How can I let CruiseControl.NET/nant run all Unittest projects postfixed with .Test? - nunit

In our continuous integration setup, I would like to set up CruisControl.NET to automatically run all our unittests. However, I don't want to have to specify every unittest dll seperately in the configuration.
All the unittest projects are all postfixed with .Test (and all non-unittest projects are not). How can I configure CruiseControl.NET to run all the unittests from these projects (I am using v1.5.7256.1 of CruiseControl.NET)?
My current config attempt:
I'm finding it very difficult to find documentation on this specific nunit element. Most pages I can find talk about using exec, nunit2 or another nunit element or the nunit-console commandline options.
I don't have much experience with managing the build environment and am working on an existing configuration where every assembly was specified separately in the following manner.
Hence my failed attempt using wild cards.
Here is some extra xml of my configuration file to show the context a little bit:
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<project name="MyProject">
<!-- whole bunch of other elements -->
<!-- see above -->
After Mightmuke's suggestion, I tried replacing the <nunit> element with his suggestion, but got the following exception: Unable to instantiate CruiseControl projects from configuration document. Configuration document is likely missing Xml nodes required for properly populating CruiseControl configuration. Unable to load array item 'property' - Cannot convert from type System.String to ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.ITask for object with value: ""
Then I tried to move the <property> and <foreach> element outside the element. Then I get the exception: Unused node detected: <property name="nunit.filelist" value="" />
I'm now trying to find out more about the <foreach> element and where I can put that, but somehow I find it hard to find any documentation about it.
I found the documentation of the nunit task I'm using:
I specifies the element to be of type String[]. I'm not sure what that means... but it seems from the example that it just means that it must contain a list of child elements of the same name in Singular form.
PS: I realize this question is getting a bit out of hand... When the whole thing is solved, I'll try to edit it in such a format so that it might be useful to someone else later.

This is an example configuration if you were to use the nunit console.
<property name="nunit.filelist" value="" />
<foreach item="File" property="testfile" verbose="true">
<items basedir=".">
<include name="${working.dir}\**\*.Test.dll" />
<property name="nunit.filelist" value="${nunitfile.list + ' ' + testfile}" />
<exec program="nunit-console-x86.exe" failonerror="true" verbose="true">
<arg value="${nunit.filelist}" />
<arg value="/xml=nunit-results.xml" />
<arg value="/nologo" />
<arg value="/nodots" />
This hasn't been tested, and there are likely better ways to skin it, but it will hopefully provide a starting point for you.


ExecTask or (Insert)Task, whats the difference?

Can someone explain the use of using all the different tasks instead of using simply <exec/>?
The PHPunit task is giving me alot of problems at the moment for example, why bother and not go for a simple <exec/> ?
Cant seem to find anything in the docs at all.
The docs are f.e. very confusing giving examples such as: (4.2 Writing A Simple Buildfile)
<target name="build" depends="prepare">
<echo msg="Copying files to build directory..." />
<echo msg="Copying ./about.php to ./build directory..." />
<copy file="./about.php" tofile="./build/about.php" />
<echo msg="Copying ./browsers.php to ./build directory..." />
<copy file="./browsers.php" tofile="./build/browsers.php" />
<echo msg="Copying ./contact.php to ./build directory..." />
<copy file="./contact.php" tofile="./build/contact.php" />
The copy task has a description property, you would think that this would be somehow seem logical to interpret by summary reporters or something, instead of having a echo on top of every task..
Whats the best practise?
Phing's Copy Task does not have a description property...
...other than that, if expressing an action is more concise and less error-prone when written as a [custom] task than as an unwieldy exec task I usually take that as a hint to go looking and/or write that custom task.
Sometimes going a little further and submitting a pull-request ;-), send dynamic values to some files

I have been searching for a few days, I have also asked a question on the forum, but still don't have the answer.
My task is to fill Web.config with specific values during the building using Here is the example:
I'm developing an ASP.NET website, I have a Web.config with some configuration, e.g. connection string:
<add name="ContextName" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User Id = UserName;Password=UserPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
After the building I want to replace some values and make the config look like this:
<add name="ContextName" connectionString="Data Source=%SERVER%;Initial Catalog=%DATABASE%;User Id = %USER%;Password=%PASSWORD%;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I tried this solution, but it didn't help me (or maybe I didn't understand how to use it properly).
Please help me to solve the task.
You can try to use this Config Transformation Tool which is XDT transformation command tool based on XDT (web.config) transform engine, which allows you to run XDT transformation on any XML files. You can use ccnet's task block to run it after your msbuild
More on ccnet executable task see here.
For more information on XDT transformation see this link in MSDN library
You can create a target on your build file to update the web.config and call that target after the build. I use something similar in my build files, here is an example:
<target name="update-config" >
<property name="export.config" value="" unless="${property::exists('export.config')}" />
<call target="${config-settings}" /> <!-- test or stage -->
<xmlpoke file="${export.config}" xpath="/configuration/appSettings/add[#key='ContextName']/#connectionString" value="${configValue.connectionString}" failonerror="true" />
<target name="test">
<property name="configValue.connectionString" value="test connection string here" />
<target name="stage">
<property name="configValue.connectionString" value="stage connection string here" />
After executing the target that compile your code and export you can run the target update-config, in this case I'm expecting a variable export.config with the path of the exported web.config then calling another target that sets the the value of the connectionstring variable (this can be target test or stage) and finally xmlpoke the web.config with the value.
Hope this helps!

Error in Target xslt in build.xml for ecllipse

Im trying to include xslt reports in my Testng framework with ant. When I try to execute the the MakeReport target in build.xml I get some error related to classpath saying Reference test.classpath not found . Below is the target code for generating xslt.
<target name="makexsltreport">
<delete dir="${basedir}/testng-xslt">
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/testng-xslt">
<xslt in="${ng.result}/testng-results.xml" style="src/xslt/testng-results.xsl" out="${ws.home}/testng-xslt/index.html"
classpathref="test.c" processor="SaxonLiaison">
<param expression="${basedir}/testng-xslt/" name="testNgXslt.outputDir" />
<param expression="true" name="testNgXslt.sortTestCaseLinks" />
<param expression="FAIL,SKIP,PASS,CONF,BY_CLASS" name="testNgXslt.testDetailsFilter" />
<param expression="true" name="testNgXslt.showRuntimeTotals" />
<classpath refid="classpath">
Please help on how to solve this issue. i tried everything.
Reference test.classpath not found
means that Ant wasn't able to find the test.classpath path that you have referenced with classpathref. How are you defining that path? If the <path id="test.classpath"> is inside a target then you will need to make your makexsltreport target depend (directly or indirectly) on the one that defines the path.
Also you should not use both a classpathref attribute and a <classpath> element - use one or the other.

NAnt ignoring property in included build file

I'm trying to make my project build file include a local build file, to allow for some customization for each developer, without having to keep exclulding the build file from version control commits etc.
But NAnt keeps ignoring the properties in my included build file, and not overwriting the properties set in the global build file.
For demo purposes this short build file behaves the same:
<project name="FooProject" default="showme" basedir="." >
<!-- Overwrite this property in -->
<property name="database.connectionstring" overwrite="true" readonly="false" value="foo" />
<include buildfile="" failonerror="true" verbose="true" />
<target name="showme" description="Show connectionstring variable">
<echo message="Connectionstring: ${database.connectionstring}" />
-and my file looks like this:
<property name="database.connectionstring" value="bar" />
The expected output when running NAnt with this build file is "Connectionstring: bar", but the resulit is "Connectionstring: foo", no matter which combination of readonly and overwrite I try.
It does fail if I rename the file to something else, so NAnt is aware of the included file.
NAnt is v0.91 alpha.
Am I overlooking something or is NAnt not supposed to work like I expect?
It seems you should still wrap the contents of the included build file inside a project-element. Like so:
<property name="database.connectionstring" value="bar" />
When I did that the connectionstring was "bar".
Granted: I use Nant 0.91 final.

NAnt and build version

I use Nant for automating ClickOnce build. So after building the application I need to know what is its version (for purpose of folder creation). Also I need build autoincrementing.
For building I use msbuild.exe /t:publish
For this you can use your source code repository revision number/hash as that is often used when using subversion or git repositories.
You can also make use of a buildserver like cruisecontrol (ccnet) this will do this build version incrementing for you.
As far as I understood, you would like to do version detection/management with minimal effort.
Why don't you use AssemblyInfo auto-increment capabilities. Putting [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] into your AssemblyInfo.cs will increment the build number with every build. Find more information in this answer.
After compilation you can detect the assembly version via NAnt function assemblyname::get-version:
If you can't use Assembly info auto-increment capabilities, you might let NAnt create AssemblyInfo.cs with every build using NAntContrib's <version>-task.
<loadtasks assembly="C:\PathToNAntContibTasks\NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.dll" />
<target name="assemblyinfo" description="generates AssemblyInfo.cs">
value="C:\src\foo" />
value="${path::combine(working.dir, 'build.number')}" />
unless="${file::exists(build.number.path)}" />
<include name="${path::combine(working.dir, '**\AssemblyInfo.cs')}" />
<asminfo output="${assemblyinfo.path}" language="CSharp">
<import namespace="System.Reflection" />
<attribute type="AssemblyVersionAttribute" value="${buildnumber.version}" />