HP Quality Center Status plugin Hudson or Sonar - plugins

Does anyone have any idea about a plugin for Hudson or Sonar that connects to HP Quality Center and retrieves a status about the opened DEFECTS in a project?

There's currently no plugin for HP Quality Center, but it shouldn't be too hard to develop one.
You can have a look at the source code of the JIRA plugin to see how this could be achieved: https://github.com/SonarCommunity/sonar-jira


Flutter Web Development using an Online IDE

I am doing my development using a Chromebook and wondered if it is possible to develop SPAs using Flutter using an online IDE such as Cloud9 or Codio?
I have managed to install flutter and run it to install dart but am getting stuck as it can't find a Chrome installation.
Is it possible to develop using the cloud IDE and use by local install of Chrome for testing?
You can also check flutlab.io. It's working on Chromebook (Flutter IDE and even Figma integration). Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ0ATecs7Fo
Currently, the only closer web approaches are:
Codespaces being a full VS Code which is currently on Beta Access which will allow the same coding possibilities as the desktop one.
Link: https://github.com/features/codespaces
Alternatively (to CodeSpaces, at least); GitPod has a pretty serviceable free tier to build a testing workspace. They actually have a Github template you can fork, then create a workspace from:
Another nicety is the stack is open source as of last year.

integrate Eclipse and arcanist

Arcanist is a part of code review tool of Phabricator. For some reasons, our developers don't like use commands to push code. Is that way to integrate ecplise(J2EE) and arcanist?
Unfortunately there is no official plugin to integrate arcanist or any other phabricator application data into eclipse yet.
But feel free to create a feature request :)

Is it possible to use Unity Asset Server with Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye?

I am investigating how we can use a code review tool in conjunction with Unity3D development.
We are using the Unity Asset server as our repository. Obviously this repository is not supported out of the box by Atlassian Crucible/Fisheye, and I was not able to find any plugin support for it.
Has anyone been able to figure out a work around configuration? Perhaps using SVN in conjunction with Unity Asset Server, or some other approach?
Or another code review tool that is compatible with Unity3D Asset Server?

Team Development offline

I want a version control system tool, but offline.Like I develop a project on my computer,and someone is working on a different part of this project on a different computer.Is there a tool that allows to me bring the project from different computer to mine and sync all the changes.
I would like to have all functionalities of a version control system like diff,rollback,commit
Please suggest a suitable tool.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
It can be used online or offline easily.
Almost all the version control tools on the market support these features: diff, rollback, commit, offline, etc. I list some tools here for your reference:
Open Source
SourceAnywhere (developed by the company I'm working for)
Microsoft Team Foundation Server

Building an Issue Tracker Plugin for TortoiseSVN

I've read a lot about IBugTraqProvider interface and implementing an issue tracker into the commit dialog of TortoiseSVN.
IBugTraqProvider is written here.
Is there a more simpler way not to do it, building the plug-in and installing it on TortoiseSVN. The Document is not that clear that a developer can create its own plugin.
I'm working with SalesForce as the Issue Tracker, and retrieved the WSDL file to integrate with the Working Items. Now I need to know how to connect it to TortoiseSVN.
Please any suggestions?
Take a look at issue-tracker-plugins.txt in the contrib directory in the TSVN source code. There's a fairly decent example in C# that should get you heading in the right direction.
When I built a plugin, I built a test harness that passed arbitrary information using the IBugtraqProvider interface, so that I could debug the plugin whilst building it, without having to reinstall the plugin into TSVN each time.