Is it good practice to use AppDelegate for data manipulation and Handling? - iphone

I am making an object of AppDelegate and using it throughout my program, and I have declared all setters and getters, and also insert, select, delete, update queries of database in it.
I want to ask that is it a good practice to do so,
if yes, then how, and if no then why it is not a good practice?
I hope my question is clear, please ask relating questions if you have any.

It's not a good strategy to turn your AppDelegate into a "big ball of mud" that contains a million methods and properties (although it might be tempting).
A better and more object oriented approach to section off bits of functionality into well-designed objects -- for example you might have a class DatabaseManager which handles all database interactions. You might then have bits of your app which need the DatabaseManager ask the app delegate instance for a reference to a DatabaseManager.
Alternatively, you can pass around a reference to the DatabaseManager to the parts of the app that need it. This last approach does however cause more 'interface pollution', where you have to modify interfaces in lots of places in order to pass in the DatabaseManager.
And yet another alternative would be to effectively make your DatabaseManager itself be a 'singleton' -- whereby an instance of it is accessed via a class method on the class. Singletons that work in this way are often frowned upon, and usually for good reasons (makes testing harder, that sort of thing). I tend to avoid having objects have their 'singleton' nature baked right into the object -- I prefer, if I need that sort of thing, to have a known point of access (a kind of 'factory' if you like) where you can go to obtain a shared instance.

I think the best way would be creating a global singleton class instead of handling in the Appdelegate.
Declare all you setters and getters there and using the singleton object handle all around your project. See this link how to create singleton class
For Database, create a DataAccessLayerClass. whenever you want to execute any queries access this class. This class methods should have inputs as your data and will create the queries and will execute that query and return the data.

It's all about complexity and your feelings. You must like your solution ;-)
I obviously do this in another way - I've got singleton, which does handle all my common database things. I'm trying to keep application delegate as simple as possible. It's better for code sharing, etc.


What, if any, are the negative consequences of basing a Model layer on NSManagedObject?

I've been doing iOS now for about two years and mostly by consequence of simple data layers (no real need for ID's, joins, complex queries, etc), I've always managed persistence manually by extending NSObject, conforming to NSCoder, and saving my data in flat files.
However, now I am in a position where I need to start doing more complex query work and I am digging into CoreData.
My hangup right now is with NSManagedObject. It's a pretty intimidating class and I am wondering if there are any unwritten gotchas I should be aware of that might restrict my freedom while building a sophisticated application.
For example, things like #dynamic getter/setters are not to clear to me, etc
1) Are there any features of NSManagedObject that would prevent me from handling instances of custom classes just as I would with NSObject?
2) Does NSManagedObject have any unusual behavior when objects are handled WITHOUT the presence of a ManagedObjectContext?
3) Can I supplant a #dynamic property declaration with my own custom getter/setter without too much pain? I use a lot of custom setters to enforce business logic.
and so on, and so on.
Core Data is not lightweight. It will require a lot of changes to the way your objects work, unless they are very basic.
1) Are there any features of NSManagedObject that would prevent me from handling instances of custom classes just as I would with NSObject?
Faulting and the lifecycle of managed objects are a little tricky to understand. Your objects can be "faulted" almost at any time (each iteration of the event loop anyway), which makes them lose any non-persistent state. When they get "un-faulted", they don't have access to anything outside the managed object context to restore their state. It's very hard for managed objects to access anything outside the managed object context.
Transient properties are possible, but are pretty much limited to things that can be computed from the persistent properties, since their state will be lost if the object is ever faulted. You also have to formally declare that you're using a transient property in the data model. Trying to just set up instance variables will run into problems.
So basically managed objects properties all must be persistent or related to persistent properties. Look at the objects you're planning to make managed. Are all their instance variables feasible and desirable to put into a persistent store? If not things will not be straightforward. You probably set up your instance variables in your init. There is no init that gets called every time your program runs for managed objects. There are awakeFromInsert and awakeFromFetch, but those don't work exactly like init. Your code calls init and can pass arguments. The framework calls awake and it gets no parameters.
Threading is another issue to consider. A managed object context, and therefore the managed objects in it, are recommended to be used only by a single thread. If you have multiple threads, and they need to access your model, you need to create duplicate managed object contexts containing duplicates of your managed objects. Core Data is designed to handle that without putting too much strain on memory, disk I/O, and processor, but it isn't lightweight from a coding perspective.
2) Does NSManagedObject have any unusual behavior when objects are handled WITHOUT the presence of a ManagedObjectContext?
You cannot have a managed object without a managed object context.
That's not usually an issue. Managed objects carry a pointer to their managed object context. It can be a little limiting though. If something outside your model needs to create a model object as an input to your model, it needs to have access to the managed object context to do that. Hopefully that would be through some kind of abstraction layer so it doesn't need to know it's dealing with Core Data, but you can't just give it a class and have it alloc/init. It is also a bit of work to move managed objects between different managed object contexts.
3) Can I supplant a #dynamic property declaration with my own custom getter/setter without too much pain? I use a lot of custom setters to enforce business logic.
Yes. It's a bit complicated but doable. You write your own accessors. In addition to your business logic, they must call key-value observing methods like willChangeValueForKey:. Then you access the data using primitive accessors.
1) Are there any features of NSManagedObject that would prevent me from handling instances of custom classes just as I would with NSObject?
Creating and removing them is different, but not difficult. Otherwise, no
2) Does NSManagedObject have any unusual behavior when objects are handled WITHOUT the presence of a ManagedObjectContext?
I'm not sure what you mean, you can pass a managed object to another class and use it quite happily without the other class knowing about the context, but you must have a context somewhere.
3) Can I supplant a #dynamic property declaration with my own custom getter/setter without too much pain? I use a lot of custom setters to enforce business logic.
Yes, NSManagedObject is designed for this purpose. There are plenty of examples of overridden accessors in the core data programming guide - there are some rules you need to follow but they are not too onerous.
Core data is primarily a persistence framework rather than a query framework - I imagine once you get into it you will wonder why you were wasting your time on all those NSCoding implementations...
1) Are there any features of NSManagedObject that would prevent me
from handling instances of custom classes just as I would with
No. You can extend a NSManagedObject subclass just like a NSObject subclass.
2) Does NSManagedObject have any unusual behavior when objects are
handled WITHOUT the presence of a ManagedObjectContext?
The #dynamic directive will create accessors optimized for saving in a persistent store managed by a context. The values will still be available just like any other object but you will generate a lot of overhead.
3) Can I supplant a #dynamic property declaration with my own custom
getter/setter without too much pain? I use a lot of custom setters to
enforce business logic.
You can but you will incur some performance penalty because the generated accessors will be highly optimized for the specific code in your app.
One major point of novice confusion with regard to managed object is missing that the generic NSManagedObject can represent any entity in the data model without subclassing. NSManagedObject has "associative storage" which basically means that it has an open dictionary attached to it that save any key-value pairs. When you you insert a generic NSManagedObject into a context, the keys of the associative storage "dictionary" are set to the property names of the entity given.
Therefore, you are actually never really forced to subclass NSManagedObject. Doing so is largely a matter of convenience.
That is why you sometimes see code that uses generic NSManagedObject and the setValue:forKey and other times you see custom subclasses that use anObject.propertyName.
I would also advise that if you find yourself using or saving managed object outside a context, then chances are good that you have a bad design.

ZF models correct use

I am struggling with how to understand the correct usage of models. Currently i use the inheritance of Db_Table directly and declare all the business logic there. I know it's not correct way to do this.
One solution would be to use Doctrine ORM, but this requires learning curve and all the current components what i use needs to be rewritten paginator and auth. Also Doctrine1 adds a another dozen classes which need to be loaded.
So the current cleanest implementation what i have seen is to use the Data Mapper classes between the so called model and DbTabel. I haven't yet implemented this as it seems to head writing another ORM. But example could be something this: SQL table User
create class with setters, getters, business logic here /model/User.php
data mapper /model/mapper/UserMapper.php, the funcionality is basically writing all the update, save actions in here.
the data source /model/DbTable/User.php extends the Db_Table_Abstract
Problems are with relationships between other models.
I have found it beneficial to not have my models extend Db_Table, but to use composition instead. That means my model 'has a' Db_Table rather than 'is a' Db_Table.
That way I find it much easier to reference multiple tables in the same model, which is a common requirement. This is enough for a simple project. I am currently developing a more complex application and have used the Data Mapper pattern and have found that it has simplified my code more than I would have believed.
Specifically, I have created a class which provides all access to the database and exposes methods such as getUser() etc.. That way, if the DB changes, or my client wants something daft like storing records in XML or we split the servers or something I only have to rewrite one class.
Again, my models do not extend this class, but have an instance of it assigned as a property during construction.
I would say the 'correct' way depends on the situation. Following the YAGNI and KISS principles, it is not good to over-complicate your model setup unless you really believe that it will benefit you in the long run.
What is the application you are developing? How is your current setup of extending Db_Table holding you back?

Consequences of Singletons

So I just delved into the Singleton classes and yes, I find them quite helpful. I use my singletons mostly for data storage for multiple targets (views, tables etc.). That being said, I can already see myself going to implement a lot of singletons in my project.
But can a lot of singletons have a negative impact? From what I've read about singletons is that you create one instance for each of them in a proces. Other class instances get released (assuming they get released properly) from memory, then should singletons be released too?
So to narrow it down to one question: Is it harmful to have a lot of singletons?
Singletons don't scale. No matter what you think should be a singleton, when your system gets bigger, it turns out you needed more than one.
If you NEVER need more than one, a singleton is fine. However, as systems scale, you typically need more than one of anything within its own context.
Singletons are merely another way to say "global". It's not bad, but generally, it's not a good idea for systems that evolve and grow in complexity.
From GOF Book:
The Singleton pattern has several benefits:
Controlled access to sole instance. Because the Singleton class encapsulates its sole instance, it can have strict control over how
and when clients access it.
Reduced name space. The Singleton pattern is an improvement over global variables. It avoids polluting the name space with global
variables that store sole instances.
Permits refinement of operations and representation. The Singleton class may be subclassed, and it's easy to configure an application
with an instance of this extended class. You can configure the
application with an instance of the class you need at run-time.
Permits a variable number of instances. The pattern makes it easy to change your mind and allow more than one instance of the Singleton
class. Moreover, you can use the same approach to control the number
of instances that the application uses. Only the operation that grants
access to the Singleton instance needs to change.
More flexible than class operations. Another way to package a singleton's functionality is to useThe Singleton class can be
subclassed. class operations (that is, static member functions in C++
or class methods in Smalltalk). But both of these language techniques
make it hard to change a design to allow more than one instance
ofclass. Moreover, static member functions in C++ are never virtual,
so subclasses can't override them polymorphically.

Does the DataMapper pattern break MVC?

I have been reading up on multiple PHP frameworks, especially the Zend Framework but I am getting confused about the proper way to go forward.
Zend Framework does not use ActiveRecords but instead uses the Table Data Gateway and Row Data Gateway pattern, and uses a DataMapper to map the contents of the Row Data Gateway to the model, because ActiveRecord breaks down when your models don't have a 1:1 mapping to your database tables. There is an example of this in the Zend Quickstart guide.
To me, their example looks very bloated with a ton of getters and setters all over the place. I came across various blog posts about Domain Driven Design arguing that using so many getters and setters is bad practice because it exposes all the inner model data to the outside, so it has no advantage over public attributes. Here is one example.
My question: If you remove those getters and setters, how will you render your views? At some point the data has to hit the view so you can actually show something to the user. Following the DDD advice seems to break the separation between M and V in MVC. Following the MVC and Zend example seems to break DDD and leaves me typing up a whole lot of getters, setters and DataMappers for all my models. Aside from being a lot of work it also seems to violate DRY.
I would really appreciate some (links to) good examples or more information about how it all fits together. I'm trying to improve my achitecture and design skills here.
Using Value Objects, you can eliminate some of those public setter methods. Here's a description of the difference between Entity and Value Objects. Value Objects are immutable and often tied to an Entity. If you pass all values in with the constructor, you don't need to set these properties from external code.
Something extra, not directly related to an answer, but more focused on DDD:
(Disclaimer: The only thing I know about the Zend Framework is what I read in the linked article.) The Zend Framework is using DataMappers instead of Repositories. Is this really DDD-ish? Well, Fowler's interpretation of a Repository might say no. However, Eric Evans states that a DDD Repository can be very simple. At its simplest, a Repository is a DataMapper (See DDD book). For something more complex and still DDD, see the Fowler article. DDD has a conceptual Repository that may differ from the pattern definition.
I urge you to continue reading about Domain-Driven Design. I think there's a flaw in the assumption that getters and setters violate DDD. DDD is about focusing on the domain model and best practices to accomplish that. Accessors are just a minor detail.
You don't need to implement all the getters/setters, you can use__get() and __set(). What's the problem then?
From my reading of the post, the question is more philosophical rather than practical.
I don't have the time to write in depth, but here is my two cents. While I agree that you want to limit the number of get and set requests because a class should hide its internals, you also need to take into account the Java and PHP are different tools and have different purposes. In the web environment your classes are being built and taken down with each request and therefore the code you write should not depend on huge classes. In the article you pointed out the author suggests placing the view logic in the class. This probably does not makes sense on the web since I will likely want to present the view in multiple formats (rss, html, etc...). Using accessor methods (get & set) therefore is a necessary evil. You still want to use them thoughtfully so that you don't shoot yourself in the foot. The key is to try to have your classes do the work for you instead of trying to force them to do work externally. By accessing your properties with a method instead of directly you hide the internals which is what you want.
Again, this post could use some examples, but I don't have the time right now.
Can someone else provide a few examples of why accessor methods aren't evil?
There are two approaches here: What I call the "tell don't ask approach", and the other is the ViewModel/DTO approach.
Essentially the questions revolves around what is the "model" in your view.
Tell don't ask requires that the only way an object can be externalized, is from the the object itself. In other words, to render an object, you would have a render method, but that render method would need to talk to an interface.
Something like this:
class DomainObject {
public function render(DomainObjectRenderer $renderer) {
return $renderer->renderDomainObject(array $thegorydetails);
In the context of Zend Framework, you can subclass Zend_View and have your subclass implement this interface.
I've done this before, but its a bit unwieldy.
The second option is convert your domain model in to a ViewModel object, which is like a simplified, flattened out, "stringed out" view of your data, customized for each specific view (with one ViewModel per view), and on the way back, convert the POST data to an EditModel.
This is a very popular pattern in the ASP.NET MVC world, but its also similar to the class "DTO" pattern used to transfer data between "layers" in an application. You would need to create mappers to do the dirty work for you (not unlike a DataMapper, actually). In PHP 5.3, you can use reflection to change private properties, so your DomainObject doesn't even need to expose itself either!
Implementing getters and setters has two advantages, in my eyes:
You can choose which properties to make public, so you don't necessarily have to expose all of the model's internals
If you use an IDE with autocomplete, all the available properties will be a TAB away when you start typing "get" or "set"—this alone is reason enough for me.

Classes that have no member data

What do you do with classes that have no member data, only methods?
Do you make them static?
In my case it is an repository class that executes queries against the database. Maybe I got the repository pattern wrong... (It does implement an interface)
Inherit from an Interface mean that you cannot use static. Simply create a class and instantiate it.
If it implements an interface, and gets passed around as that interface, then you can't make the members (or the class) static. The interface aspect means that although an instance won't have any actual fields, it still contains valuable information - its type.
You might want to make it a singleton, but there's no particular need to.
Why won't you make a database wrapper class, that maintains the connection to database opened/closed. Moreover, it can also open it automatically if new query is sent. You can include the functions your class has, running them right on the inner pointer to the database.
I guess this is the best database management pattern. If you use it, you should make a Factory method that returns the object of this class initialized on some specific database. Then you pass that object around.
Or if you are lazy and sure that you will need only 1 database, make it a singleton.
It depends. Most of the time it might be possible to make the class static, but sometimes you need to pass an instance of it around. Sounds like you might be having this situation. In this case perhaps you should consider a Singleton pattern, since more than 1 instance of the class is not likely to be needed?