GWT dev mode not only on localhost for mobile application development - gwt

I need to debug and test a mobile web-application.
How to setup a working GWT development mode for mobile application development to enable a fast development environment? I would like that GWT-hosted mode could be executed on an iphone browser. Is there a suitable alternative?

GWT development mode requires a plugin in the browser to translate between Java source and JavaScript running in the browser. Since the iPhone browser doesn't support plugins at all it is not possible to use development mode on an iPhone.
You should be able to use a WebKit browser (Safari or Chrome), resized to the approximate dimensions of the iPhone, to test the layout of your application. You'll still have to perform a full compile when testing iPhone specific features (gestures, etc.).


Can I use Chromium dev tools on mobile device?

I am mobile device web middleware developer, and I have to check some webapp's performance (not an Android, not an iOS device).
Those webapps (not a web service or web page. those are a kind of hybrid app) are very device dependent, so I can't use desktop Chromium dev tools.
Below is desktop Chromium performance dev tool.
I want to know "Loading time, Scripting time, Rendering time, Painting time".
How can I check those things on mobile device?
Command line interface, logs, anything is okay...
Try Remote Debugging. The page actually runs on the mobile device, giving you an accurate view of mobile performance, but you inspect the performance from a laptop / desktop that’s connected to the device.

Is there a phonegap iphone emulator

Is there a way to test PhoneGap projects on various iPhones using an emulator. I am using the PhoneGap Build website.
I can do this easily with Appcelerator projects but can't see how to do this with PhoneGap.
There are several classes of emulators that you can use for Phonegap, and all mobile development.
webbrowsers in emulation (responsive) mode
Wienre (comes with server)
Ripple (work with Google Chrome)
IDE (eclipse, Android Studio, etc.
On #1, Google Chrome is the most popular and there are several plugins, Ripple being the most popular. Firefox has plugins and most people use Firebug. The browsers are mainly use for UI development. They all to a varying degree have WEB API access(1), which is good for testing but requires side steps to integrate with phonegap (so most people only do rudimentary testing with Web API). Firefox ctrl+shft+m ; Google Chrome ctrl+shft+i (then look for phone icon)
On #2, Weinre (pronounced winery), launches a window in emulator mode and has access to the console. This allows additional messages, more than in webbrowswer emulation mode.
On #3, Ripple is a favorite because it works with Google Chrome. It is similar to Wienre, but has no server.
On #4, Many of the mentioned IDEs have an emulator built in, or use an SDK to accomplish the same task.
Added Sept 1, 10:30pm PDT
There is this also.
What IDE for Phonegap? Is Eclipse enough? [closed]
Which IDE for Phonegap? Is Eclipse enough?
Best of Luck
#1 - Many of the plugins have an API base on Web API.

Building app, mobile web app and desktop web app using Ionic

We will develop an app that we would like to distribute in through the following channels:
Android and iOS apps through Google Play and iTunes (the app will
use notifications extensively and presence in Google Play and App store is required)
Web app to run in web browsers on mobile devices
Web app to run in web browsers on laptop and desktop computers. We would like to support Chrome, Internet Explorer (starting from IE9),
Firefox and Safari browsers.
Our understanding is that Ionic is developed targeting primarily 1. and that the web apps in 2. and 3. above are not really what Ionic is intended for. We have looked around to try to understand if Ionic likely works for 2. and 3. and also made some quick tests ourselves.
From one of the links at the end: "Your webapp will run in desktop browsers yes, as it is made of html, css and javascript. The phonegap specific javascript calls (accelerometer, compass, file, etc) won't. Basically, if you stick to standard yes you will be able to port relatively easily your app to most browser, the job at this point being mostly a work of theming."
From another one: "I do know that FireFox is simply not supported. I don't know how well Ionic works in IE X."
To try it out we have built a limited version of our app in Ionic. From what we can see the app works for 1, 2 and 3. For example, it runs without issues on FireFox that is mentioned as not supported in the quote above. This means that to us it looks like the first quote saying that the web app will work in desktop browsers is correct.
I understand that this is a fairly generic question and might be hard to answer, but since we have found contradicting information when looking we are trying to understand more before making a decision.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Is it a good idea to use ionic to build mobile web version of a website?
Can Ionic Framework run in desktop web browser like Chrome, Mozilla, IE9+?
Phonegap web app in regular desktop browsers
Ionic is tested for mobile only. Internet Explorer for example is not tested and does not properly handle a number of features in Ionic. Desktop browsers act differently than mobile browsers.
Ionic is focused on building native/hybrid mobile apps rather than
mobile websites.
As such, our browser support tends to be whatever Web View API is
available to native apps on a given platform. For Ionic 1.1.0
"xenon-xerus", that means UIWebView for iOS 7+, and Android 4.1 and
up. Windows Phone and FirefoxOS support is on our roadmap.
If it's cheaper for you to test everything on all different desktop browsers than to develop a version for it sharing the same controllers and services --- go ahead but it won't come "out of the box".
Also, I recommend looking at Electron to build desktop apps from webapps.
ionic is targting mobile apps only , but you can develop your desktop app using node webkit and angular material for example and share some code between your apps

Native Mobile browser based apps

Wondering if someone could point me in the right direction, as I am unsure of the correct terminology. I am looking to create a mobile website, which loads in a browser based application (iPhone, Android).
I have seen this done before. For example, the bank of america application is actually installed via the App Store, however, it is simple a browser window that loads the Bank of America mobile site (which is built to look and function like an app).
I find this to more cost-effective, as developing a mobile app is less intense, as opposed to developing applications for 2-3 different mobile platforms.
Can someone provide insight into the terminology or methods used to accomplish this? Looking for articles, examples, etc.
Thanks in advanced!
I would suggest to use IBM Worklight.
Worklight is an Eclipse-based visual development and server platform for mobile apps. Using Worklight and popular open technologies, you can build, test, deploy, and manage your smartphone and tablet apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone devices, with maximum code reuse and per-device optimization.
Worklight supports open technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Apache Cordova, and popular JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, Dojo Mobile, and Sencha Touch.
Worklight offers extensive runtime libraries and client APIs that expose and interface with native device functionality.
Worklight includes a browser simulator so you can test and optimize the user experience of your mobile content on varying mobile devices.
Worklight consists of an IDE (Worklight Studio), a Java-based server, device runtime components, a web-based console for managing deployments, and an application center.
for more info see
Take a look at PhoneGap or Appcelerator, two of the bigger names in this "native wrapper" technology.

Requirements for web development for iPhone Mac/Windows?

I am planning to make an iPhone web application and I just wanted to know what is required for web development?
Can I do the web development on a windows machine? Does Apple provide any iPhone plugin so that we can develop web application using Windows?
What is required for developing on a Mac?
If you are making a web application, you can download Safari for Windows and view it there.
You can also use Joe Hewitt's iUI framework to make your app look and feel all iPhone-y.
? If you are gonna build a web application, the application runs on the browser. To use your application the user use Safari (on the iPhone). Apple doesn't control web applications.
If you mean, embed your web application, INSIDE a native iPhone application, you need a Mac to build the wrapper, for the core application you can use whatever system you want.
May I suggest to take a look at phonegap (if you are looking to iPhone app).
Check out these three apple sites:
I would check out these pages thoroughly, and also at a minimum, I'd download safari for mac or windows.
Yes, you can develop it on windows. They are just web apps.
For mac or windows, latest safari and a public website is probably all you need. Check out google app engine for a good free development site that supports a database/datastore.
Also, you can look at the webapps on a regular computer.
I presume you are talking about creating a web application designed to be used from an iphone.
The iphone uses safari as its browser. You can download this for use on windows and it should give you an accurate representation of how your app will look when rendered on an iphone. However in order to test how well your app performs on the phone, and if it really is usable using the touch screen the I think the only way to be really sure is to test using the iPhone.
You can use safari for windows to test the rendering but for your final tests you need to use a real iphone in order to understand how your users will experience it.