iPhone - changing the product name - iphone

I have an application on the store that has two versions: for iPad and iPhone. I have noticed now that one of the apps have a misspelled name on the product name field on the target info (see picture).
I wonder what would happen if I correct that. Will I have problems changing the name there?
My concerns are:
iTC complains that the app is not the same as before
The corrected version is not seen anymore by iOS as an upgrade to the old release. So, users are unable to update and will be forced to buy it again to continue receiving updates
Do you guys know something about this?

It shouldn't matter. What determines the uniqueness of your app is its App ID.
The Product Name is just the name displayed on the home screen.
So as long as you don't change the App ID, you should be fine.


changing the names of app once it is approved by apple

Im little bit confused with a issue.
I have submitted the two versions of my app.
Both versions are approved by apple.
When i submitted unfortunately i gave the names in wrong way,for full version i gave(sample full) and lite version as (sample)
Now my client what the full version to be read as (sample) and lite version as (sample lite).
When i changed the bundle name it is showing in the way i want (below icon).
But in itunes when submitting both are showing (sample).
will this be an issue.?
how can i change the name in itunes connect while submitting the update.?
Can anyone help me please.
thanks in advance.
You can't change the name of the app that will be displayed into iTunes. you can change the bundle name, you can change many things around this, but not the name that appear near the icon of the app into iTunes, except sending a request to Apple.
If I understand correctly, you currently have:
Version A's name = (sample full)
Version B's name = (sample)
And you want:
Version A's name = (sample)
Version B's name = (sample lite)
It is possible to change an app's name when you create a new version in iTunes Connect but you can't choose a name that is already in existence. So in this case you'll first need to update version B and renaming it (sample lite), wait until approval is complete, and only then, now that (sample) is no longer in use, update version A and renaming it (sample) and wait until approval is complete.

iOS App won't start after OTA deployment of the same version

We're distributing an iOS App over the air to our beta-testers. We've now noticed, that if a tester installs the exact same build of the app he already has on the system, the app won't start anymore. There are no provisioning warnings or anything like that. The screen just goes black for about 1/4 of a second and the app quits again. If we delete the app, the install will work fine after that. Also upgrading the app to a new build works fine. This only happens if we try to install the exact same build. Has anyone experienced something similar?
A reason of crash of a new version of the app is that the serialisation of objects in cache has changed. If it's the case, you may clean the cache at the first launch.
Another reason may be an old expired profile.
I had this same issue. It turns out that the issue was related to the naming of the Bundle ID and Product Name. The bundle ID suffix should match the product name exactly without spaces or special characters. Many people (including myself) have changed the product name to reflect the name that they wish to be shown on the iPad home screen. It turns out that this should not be done, and the proper method is to match the Product Name to the Bundle ID suffix, and then in the Info.plist, there is a property called "Bundle Display Name" that can be changed to reflect what will be shown on the iPad's app home screen. Once I made this change, the error went away in all of my apps.
For example:
Bundle ID:
Product Name (Build Settings):
Bundle Display Name (Info.plist):
App Name (this can be whatever you wish)

Someone has used my iPhone app name

12 months ago I developed an iPhone app which was rejected by the app store. I have recently come up with a solution to get round the reason why the app was rejected and was planning on resubmitting. I have just discovered that an app was released less than a month ago with the name I was going to use for my app. Is there any way that I can object to this? Not only did I submit <my iphone app name> but I also own the domains www.<my iphone app name>.com and www.<my iphone app name>.co.uk.
There are a couple of similar questions on here which suggest trademarking your app name to prevent this from happening and also effectively reserving an app name within the app store. I specifically want to know if there is a way of objecting to someone elses name.
EDIT: I am NOT looking for opinions as to whether I will be able to stop the name of my app being used by someone else. I want to know if there is a way of contacting apple about this
What branding do you have around your name? Since you haven't released, one could argue that you chose the name after seeing the success of the other application. If you don't have demonstrable pre-existing art then you don't have much to stand on.
To save time, money and heartache, I would simply change your name. If you already have a lot invested in the name (marketing, ads, reputation) then the cost of changing your name may outweigh the cost of fighting.
The other argument is it took you 12 months to resubmit. That will show a lack of interest on your part, and a lack of enthusiasm. Should apple be required to prevent apps with the same name of a previously reject app from being approved for ever on the off chance they re-submit?
For some insight into Apple's thinking on this:
Short version: choose a different name for your app and move on.
If they were on the store before you and if you haven't trademarked the name, then it goes to them. Doesn't matter if you "came up with the name first" or you have the domain names for it, they got to the store first. Just change the app's name, that's all you can do, unless you own the trademarks (and have owned them before their app came out), then you can go after them.
There doesn't appear to be any way of contacting apple about this.

The Bundle ID you entered has already been used for a LITE version

I'm trying to add a Lite version for one of my iPhone apps.
In iTunes Connect, I click "Add New App".
Then, on the first screen appearing, I need to enter App Name, SKU Number and Bundle ID. The problem is I get the error "The Bundle ID you entered has already been used." although it is NOT used in any other application submitted.
Anybody else encountered it?
P.S. It seems the Bundle ID combobox does not show ALL of the App IDs I have... how is it populated?
Well, after a couple of mails to Apple and a few days, the updated list of Bundle IDs magically appeared in the desired combobox.
I guess I'll have to live with the fact that it's a kind of magic :)
Logging out and logging in again at iTunes Connect fixed this problem for me - the new bundle id showed up afterwards. About 5 minutes had passed also, you might want to try waiting a bit if logging out and in does not help.

Unable to have two versions of the same app on the one iphone

I have two versions of my app. I'm trying to keep a copy of each on my iPhone for testing purposes.
In my build settings, my bundle display name is ${PRODUCT_NAME} and I've given each version of my app a different product name (eg "v92" and "v10"). When I install each version to my iPhone, they both appear side by side with different names, however one will work normally, and the other will immediately close the moment it's opened. If I delete the version that works normally, the other will start working.
Does anyone know what's going on?
I think the apps are distinguished on the device by the App Id and not the product name. I dont know how you were able to install two apps only by changing the product name. When i mistakenly installed a different app with same app id but different product name the original app was overwritten.
Try creating a separate app id for the new version only for testing. That might solve your problem but make sure you use the correct app id when you submit your app.
EDIT: It might not be the right solution if you are doing some app id specific stuff (like APNS) in you app.
I ran into this one too and eventually solved it. I know the solution had to do with changing something in the information property list, but I'm not sure exactly what. I would suggest making sure that all of the following are different for your two versions:
bundle display name
executable file
bundle identifier
bundle name
At least you can create two app id's and two provisioning profiles in your developers account. Then you'll be able to install your 2 versions like a two different apps. It's an ugly solution, but it definitely works.