changing the names of app once it is approved by apple - iphone

Im little bit confused with a issue.
I have submitted the two versions of my app.
Both versions are approved by apple.
When i submitted unfortunately i gave the names in wrong way,for full version i gave(sample full) and lite version as (sample)
Now my client what the full version to be read as (sample) and lite version as (sample lite).
When i changed the bundle name it is showing in the way i want (below icon).
But in itunes when submitting both are showing (sample).
will this be an issue.?
how can i change the name in itunes connect while submitting the update.?
Can anyone help me please.
thanks in advance.

You can't change the name of the app that will be displayed into iTunes. you can change the bundle name, you can change many things around this, but not the name that appear near the icon of the app into iTunes, except sending a request to Apple.

If I understand correctly, you currently have:
Version A's name = (sample full)
Version B's name = (sample)
And you want:
Version A's name = (sample)
Version B's name = (sample lite)
It is possible to change an app's name when you create a new version in iTunes Connect but you can't choose a name that is already in existence. So in this case you'll first need to update version B and renaming it (sample lite), wait until approval is complete, and only then, now that (sample) is no longer in use, update version A and renaming it (sample) and wait until approval is complete.


Delete new version of app in iTunes connect

I uploaded a new version of my app in iTunes connect and I do not want and/or need it - how do I get rid of it?
Currently the status shows Prepare For Upload with yellow dot..
I want to delete new version of app, which shows status of Prepare For Upload and not the old one which shows ready for sale status and new one is already available in store.
Is it possible to delete new version of app in iTunes Connect, without affecting old one?
Another work around for this is to simply go to the version you want to delete and update the version number.
I.e. in my case we had created an update for version 3.1.2, but now wanted the update to be version 3.2. Instead of deleting the newly created 3.1.2 version (which I don't think is possible), we updated the version number.
You cannot delete a new version you have created from iTunesConnect before you have uploaded a binary. You can only delete full apps - before or after review.
Apple give a fairly full description of what is going on here without saying explicitly that you cannot delete versions. They do say you cannot remove a platform once created - and they seem to work like versions.
I suppose they never imagined people would create a new version by mistake or as an exercise - but we do!
The only reason I can think of is as a safety measure so that you cannot strand people who have bought your app for a platform that you then remove. I am guessing versions work like platforms in the background and so Apple cannot give us the functionality for one and not the other.
You don't have to worry, Prepare to Upload status means the itunes is asking you to tell that you are ready to upload binary and click the button Ready to Upload Binary.. Your build must be rejected by someone, or you haven't yet uploaded any.
If you want to upload a new build you have to click Ready to Upload Binary, then the status will turn into Waiting for Upload, then if you upload the binary successfully it will turn into Upload Received, then it goes into Waiting for Review, next come In Review, then your status might be Rejected, or Ready For Sale, or Approved(It needs to be released manually)..
I hope above clears your doubt..
Update -
The process has been changed a lot, though You can't delete a Binary, you need to upload new binary by changing the build number if you don't want to change the Version number of the build. For the process of upload, we don't have option to make it Ready to Upload anymore.. You follow the following steps..
Upload a Binary of a specific version from XCode.
Check Activity Tab in itunesconnect of your app, it should show the uploaded binary in processing mode, it will get processed in sometime.
Click on your App Version which might be in Prepare to Submit state, go inside and add your recently uploaded and processed build and click on Save.
Then Submit for Review
You have to go to manage your applications and go to your app. There is a details button and click on binary details under the heading links.
there should be something like "reject the binary" on that screen.

App Store application renaming [duplicate]

Is there any way to rename you app in itunes connect?
Yes, but only at the time when you submit a new version or if the app hasn't gone live yet.
Now you can rename your app's name while uploading new version. You can edit your app name inside metadata information.
Open iTunes connect page with your application.
Then open version of application and press "Edit" near "Metadata and Uploads".
You can edit there.
You can change the app name if application is not yet released in AppStore, phase 'Waiting For Review' is ok
You don't need to submit a new version (If you haven't gone live yet), Nor is it impossible.
Click on the app to go to App details. At the top beside "Version Information" click edit. Change the app name and press save.
That's it! :D
Home -> Manage Your Applications -> yourapp -> Versions (if you already have multiple versions, otherwise it will just be Version Information)
The app name is listed under Version Information but there's no way I can see to edit the Version Information of a submitted and approved app.
You can only edit the app metadata and that does not include the name.
You need to create a new version and you will be able to put in a new app name.
If your application is in Waiting for review mode then you can change your app name inside Viewdetails->Metadata and Uploads->app name
If your application is in live mode then you need to submit new version with new name.
You can rename the name of the app on the Applications Manager inside iTunes Connect. Choose the app. Edit it. That is simple.
To alter the name that shows under the icon you need to change the .plist config file inside the app package and upload it again. The standard is the Project name itself but you can change this in the bundle.

"No suitable applications were found" when trying to submit update to the app store

I looked through the other questions for this, but they didn't answer my question. I'm trying to submit an update for my application, so in the iTunes Connect I clicked add a version and updated the version to 1.01. I then went into the info.plist and updated the bundle version to 1.01. I get the above error though when I try to submit it to the app store. In my Manage applications it says version 1.01 prepare for upload.
Rather than making the version change in the plist directly, use the summary tab on the project bundle's target page. Also, make sure your bundle identifier hasn't changed there either. Be sure to hit enter after any changes and check the next tab 'info' to see if the changes have reflected there. If those all match and you're still having an issue, contact apple.
You need to click the "Ready to Upload Binary" button before Xcode will find it.
Otherwise it's probably the precceding zero in your version number. You should use 1.1 or 1.0.1.

iPhone - changing the product name

I have an application on the store that has two versions: for iPad and iPhone. I have noticed now that one of the apps have a misspelled name on the product name field on the target info (see picture).
I wonder what would happen if I correct that. Will I have problems changing the name there?
My concerns are:
iTC complains that the app is not the same as before
The corrected version is not seen anymore by iOS as an upgrade to the old release. So, users are unable to update and will be forced to buy it again to continue receiving updates
Do you guys know something about this?
It shouldn't matter. What determines the uniqueness of your app is its App ID.
The Product Name is just the name displayed on the home screen.
So as long as you don't change the App ID, you should be fine.

The Bundle ID you entered has already been used for a LITE version

I'm trying to add a Lite version for one of my iPhone apps.
In iTunes Connect, I click "Add New App".
Then, on the first screen appearing, I need to enter App Name, SKU Number and Bundle ID. The problem is I get the error "The Bundle ID you entered has already been used." although it is NOT used in any other application submitted.
Anybody else encountered it?
P.S. It seems the Bundle ID combobox does not show ALL of the App IDs I have... how is it populated?
Well, after a couple of mails to Apple and a few days, the updated list of Bundle IDs magically appeared in the desired combobox.
I guess I'll have to live with the fact that it's a kind of magic :)
Logging out and logging in again at iTunes Connect fixed this problem for me - the new bundle id showed up afterwards. About 5 minutes had passed also, you might want to try waiting a bit if logging out and in does not help.