Use the system keyboard without a UITextView or UITextField - iphone

I am creating an app with core graphics that needs to take text input and place characters at specific pixel offsets.
Do I have to subclass UITextField or something and re-invent the wheel (redefine it to be a more abstract text entry widget - really I only need the events a UITextField generates) or can I somehow show the keyboard, receive it's events and dismiss it myself!

You could instantiate a UITextField with a frame that makes it invisible (off the "screen" to the left or the top for instance, and make sure the parent view is set to clip child views), and then call [myTextField becomeFirstResponder] to show the keyboard. Make your view controller a UITextFieldDelegate and follow all changes to the text that way, echoing the string using your custom drawing code.


Stop UITableView from animating for keyboard

I have an UITableView with a single cell that contains an UITextView. When calling -becomeFirstResponder on the UITextView my UITableView gets messed up by the automatic animation. This only occurs when the UITextView has to scroll down for the end of the text.
I already tried disabling scrolling on the UITableView.
Depending on the needs of your interface, you could probably do what you're asking by making the parent view controller an instance of UIViewController instead of UITableViewController (which is what provides that "slide to get out of the way of the keyboard" behavior).
Indeed, if your UI consists solely of a text view, you probably don't need a table view at all.

how to get the cursor in UITextView without keyboard?

I am developing a program in which I have UITextView in that I need a cursor without the key board.In this cursor is show only with the keyboard if I hide the keyboard cursor will also get hide.How can I get the cursor without the key board ?
The cursor is displayed as long as you UITextView is being edited.
Thus, you can change its inputView view to some other view if you need to, and it will be displayed instead of the keyboard.
With this method you can add your custom inputView, a UIPickerView for example, or as you say you want you can add a minimalist hidden UIView.
If you want to restrict UITextField content, you still need to implement UITextFieldDelegate, as the user can still paste content to your text field!

Changing the text in a UITextView at runtime

I have a ViewController consisting of just a textView. In its viewDidLoad method, I simply initialize the textView and add it as a subview. In my main ViewController class, when the user presses a button, I switch views and display the view that has the textView. I am trying to change the textView's text however it is not working. Can I not change the text of a UITextView at runtime?
You should keep a reference to your text view.
If you do, then make sure that the reference is correct and valid before setting the new text.
In general, it always helps when you post a problematic code - this way it is much easier for us to help you...

iPhone SDK: How to create a UITextView that inserts text where you tap?

I'd like to create a UITextView that you can tap anywhere within it and start typing at that location. The default behavior of the control is that typing starts where the last character ended. So, if I had a UITextView with no text in it and tap in the middle of the control, I'd like typing to start there--not in the upper left.
What is the best way to implement this behavior? I've considered making the default text value of the view to be 3000 space characters or something similar, but this seems like not an elegant solution. Suggestions?
I suggest deriving from UITextView to create a custom view that handles taps. You'll want to override the following methods, probably:
Make sure the userInteractionEnabled property has a default value of YES. Override hitTest:withEvent and pointInside:withEvent to figure out where in your view the user tapped.
Be sure and read the Responding to Events section in the View Programming Guide for iOS, and also see the Event Handling Guide for iOS for more details.
Anyway, once you figure out where the user touched, you can modify the text or reposition the karat as appropriate.

UITextView in UITableViewCell scrolling problems

Ok. I have made a custom cell for my table, and it contains a text view. When I have multiple lines in the text view, I can scroll up and down, but in doing this the table also scrolls. How can I stop this behaviour? If anyone needs parts of my code or further details, please just ask. I am more than willing.
Thank you for your help
I suggest you to move text edit (write) behavior to another view controller. If you need read-only functionality from it then just increase cell and textView height.
Did you try setting canCancelContentTouches to NO? It's a property of UIScrollView, from which UITableView inherits.
Your custom cell seems to pass on touch events to its container class as well as utilizing them itself. Did you implement any - touchesBegan:, - touchesMoved: or - touchesEnded:?
If you make use of a touch events, you should not pass them on in the responder chain.
When the text view has focus, set scrollEnabled=NO on the table view. You may have to manually remove focus from the text view and restore scrolling when a touch occurs outside the text view.
