Support, they always give me an answer to my questions.
Flurry iPhone/iPad Support

I don't think there is a difference in the Flurry library, they are the same for iPhone and iPad. I think the only difference is when you first set up an application, it asks what platform you're targeting, perhaps just for their own metrics.

A universal aap can be tracked by the iphone sdk.you can also track it separately.then you should use iphone and ipad sdk both.
that is the link at where i found the information for same


How can I deploy app only for iPhone 3Gs,4,4S and skip iPhone5 support?

I want upload app to app store for review but it seems like I need also iPhone 5 screenshots but I don't have app prepared for iPhone 5. Please, how can I deploy app only for iphone 3gs,4,4s?
I find something in Targets/Build Settings/Architectures Standard armv7 and Base SDK is Latest iOS 6.0. Is that what I have to change?
Just for absolute clarity, Apple released an announcement on March 21st 2013 stating that starting May 1st 2013 new apps and app updates MUST be built for iOS devices with Retina display and iPhone apps must also support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5.
You can view the announcement here.
The best solution is to just properly prepare your app for the iPhone 5's display. And no. Changing the base SDK will not help here.
You can't, only apps submitted before iPhone5-release can run in "iPhone 4 mode" on the new iPhone. All updates to apps and newly submitted apps must support the new 4 inch screen.
You cannot exclude the iPhone5 in the target settings and if there were a way to do that, there is no way Apple would approve it. You can remove support for old devices, but never for new ones.
After all, Apple wants as many apps as possible to adapt the new format as soon as possible, and this is what you have to do... don't worry - if you are fairly used to developing to iOS you can do it in just a few hours...
Apple has stated that theY will still (currently) be accepting apps without specific iOS 6 and iPhone 5 support when developed with an Xcode version prior to 4.5, and thus with an SDK 5.1 or earlier. 568h support is specifically not allowed in apps built that way.
Apps built that way will run in letterbox on a 5, or the similar 1X/2X compatibility boxes that the iPad uses for legacy iPhone only apps.
I submitted an app following the release of the iPhone 5 with the latest version of XCode that runs letterboxed on the iPhone 5. Just remove armv7s from your supported architectures.

iOS version to be consider when developing iPhone/iPad applications

What are the iOS version do i need to consider when developing iPhone application?
Based on my research, iOS 3.x, 4.x and 5.x have been considers as available iOS version. But when I consider with devices there lack devices which is running iOS 3.x.
Can someone help me with finding trusted sources where I can find these details i.e source from Apple or something?
From Apple themselves, 93% of users are on iOS 6:
Unless you need to support the iPad 1 or the very old iPhone 3G (not 3GS), go for iOS 6! :)
You can find the percentage of users in this post:
Most current iOS version distribution percentage?
And then decide by yourself which version you should develope to

What version of IOS to use when upload app to appstore?

I am just about to upload my first app to appstore :-)
I have tested the app on an iPhone 3G (IOS 4.2) and my iPhone 4. What version of code should i upload and:
If i upload 4.2 to support iPhone 3G, will that cause any problems with newer phones?
If i upload the latest version of the code i guess iPhone 3G's will not be able to run it?
Is it worth while to still support iPhone 3G?
Can someone please recommend me what to do?
If you upload a version that the 3G does not support, then all 3G users will not be able to download the app.
If you upload a version that is supported by 3G, then only if the users have updated their firmware will be able to use the app.
In other words, the role of thumb is: upload the one that is tested on the latest firmware, but can be launched from as many firmware version as possible.
That might mean to just upload the one that is tested on the least firmware possible, but be careful because newer firmware versions might stop supporting certain APIs that you might have used, and then all newer (potential) customers will be locked out of your app.
If i upload 4.2 to support iPhone 3G, will that cause any problems with newer phones?
If i upload the latest version of the code i guess iPhone 3G's will not be able to run it?
You need to compile for arm6 in addition to arm7 architecture.
Is it worth while to still support iPhone 3G?
That's a matter of opinion. This there any requirement for you specific app that requires a iPhone 3GS?
Choosing the latest ios as the deployment version is bad idea. iOS 4.3 isn't supported by Verizon devices, which means that you will lose a big portion of US users.
I believe most of apple's apps are using "iOS 3.1" as the deployment version, and i would recommend choosing the this as the lowest supported version.
iOS 3.1 is the last version supported by the original iphone, which guarantees that all users can use your app. Note it's not enougth to just pick 3.1 as the deployment version. you will have to test it with a REAL 3.1 firmware. There are a few guides on downgrading your iphone to 3.1, which is helpful for testing (such as http://lifehacker.com/5572003/how-to-downgrade-your-iphone-3g%5Bs%5D-from-ios-4-to-ios-313)

Is it possible to develop iphone, ipad apps using ipad

Usually apple developers use Mac to develop there apps for iphone and ipad. I need to know whether it is possible to develop the same apps using ipad.
No you can't, there is no SDK and XCode running on iOS (yet).
Short answer: no. You need XCode for development, which is Mac-only.
Xcode is not available for the iPad, so I would say practically no at this point.
No, it isn't. Xcode and the iOS SDK is only available for the Mac.
No.There is no XCode or ios SDK for ipad only.
Looking through some forums, it appears it's not possible and unlikely to happen anytime soon...
Apple's XCode is only available on Mac, for a beginning.
Basically NO you can't... you can not compile the app on iPad/iPhone. But think in other way.. do you want to give this functionality to your app users right? then.. you can do one thing.. you can create a template of project which will run using a xml file. you can create this xml file on iPad/iPhone using some interface. (like putting a button on area and set its color). Then you can send this xml file on server. Here you can manually put this xml file in your template project and can compile the app manually on your system. Then you can submit this app to app store for your app users. You can charge them for this.
This is something similar to http://mobileroadie.com/ but on iPad

iPhone application compatibility

Please how can I make sure before developing my iPhone app that it will be compatible with iPhone4, 3GS, iPod touch and 3G?
You need to create the app keeping in mind all the features available in lowest version of iPhone you need it to be compatible to.
For Example:
Suppose you want it to be compatible to iPhone 2G then you cannot use in-app SMS feature as iPhone 2G cannot be upgraded to iOS 4.0 or higher.
In-app SMS feature is only available in iOS 4.0 and higher versions.
Hope this example gave you a proper idea.
Once the app is made, you should test your app throughly on different devices i.e. iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 and iPod Touch.
Unless you test it on device, you cannot be sure because sometimes some of the things work in simulator but crashes on device.
So better to test on device.
Hope this helps you.
If it's the SDK you are talking about, you might want to make sure it runs on iOS 3.X versions. See here for more details.
If it's the hardware you are talking about, you will need to test your app on separate pieces of hardware to make sure that they all run.
The settings in XCode that you make regarding which version of iOS your app will be compatible with is the iOS deployment target and the Base SDK. The Base SDK is the default version you are building against (this should be set to the most recent SDK which is currently 4.3). The iOS deployment target is the earliest version you would like your app to be available for (currently goes back to 3.0 on XCode 4).
These settings are in the settings for your target.
As for if your app will actually work on all of these devices depends on how you program for them. In other words, if you are using new APIs, they obviously will not work on versions that did not implement them.
Hope this helps.
You can't be sure without testing. (and even with testing, some say...)
There are potential "gothcha's" in the iOS API documentation, in the Simulator handling of those APIs, and particularly in device performance, which you may not realize or be able to guess until you actually try an app out on all the device models and iOS versions which you plan to support.
Even some simple apps with no undocumented API use and no compiler or analyzer warnings, et.al., have been know to "break" after a new OS version is released.
You can "claim" an app is compatible by appropriate setting of the Deployment Target in the Build settings, lack of plist hardware restrictions, and in the app store submission data. But that's only a claim, not compatibility.