Lift If LocParam weird behaviour - lift

there is a LocParam If in lift framework. I'm wondering how it is meant to work. I have a simple menu of several items like this one:
val scanning = Menu(Loc("scanning","user" :: "scanning" :: Nil,
S ? "scanning",LocGroup("user")))
which works just good, but when I add the If, there is weird behaviour. Firstly, the labels that are rendered in the <a> tag are not correct, they are taken from other Menu definitions. (Instead of the content of resource key "scanning", I see the contents of S ? "homepage"). Secondly, it just doesn't work, I assume, that the condition should redirect all accesses on /user/scanning to / since the condition is false everytime and it just lets the underlying snippet to render itself as if there wasn't any condition.
val scanning = Menu(Loc("scanning","user" :: "scanning" :: Nil,
S ? "scanning",LocGroup("user"),If(() => false,() => RedirectResponse("/"))))

() => false
That tells lift to never show your menu entry. So what you see is probably a different entry...


Repopulating form fields in Play Framework

Using the Play Framework (2.6) documentation; I am attempting to handle form submission. But I'm running into an issue in repopulating the form fields - which is what I want to do if it has errors (so users can edit their entry rather than having to re-enter).
errorForm => {
formData => {
val oWriteJso = Json.toJsObject(formData) match {
case x if(x.fields.nonEmpty) => getCreatedFieldValues(x)
case _ => None
val oRes = Redirect(routes.Application.index).flashing("success" -> "Entry saved!")
apiC.writeAndRedirect("c", collName, None, oWriteJso)(oRes)(request)
My issue is that the example in the documentation only shows how to pass errorForm directly to a form template (e.g. views.html.form) rather than being able to render the whole page again (i.e. using views.html.index or a Redirect) with the input form fields being populated from the previous request. I found this answer as the closest to this issue but it is a little old and I am using Scala so wasn't able to implement it. Just have no idea how anyone else is doing this or what the sensible, standard approach is. Thanks for any light on this_
If you use the Play helper functions for generating input tags in your view file. They should populate with your values from the last request.
For example you can create an HTML form in your view file using helper methods like this:
#helper.form(action = routes.Application.userPost()) {
You can take a look at Play documentation about helpers in view files at the following link:

Why sbt.Extracted remove the previously defined TaskKey while append method?

There is a suitable method in the sbt.Exctracted to add the TaskKey to the current state. Assume I have inState: State:
val key1 = TaskKey[String]("key1")
Project.extract(inState).append(Seq(key1 := "key1 value"), inState)
I have faced with the strange behavior when I do it twice. I got the exception in the following example:
val key1 = TaskKey[String]("key1")
val key2 = TaskKey[String]("key2")
val st1: State = Project.extract(inState).append(Seq(key1 := "key1 value"), inState)
val st2: State = Project.extract(st1).append(Seq(key2 := "key2 value"), st1)
Project.extract(st2).runTask(key1, st2)
leads to:
java.lang.RuntimeException: */*:key1 is undefined.
The question is - why does it work like this? Is it possible to add several TaskKeys while executing the particular task by several calls to sbt.Extracted.append?
The example sbt project is sbt.Extracted append-example, to reproduce the issue just run sbt fooCmd
Josh Suereth posted the answer to sbt-dev mail list. Quote:
The append function is pretty dirty/low-level. This is probably a bug in its implementation (or the lack of documentation), but it blows away any other appended setting when used.
What you want to do, (I think) is append into the current "Session" so things will stick around and the user can remove what you've done via "sesison clear" command.
Additonally, the settings you're passing are in "raw" or "fully qualified" form. If you'd for the setting you write to work exactly the same as it would from a build.sbt file, you need to transform it first, so the Scopes match the current project, etc.
We provide a utility in sbt-server that makes it a bit easier to append settings into the current session:
I have tested the proposed solution and that works like a charm.

Deadbolt 2 Restrict function has only one possible failure code

This question may have a bit of philosophical aspect to it.
I have been using Deadbolt 2 (Scala) in my Play application and it works quite well.
In looking at the Restrict function definition (line 47) I noticed that it will invoke the onAuthFailure for one of the following reasons:
No user in session (no subject)
Action specified no roles.
User attempted an action for which they did not possess one or more required roles.
In my application UI, I would like to receive a different status code for each of these so that a user that is not logged in (condition 1) will be redirected to login page but condition 3 would be more gracefully handled by just a warning (since they can do no harm anyway and might have accidentally tried to edit when they have 'read-only' access - perhaps a UI bug, but logging in again is a bit draconian).
If I had to settle for just 2 status codes, however, I would want to differentiate between 1 and the other 2. I can see how this could be accomplished but would like to get other opinions on the merits of even doing this.
If I were to implement this change, it looks like I could just override the Restrict function in my own extension of the DeadboltActions trait.
I'm a little new to scala, so I'm open to additional ideas on how to best accomplish these goals.
I decided to just add the code to differentiate between condition 1 and either 2 or 3 as follows:
In MyDeadboltHandler:
class MyDeadboltHandler(dynamicResourceHandler: Option[DynamicResourceHandler] = None) extends DeadboltHandler {
def onAuthFailure[A](request: Request[A]): Result = {
Logger.error("authentication failure")
val json = new JsonStatus("Failed to authenticate", -1).toJson.toString
Results.Forbidden(json).withHeaders("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*")
Results.Unauthorized (json).withHeaders("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -> "*")
def noUserInSession(request:RequestHeader) = {
username(request) match {
case Some(u:String) => false
case _ => true
This works well for me and does not impose upon the basic Deadbolt-2 functionality.

problem for cross plateform rhodes

i have made setup for the rhodes (cross platform) very well and i got the success in setup itself.with the "$rake run:iphone" command i can get the successful execution of demo project.Now i want to handle some issues like i want to do arithmatic calculations in one screen and i want to show the answer in next screen.
How would i get that? give the suggestions please?
I know that it is some time since you posted this, but I hope it helps or that others may find it helpfull.
Assuming that you know how to make the calculations on the first page, lets call it the index-page (as it is properly named in rhodes), you can do it as follows:
Before you begin make sure that you store the result of your calculations in a variable, for these instructions lets call it $result.
1) Create a new .erb file which you want to represent the result page (if you created a model, you already have a .erb file called "show" and could just as easily modify and use that). In this example - lets call the page "result".
2) Create a new def in your controller - lets call it "calculate". This could look something like this:
def calculate
[do any calulations you should desire]
$result = [result of calculations]
render :action => :result, :back => url_for(:action => :index)
This line:
render :action => :result, :back => url_for(:action => :index)
will send you to your result page and define the action for the smartphone's backbutton to navigate back to your index-page.
3) Make sure that your "get-result-button" on your index-page invokes your new def. For a simple link this could for example look something like this:
get result
4) Display the result in the result page.
Your variable from your index-page is still available in the result-page, so you can show the result by adding the following line to your result-page (result.erb):
<%= $result.to_s %> (this will insert your result as a string).

MVC on Lift/Scala

Has anyone tried to do a scala/lift application using MVC instead of view-first?
I know that you can create Controllers/views as:
package test.test.test.view
Lots of imports
class MvcRocks extends LiftView {
def dispatch = {
case "rule" => ruleDispatch _
case "bar" => barDispatch _
def barDispatch(): Box[NodeSeq] = {
Full(<lift:embed what="/mvc_rucks/bar" />)
And this code will be accessible if you add it to the menu(in the boot), even if its hidden as:
val entries = Menu(Loc("Home", List("index"), "Home")) ::
List(Menu(Loc("MvcRock", List("mvc_rocks", "bar"), "Mvc really Rocks", Hidden)))
Now, of course this will make it so, you declare every action in the menu, then have a case for each action(per controller) and that would open the "view" (that would be a file in /mvc_rucks/bar.html).
My question is, if you would implement a full mvc, you would need to put all your logic in the action barDispatch, but how would you send those variables to the HTML template? and how would you receive post/get information?
(Notice that if you html code has lift bindings, it will of course act as view-first, even after you did MVC before).
Since your question is not specific to Lift, I'd recommend you the Playframework. The version 1.1 supports Scala 2.8.
Playframework is totally MVC with a fantastic template engine and allows you to choose freely between java/scala.
And I say: To use Play, you don't need 'nuclear scientist knowledge'. Try it!