WiX plugin installer needs to reference primary installation - plugins

I have created a second plugin for my primary program which allows it to open additional file extensions. Now when creating the "Verb" element to associate the new file extension with the executable of the primary executable (installed from a different installer which I also created) I do not know how to reference said executable.
<!-- Associate file type -->
<ProgId Id='myfile' Description='My file'>
<Extension Id='ext' ContentType='application/ext'>
<Verb Id='open' Command='Open' TargetFile="INSERT MAGIC HERE" Argument='"%1"' />

If you know the GUID of the Component that installed the file that is the target of the shortcut a ComponentSearch is the easiest way to get what you want. Something like:
<Property Id="TARGET_FILE">
<ComponentSearch Id="FindTargetFile" Guid="{GUID-OF-TARGET-FILE-COMPONENT}" Type="file">
<FileSearch Id="FoundTargetFile" Name="file.exe" />
<ProgId Id='myfile' Description='My file'>
<Extension Id='ext' ContentType='application/ext'>
<Verb Id='open' Command='Open' TargetProperty="[TARGET_FILE]" Argument='"%1"' />


sun_checks.xml location in checkstyle-idea.xml

My checkstyle-idea.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="CheckStyle-IDEA">
<option name="configuration">
<entry key="active-configuration" value="CLASSPATH:/sun_checks.xml:The default CheckStyle rules" />
<entry key="check-nonjava-files" value="false" />
<entry key="check-test-classes" value="false" />
<entry key="location-0" value="CLASSPATH:/sun_checks.xml:The default CheckStyle rules" />
<entry key="suppress-errors" value="false" />
<entry key="thirdparty-classpath" value="" />
And i can't seem to find this file in my Ubuntu 14.04. Searched everywhere. The only solution i see is to download it and replace that location.
But is there a way to understand where it is located now?
My /etc/environment doesn't contain it also. So where is it? Because CheckStyle works and checks the code in Idea.
The Checkstyle-IDEA plugin contains a copy of the Sun Checks (sun_checks.xml). It is contained in the root of the plugin's JAR file. The plugin JAR is usually located at:
Linux: ~/.<PRODUCT><VERSION>/config/plugins/CheckStyle-IDEA/lib/checkstyle-idea-4.5.2.jar
Windows: C:\Users\<YourUserName>\.<PRODUCT><VERSION>\config\plugins\CheckStyle-IDEA\lib\checkstyle-idea-4.5.2.jar
Version numbers may differ in your case. The part .<PRODUCT><VERSION> should appear as something like .IdeaIC13 (for IntelliJ IDEA version 13).
Note that you should not need to find this file. You should never change it or touch it in any way. If you need to change the rules configuration, create your own rule set and use that. You may of course create your own rule set based on a copy of sun_checks.xml.
For mac I located it by typing:
sudo find / -iname Checkstyle-IDEA
Which lead me to
~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea15/CheckStyle-IDEA/lib
I was then able to open the jar with an archive program and make a copy of the sun_checks.xml for my own customization.

Adding junit test single file target to free-form java project in netbeans

I promise, I've read:http://netbeans.org/kb/articles/freeform-config.html
I have a java free-form project that I would like to modify to include a "Test Single File" target to the context menu within Netbeans 7.2
The included link outlines creating an action with the name "test.single" (in order to override Netbeans' Test Single File command) and within that action creation, one must specify an ant target and a context object like so:
So to summarize, I have:
Created the action in project.xml within the ide-actions block:
<action name="test.single">
Added the ide-action to the context-menu block"
<ide-action name="test.single"/>
Adding this to the free-form project's project.xml file yields a grayed out "test.single" entry in the context menu upon right-clicking on the project name. Further, right clicking on a test class in my src/test directory yields a grayed out "Test Single File" entry.
I've checked and validated the xml and it all seems to check out. What could I be doing wrong?
thanks in advance!
Had the same problem and managed to solve it by cloning the action run.single in by nbproject/project.xml and calling it test.single:
<action name="test.single">
I also changed the property to test.class as we need this in the projects build.xml to run the appropriate test class.
In the main build.xml I have a target test-single:
<target name="test-single" description="Run individual Unit tests" depends="compile, compile-test" >
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
<pathelement location="${build.base.classes.dir}" />
<pathelement location="${unit.test.classes.dir}" />
<pathelement location="${junit.dir}" />
<test name="${test.class}Test" todir="${results}">
<fail message="Tests failed!" if="test.failed"/>
Note that the refers to the property ${test.class}. But when I leave it like that it tries to run the class being tested instead of the JUnit test class. Since this is always called the same as the class being tested with the word "Test" at the end I have written it so that the name is ${test.class}Test.

How can I let CruiseControl.NET/nant run all Unittest projects postfixed with .Test?

In our continuous integration setup, I would like to set up CruisControl.NET to automatically run all our unittests. However, I don't want to have to specify every unittest dll seperately in the configuration.
All the unittest projects are all postfixed with .Test (and all non-unittest projects are not). How can I configure CruiseControl.NET to run all the unittests from these projects (I am using v1.5.7256.1 of CruiseControl.NET)?
My current config attempt:
I'm finding it very difficult to find documentation on this specific nunit element. Most pages I can find talk about using exec, nunit2 or another nunit element or the nunit-console commandline options.
I don't have much experience with managing the build environment and am working on an existing configuration where every assembly was specified separately in the following manner.
Hence my failed attempt using wild cards.
Here is some extra xml of my configuration file to show the context a little bit:
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<project name="MyProject">
<!-- whole bunch of other elements -->
<!-- see above -->
After Mightmuke's suggestion, I tried replacing the <nunit> element with his suggestion, but got the following exception: Unable to instantiate CruiseControl projects from configuration document. Configuration document is likely missing Xml nodes required for properly populating CruiseControl configuration. Unable to load array item 'property' - Cannot convert from type System.String to ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.ITask for object with value: ""
Then I tried to move the <property> and <foreach> element outside the element. Then I get the exception: Unused node detected: <property name="nunit.filelist" value="" />
I'm now trying to find out more about the <foreach> element and where I can put that, but somehow I find it hard to find any documentation about it.
I found the documentation of the nunit task I'm using: http://ccnet.sourceforge.net/CCNET/NUnit%20Task.html
I specifies the element to be of type String[]. I'm not sure what that means... but it seems from the example that it just means that it must contain a list of child elements of the same name in Singular form.
PS: I realize this question is getting a bit out of hand... When the whole thing is solved, I'll try to edit it in such a format so that it might be useful to someone else later.
This is an example configuration if you were to use the nunit console.
<property name="nunit.filelist" value="" />
<foreach item="File" property="testfile" verbose="true">
<items basedir=".">
<include name="${working.dir}\**\*.Test.dll" />
<property name="nunit.filelist" value="${nunitfile.list + ' ' + testfile}" />
<exec program="nunit-console-x86.exe" failonerror="true" verbose="true">
<arg value="${nunit.filelist}" />
<arg value="/xml=nunit-results.xml" />
<arg value="/nologo" />
<arg value="/nodots" />
This hasn't been tested, and there are likely better ways to skin it, but it will hopefully provide a starting point for you.

Optional extension points in plugin.xml

I want to define an extension point in my plugin.xml which is not available in my target platform. This is fine for me, because I want to take advantage of it only if it's available .
However ,when I add it Eclipse flags it with an error
Unknown extension point: 'org.eclipse.ui.trace.traceComponents'
Can I somehow mark this extension point as optional? I know that I can reduce the Unresolved extension points severity per-workspace or per-project, but I'd rather not do that for just one error.
The complete plugin.xml is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>
name="Slingclipse Preferences"
name="Import from Repository">
Import a file from the local file system into the workspace.
You are mixing two concepts here: Development time versus runtime.
Extension points are dependencies declared at development time. Therefore you should have the plugin defining that extension point in your target platform at development time. But you are right, you can generally write the manifest XML for extending that extension point without it being available. In practice this does not work well because many extension points require to implement an interface which itself is also defined in the (non existing) plugin.
To make the functionality be optional for a user (and to not force him to have the defining plugin), you need to make the installation of your plugin optional. But that is not related to the manifest and the use of extension points at all. E.g. you have to declare a feature containing your plugin and make that feature depend on the feature containing the plugin defining the extension point.

Buckminster RCP simple project materialization

After watching the webinar, skimming over the BuckyBook PDF, and following the Eclipse RCP build tutorial, I still don't know how to materialize a simple RCP plug-in project from CVS into an eclipse workspace.
Does anyone have an example with a CQUERY and an RMAP file, for a simple one project workspace?
Its actually easy.
Here is a sample CSPEC:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cq:componentQuery xmlns:cq="http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/CQuery-1.0" resourceMap="example-site.rmap">
<cq:rootRequest name="example-site" componentType="eclipse.feature"/>
Note the root request name property points to a component. If you have an RCP app which has a main bundle (say one that is the launching point to your app), then you would point to this component using the name property above. This CSPEC will then download all dependent components using the RMAP below, using search paths, providers etc.
<searchPath name="default">
<uri format=":pserver:anon#cvs.local:/opt/data/cvsroot,{0}/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
<searchPath name="galileo">
<provider readerType="eclipse.import" componentTypes="osgi.bundle,eclipse.feature"
mutable="false" source="false">
<uri format="http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo?importType=binary"/>
<locator searchPathRef="default" pattern="^example\-.*" />
<locator searchPathRef="galileo" failOnError="false" />