Accordion script: OnLoad How to Collapse all menu items? - accordion

I found this really lightweight accordion script. This is the function that makes it work . On page load it automatically shows one of the menu items. I want it on page load to not show any ... the accordion to be in a collapsed state.
Any ideas or suggestions on what to modify in the script on page load to have the accordion in a collapsed state?

Try setting {active:false, collapsible:true} in the options


What is best way to add buttons or links to the ExpansionPanel without triggering a collapse?

I am using material-ui's ExpansionPanel and inside the ExpansionPanelSummary I would like to add some action items (Links or Buttons) so that users can interact with nicely to drive something inside that panel. When I added a Typography and Link under, what seems to happen is that clicking on the link will also collapse the panel (and vice-versa if it is already collapsed).
Is there a way to have the summary not collapse/expand when items inside the panel's summary are clicked?

I am trying to make side menu in ionic app. But links of side menu not clicking

I am trying to make a side menu bar in my app. the side menu is showing. but I can't click those links. When I inspect the page and select an item, it is selected tag.
Assuming that you have used this example. This example does not implement click events, to add them:
In React, use onClick() handler.
In Angular, use ng-click or bind event (click)
This should be added to every "ion-item" tag in above example.

Any links or HTML form items like button inside the Bootstrap 4 modal is unusable

I have cart icon, which when clicked loads the cart of the user in a Modal. However, any link or HTML form items like input or buttons that are within this modal are unusable. It can never be brought to focus nor clicked. I tried playing with CSS property z-index with no success.
Check site here.
Add any product to cart and then click bag/cart icon on the top right to see the issue.
Changing the pointer-events value in CSS solved the issue. wrapping the content part in an element with class modal-content is also fixing the issue as suggested in comments.

Jscroll pane is not working when dynamic data is appended to an empty div

I have an empty div to which data may be appended dynamically through a ajax call on button click. I have Jscroll pane tagged to that div and its not working. The div is without scroll. But the scroll works when I put only a static data to that div. Please help me out.
You need to reinitialize the scrollbar whenever the content is updated. See an example here

How do I get html data to show in an panel when I click an item in my listbox? gwt

I am using eclipse with the google web toolkit plugin and have built a widget which has a ListBox and a horizontal SplitLayoutPanel. I want to be able to click on an item in my list box and have it display the HTML in the top pane of my split panel. I think I need to setup click handler but I am not quite sure how to go about this. Please give me a push in the right direction.
Add a ChangeHandler to the listBoxInstance. In the onChange, get the selected value using getSelectedIndex()/getValue(). Process as required.