Stopping user from making in app purchases on a live iPhone app - iphone

I am trying to stop user from making in app purchases on a live iPhone app. What i have done is i made Cleared for Sale: No in itunesconnect product id and Status is changed to
Status: Developer Removed from Sale. But still i am able to do in app purchase in the app. Any idea why is it? anything i should do? i don't want to delete the product id from the itunesconnect


How to test an iOS Facebook app before getting an app ID from Apple?

I'm developing an iPhone app which uses Facebook sharing. I cannot create the Facebook app because it requires an "iPhone app store ID". I don't have this id because I haven't submitted the app yet. I can't submit the app because it doesn't work yet... because the Facebook integration isn't set up.
It seems that I'm stuck in a paradox! Am I missing something?
You can generate an Apple ID for your app, by logging into iTunesConnect and going through the submission process. Just stop short of clicking the 'Ready to Upload' button. Then your app will have an Apple ID that you can use, and you can still go back and change any of the metadata that Apple asked you to enter (description, keywords, screen shots, etc.).
Once you've finished building your app, log back into iTunesConnect, make the final changes to your App Store details, then upload the binary.
You don't need YOUR Appstore ID, you just need ANY. This ID is used for a link from facebook to your App in the store. As long as you don't care that this link will leed to another app - not yours - i.e. while testing, you can just enter any Appstore ID. That's what I did and it works fine.
Facebook's iOS tutorial says:
iPhone App Store ID - If you have an iPhone app that is listed in the
iTunes App Store enter the ID here, e.g. 123456. If Facebook links out
to your app and finds that the user does not have your app installed,
then it will take the user to your app in the store. The user can then
install your app. If your app is not in the iTunes App Store you can
enter any valid app's ID but be sure to update this when your app is
approved in the App Store.
For testing use 0(Zero),
iPhone Store ID = 0
iPad Store ID = 0
and click on Save Changes.
0 Will be disappeared but your work will be done.
Note:- update this id before going live.

inApp purchasing for iphone before app has been submitted

I am trying to add in-app purchasing to my iphone app, but it is a brand new app, and not in the app store. I would like to add buttons so when the user clicks on them, they are directed to the app store to purchase that feature. How is this accomplished without app having a link on the app store?
In App Purchases themselves are not on the App Store. They are in your app but locked. So in the end you don't need any link to the store.
In app purchasing does not work through the App Store, but rather through your own UI. You can find the docs below on how to build your own "Store Front".
Full docs
"Store Front"

In app purchases in iTunes Connect. How to make the in app purchase "Cleared for sale"?

I am trying to add in app purchases to an app that is already for sale on the app store for the next update. I have never added any in app purchases to it before.
I am using MKStoreKit to handle the in app purchases so I figure everything is as it should be on the coding side of things.
When my app starts up I query the list of available in app purchases, this successfully returns the list of in app purchases (just two at the moment) and the prices of them.
I have a button in my app that sends a purchase request, I pass in the appropriate product ID. This consistently gets cancelled every time and I get the error message
User cancelled transaction:
in the log.
From reading other blogs and posts I have come to the conclusion that it is because my in app purchases aren't cleared for sale in iTunes connect, they currently say "Waiting for Review".
I have tried everything on this check list to try get this to work but still nothing.
I submitted an app and then a few hours later developer rejected it because I heard this worked for some people.
Anybody know how I make the in app purchases cleared for sale in iTunes Connect?
Just spotted that I never closed this question. The reason this was happening was because Apples servers were acting up at the time. Game center sandbox was also effected at the time. I left it alone for a couple of days and it started working when I got back to it.
Actually you should have tested the in-app before submitting them for review. Afaik, as soon as they are in-review state, purchases with the test account might not work. You could try and create another in-app item for testing purposes, just create it and try to purchase that (using your iTunes Connect Test account) without submitting it for review.
The cleared for sale status can be set in the pricing and availability section of the respective in-app item.

Help me on my app version 2

I have one iPhone app in app store, in that application my in app purchase was working correctly.
again submited my another version of application without changing the code but now the in app purchase it is not working...
Please help me out, why my in app purchase is not working actually.
Check Whether it is showing "Clear for sale" status for in app purchase items in itunes.

invalid Product Id's in In App Purchases iPhone application?

i just created In App Purchases for my new application and checked Cleared for Sale option.
But when i test my application after 2 days its still giving me invalid product id's..
I didnt Approve them earlier. Do i need to approve the App Purchases too before testing them...Will that affect my application when i upload my final binary and apple starts testing it??
I had the same problem.
It turned out I had to increment the version number of my app in my bundle. This was an app already on sale on the app store for which we decided to add in-app purchase.
Also make sure your bundle Id matches the one in iTunes Connect.
You don't need to approve the in-app purchase to test it only to clear it for sale.