iphone Game development [closed] - iphone

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would to ask about iphone Game development
i wanaa to develop a game for iphone device , i was read many info about this topic,
As i saw there are many ways to develop game for iphone like coca2D, using unity#d or UDK and other IDE's
I wanna to now WHAT IS THE easiest way or tool to develop game for iphone and if any one know the list for all possible ways for developing game for iphone :)
any idea ??

No offense, but you're asking the wrong question. What you should be asking (yourself) is, what tools are best suited for my particular game and my experience level? For example, if you've never developed on a platform, it usually helps to create a few programs from scratch (I assume this would be with the basic SDK on the iPhone) first. Then go over your game. Is it 2D? 3D? What kind of complexity is involved? What experience do you have (if any) with any of the existing tools currently out there for your platform? If you haven't used any of them, experiment with them first to see if you like them and if they mesh with your game's needs. Every game has different requirements and workflows.
Once you've done some research on this topic, you will have answered your own question. With that said, however, I've heard many good things about Unity, as well as Corona, which lets you build apps on the iPhone (and the iPad, too, I think) and Android devices simultaneously.
Edit: Galaxy Engine and ShiVa 3D also appear to be promising engines which come with tools to aid development. ShiVa 3D can also build games for multiple platforms, which may come in handy if you are looking to port your game.

If you are interested in 2D game development, I would highly recommend cocos2d. There are plenty of tutorials, both from the developers and from third parties, and there is a thriving community on the cocos2d forums to help you along with way. If you are already familiar with Objective-C you shouldn't have a problem learning it. An added benefit is that they recently added Mac support, so porting your iPhone cocos2d app to run on MacOS (and, by extension, to sell on the Mac App Store) is trivial.
If you are working with 3D, or if you're more interested in portability, Unity3D is a very popular option. The only sticking point with Unity3D is the price point, which starts at $400 for iOS development and goes up from there. If that's in your budget, it's definitely worth a look.

Well download XCode, trick around with apple documentation and see if it suits you.

There are a few givens:
Buy a Mac
Download Xcode
Buy a book on beginning Objective C (not necessarily game-specific)
If you want to eventually release your game, 1. and 2. are (almost) imperative.


Creating CrossPlatform Animated Video Rendering Application [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am planning to create a cross-platform (Windows,Android and iOS in future) application just like Plotagon, where we can add/modify 3d model characters in some background scene, apply some animations & sound effects to those characters and finally produce rendered video of it.
When it comes to CrossPlatform, right now I can think of two technologies.
As far as I have researched, currently Xamarin has excellent support for Android and iOS. But, handling 3d Models and rendering becomes nightmare.
Since Unity can be used to develop Apps apart from games, Handling 3d Models and animating it becomes easier task. And I think its the way to go.
But, I have no clue of how to deal with rendering stuff.
Am I going in the wrong direction? If yes, can someone suggest better technology for accomplishing all the requirements.
How can we render a video inside the app?
Little background:
I have 3+ Years of experience in developing enterprise applications(Web based) and few desktop applications using Java and .Net platform. Now started learning Unity3d.
Note: I am trying to avoid C/C++ languages.
I had a similar question when I was making my first game. I would strongly suggest going with Unity3D. I did and was very happy with it. Unity3D has a rich set of tools to help you develop your app and it is great for cross-platform distribution. And, in the case that it does not have what you need built-in, there is a store (the AssetStore) that has an enormous amount of helpful tools and assets.
Take a look around https://assetstore.unity.com to see what it has. You can search for "movie" and get multitude of hits (everything from video capture to movie theater models). As a note, not everything in the AssetStore is free.

How may I know framework behind an iOS Game? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to know which framework or development tools,IDE behind for any iOS Game.
I have tried on google but i didn't found any clue. Please help me for knowing framework behind iOS games.
I have listed some games here. Please let me know if any body know development tools,framework,IDE behind listed games.
1)Grand Defense.
2)Tower Defense.
3)Castle Defense.
There are many games such like listed games. I want to know development tools behind particular iOS Game. I will appreciate for any help.
Thanks In advance.
If you want to precisely know which game uses what, do the following:
Download the game. Decrypt it using some common cracking tools (I do not encourage piracy however!)
Run the class-dump utility on it (google it!), this will generate a list of classes the game has inside.
Compare the class names to the most common game engines to see exactly which one used in the particular game.
you say Frameworks means Opensource and Game Engine??
if right, refer a following site:
In Generally, If you are using objective-C, IDE is xcode. I recommend.
See GameSalad without code development Game.
Tower Defence using a cocos-2d Tutorial following below:
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part1
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part2

iPhone UI design to go [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Does anyone know of something that will let me design or at least sketch out iPhone interfaces on the go? I'm at school about 6 hours of the day, and that's when I get the best ideas, and need to actually make a rough draft of my design.
You didn't say what level of technology you typically have available to you.
If you have an iPad, I highly recommend Penultimate. There are other sketch-type apps around, but this one is my favorite. Simple, and beautiful. There aren't any interface mockup templates or anything, it's just a freehand sketch app.
If you don't have an iPad, might I suggest going low-tech? I never go anywhere without pencil and notepad. My personal weapons of choice are the Moleskine Large Reporter, Plain, a Tul 0.7 Mechanical Pencil (which clips nicely onto the Moleskine's strap closure), and some iPhone templates (which can be printed out, cut to size, and tucked into the Moleskine). You could also throw in a stencil kit, but I usually just freehand it.
Balsamiq Mockups is great for mocking up anything from a Desktop UI to a website to a iPhone app. It has some nice skins and controls for iPhone apps in particular. It also runs on air, which makes it great for cross-platform support and it also means that it can run in the browser (which you have an option to do from their site).
There is also a site to download more UI components for this software: http://mockupstogo.net/
The only downside is that the software is not free... :-( However, you can demo the software and I really do think this is worth investing in.
You also mention designing/sketching out your design, which might work nicely since the mockups will look sort-of sketchy, but you have the benefit of going back and editing it later.

iPhone: Free developer certificate just for learning [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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i was wondering if i can get a iphone developer certificate for free?
I just want to learn objective-c and iphone development.
// No, the xCode iPhone Simulator don't have an accelerometer etc.
As far as I know, no. It's not possible to get into the dev program without coughing up the dough :)
The dev kit (with the simulator) is good enough for most uses though, and you can certainly learn to develop on the iphone though that. As you mentioned, you don't get access to certain features, but such is life.
As everyone has already said you can't get a free certificate. If however your at university it might be worth asking around the various departments to see if they have signed up for a university licence, this is how I've got my development certificate.
The free developers kit that provides the simulator will let you learn how to do 90% of iPhone coding without having to use an iPhone. If you're new to iPhone development and don't know for certain you will be releasing apps for it, I think the getting an actual developer's license is a waste of money.
Instead, get the free stuff and use it to learn the ropes and then only get the license if and when you decide you what to learn the last 10% and/or release an app.
By jailbreaking your phone, you will not be able to always update your phone to the latest version, and therefore as a developer will face the problem when you sync your phone to your computer to test your code, that you will not be doing it with the latest version and Apple do not look kindly to people who release software that is older than the latest version available
You should check out Apple's developer website. They have objective-c and iPhone development tutorials there.

Learning development for the iPhone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have decided to enter the iPhone App development arena and as such have a couple of questions:
Coming from a business management background and having no experience/knowledge whatsoever in developing, what would be the right way to start?
I am aware that I should learn Objective C, to begin with; as well as OOP etc... will reading books and fiddling with iPhone SDK put me on the right track?
What else do I need?
P.S: I am very aware that this will/might be daunting to begin with but I am prepared and motivated.
If you have no development experience I would suggest starting on something other than the iPhone. Even a few days learning the ropes would make starting on the iPhone much easier.
Something like Python would allow you to play around and learn about programming and OO in a more forgiving environment than Objective C. Even some experienced programmers have some difficulties with memory management and the various foibles of the Cocoa touch frameworks. Obviously you'll need to learn all that at some point but trying to learn the basic principles of programming at the same time as fighting segmentation faults is a tall order.
Here is what i did ( although i am from a programming background ).oder important
Intel based mac
Join dev program ( this could be
the last step , but i wanted to something to keep my motivation high :) )
Read first 6 chapters of Programming
in Objective-C 2.0
started watching
stanford iphone course ( available
on itunes )
Started reading the grape-fruit
book ( while referring to 3 for
obj c questions )
Review tutorials/projects from appsmuck
Figure out how to use apple
documentation as reference
Subscribe to iphone blogs / podcasts
like mobile orchard / iphone devs
twitter accounts ( there are several
good ones )
Add iphone cocoa xcode objective c
tags to stackoverflow account
Update I was just reading this from prag programmers ..seems like high level overview that answers your question.
You will be best served if you have a Mac. Here is another post for you to look at. It pretty much talks to your concerns.
I'd recommend following tutorials to get familiar with things.
I like http://icodeblog.com/