UITextView in UITableViewCell scrolling problems - iphone

Ok. I have made a custom cell for my table, and it contains a text view. When I have multiple lines in the text view, I can scroll up and down, but in doing this the table also scrolls. How can I stop this behaviour? If anyone needs parts of my code or further details, please just ask. I am more than willing.
Thank you for your help

I suggest you to move text edit (write) behavior to another view controller. If you need read-only functionality from it then just increase cell and textView height.

Did you try setting canCancelContentTouches to NO? It's a property of UIScrollView, from which UITableView inherits.

Your custom cell seems to pass on touch events to its container class as well as utilizing them itself. Did you implement any - touchesBegan:, - touchesMoved: or - touchesEnded:?
If you make use of a touch events, you should not pass them on in the responder chain.

When the text view has focus, set scrollEnabled=NO on the table view. You may have to manually remove focus from the text view and restore scrolling when a touch occurs outside the text view.


UIImageView and UItextView inside TableView

I'm working on iOS RSS app, and my last view, which is a UIViewController, is similar to the attached image. I inserted in my DetailView.xib, one Image View to pass the images of the RSS feeds and two Text View to pass the title and summary respectively.
The question is, how can i make the same, but inside a UITableview?
you can use custom cells for it and can add this custom cell at particular index. At first index you just add image view and at second index you just add textview.
Check out this pretty good tutorial Custom UITableViewCell Using Interface Builder.
i hope it helps you.
You can achieve this particular thing by using Custom Table View Cell.
Table View gets created using single Table View Cell again and again. It is much more efficient and uses less memory.
You should check this tutorial.
I hope it will help you.
You can make TableView height UITableView.automaticDimension and make sure UITextView autoscroll is disabled and constraint should be leading, trailing, bottom and top.
Here's the link this might work for you:
How to make a UITextView Expand with the text like the Notes app

Stop UITableView from animating for keyboard

I have an UITableView with a single cell that contains an UITextView. When calling -becomeFirstResponder on the UITextView my UITableView gets messed up by the automatic animation. This only occurs when the UITextView has to scroll down for the end of the text.
I already tried disabling scrolling on the UITableView.
Depending on the needs of your interface, you could probably do what you're asking by making the parent view controller an instance of UIViewController instead of UITableViewController (which is what provides that "slide to get out of the way of the keyboard" behavior).
Indeed, if your UI consists solely of a text view, you probably don't need a table view at all.

custom uitablviewcell does not call didSelectRowAtIndexPath in the controller

I have a custom UITableViewCell completely written in code (no IB), it has an accessory button that simply calls didSelectRowAtIndexPath on the table view, and it works correctly and the method is called without problems.
However, when I tap on the cell itself (not on the accessory view) nothing being called, why ?
EDIT: the code is huge to put here ... however, the custom cell contains a ton of labels, couple images and scroll view ...
This is a shot in the dark, but if each cell has many different objects on it (i.e. images, labels, etc) then it may not be working because those objects are what the user is hitting when they try to click a cell. Does the cell turn blue (indicate selection) at all? If not, try hiding/removing those objects for now and see if it works.
If that is the case, then what you may want to do is create an invisible cell or button that sits on top of the other objects and calls didSelectRowAtIndexPath from behind the scenes.
This should solve your problem:
Raise selection event (didSelectRowAtIndexPath) when subview of UITableViewCell is tapped
Try setting your view's userInteractionEnabled property to NO.
This will make it ignore all touch events, and then the views under it will be able to catch these events. - Felipe Sabino
I'd partially answer my question: the wide scroll view is preventing the cell from calling didSelectRowAtIndexPath, removing the scrollView will solve the problem, however, I want to call this method with the existence of the scrollView ... anyone got ideas would be highly appreciated ...
You must post your code to understand what have you done...You have to check out this example to understand whether your code is correct or not...

How to move editingAccessoryView of custom UITableViewCell in edit mode?

I have custom TableViewCell and want to use it in edit mode only. I like the delete accessory view in left side and reorder-control view in right side. But I want to move it a bit to the center of the cell. Can I do it?
I try something like this [cell.editingAccessoryView setFrame:()] but without any success.
Or the only option here is fully custom cell?
The reason why the view's frame isn't reset is likely because self.editingAccessoryView is nil, which is the case unless you set it with a view of your own.
Yes, you should try providing a custom editing view of your own and reset its frame property, but this may interfer with other existing views.
So your best bet is surely to make a full custom cell.

Changing the text in a UITextView at runtime

I have a ViewController consisting of just a textView. In its viewDidLoad method, I simply initialize the textView and add it as a subview. In my main ViewController class, when the user presses a button, I switch views and display the view that has the textView. I am trying to change the textView's text however it is not working. Can I not change the text of a UITextView at runtime?
You should keep a reference to your text view.
If you do, then make sure that the reference is correct and valid before setting the new text.
In general, it always helps when you post a problematic code - this way it is much easier for us to help you...