Multiple UIWebView in UIView - iphone

Anybody please give me some idea that how can i implement multiple UIWebView in UIView just like in BBC App.

hello first create an object and place it on the correct spot then :
[self.view addSubview:YOUR OBECT];
here is an example that will help you (see under Adding a label programmatically)
cheers endo


CPTGraphHostingView in a UIView

I was really impressed, and really grateful about the answers I recived last time I asked here.
I have this problem with Core Plot.
I want to have a CPTGraphHostingView inside my UIView so I can have things like labels and scroll views below it.
I am using XCode 3.2 by the way.
How do I do this programmatically? Or with the Interface builder if possible.(I need the instructions to be detailed as im I bit new to this sort of thing)
Thanks for your support.
If you want to add a core plot graph to a UIView you have to add a CPTGraphHostingView as a subview to the UIView. In the example below, hostingView is a UIView and graphObject is a CPTXYGraph.
CPTGraphHostingView *graphHostingView = [[CPTGraphHostingView alloc] initWithFrame:hostingView.bounds];
[hostingView addSubview:graphHostingView];
graphHostingView.hostedGraph = graphObject;
Simple adding CPTGraphHostingView as a subView of UIView [programatically] didn't work for me.
I have searched through many threads and at the end I tried the simplest way to do this - I have created new UIView in interface builder and in this view I have created another UIView and change it to CPTGraphHostingView. Now I can simply create chart [like in tutorials] and link its main UIView anywhere I want.
I don't know why this didn't work programatically but it works from Interface Builder.
I use Xcode 4.2 and Core plot 1.0

Close tableview in ViewBasedApplication

probably a very simple question but can't find the right answer anywhere. I am using XCode 4 and working on an iphone app, which probably sums up all the info that I need to provide.
Here it is:
- I created a ViewBasedApplication
- At some point depending on the user input, I load a TableView
But now how on Earth do I add a button or something to return? Note: I can't use a NavigationBased app, that would be easier but would not work for me.
Help anyone?
If you used a UITableViewController, you may want to use a UIViewController instead. In the UIVeiwController, you can add a UITableView along with your own UINavigationBar or, if you don't want to use a UINavigationBar, you could leave room for some type of custom UIButton. Either the UINavigationBar button or your custom UIButton action could trigger a close of your UIViewController.
If you add the UIViewController as a subview, then Cyprian's [self removeFromSuperView]; would work. If you present as a modal as Jamie suggests, you could use [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];.
Well I don't know you code but you could always call
[self removeFromSuperView];

How do I hide an infoButton in a utility app from the MainViewController when the infoButton is in the RootViewController?

How would I go about updating an object declared in the RootViewController from my MainViewController?
I'm attempting to hide my info button when my iAd is tapped, I have all the relevant pieces of code for the iAd in place, but can't figure out how to code the action. I saw an example of a similar situation online that was like this:
((MainViewController *)parentViewController).infoButton.hidden = #"";
I haven't been able to get that to work though, I just need this one value modifiable from the MVC, can anyone give me a simple suggestion?
P.S. I'm a total n00b and a snippet of code would help a great deal, I'm kind of learning as I go, thanks!
I figured this out through use of the NSNotificationCenter

Core-Plot graph in a UIViewController

im trying to put a Coreplot graph in a UIView.
Some questions, should i do it in XIB? or should i do it programmically ?
If so how should i write the codes? etc.
I actually have two Classes. one called GraphView which is supposed to hold the Coreplot graph.
Another called CorePlotViewController.
Thx for looking guys.
hmm i guess i must be some real newb to ask even this type of question :/
but i guess i solved it .
CorePlotViewController *aCorePlotViewController = [[CorePlotViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"CorePlotViewController" bundle:nil];
[self.view addSubview :aCorePlotViewController.view];

How to creat UITable, UIButton, UILable, UIImage, UIText, UISlider, UINavigationBar, UITabBar programiticly?

I'm new with the iphone programming and I'm trying to know how to create all of these (UI's) without using the IB, so I'm only asking for the code lines that will create each one of these.
The best way to figure this out is to read through the documentation for each of these classes. Some which are subclasses of UIView can be instantiated with -initWithFrame:, for example.
i am new to iphone/ipad programming , i fallowed below links to create views programmatically... i think these are helpful to u also >>
To create UIButton,UILabel,UIImage,UITextField programmatically
To create UITableView Programatically
To create UINavigationController and UITabbarController Programmatically
Thanks u..
I've Noticed that a lot of people viewed this question, so I was doing a search on this subject and I came through a great sample code, which can explain how to do a lot of things and here is the link to that sample code:
I hope that this will help.