Creating an image for UITabBarController tab - iPhone Dev - iphone

Im trying to create a PNG file (thats what I assume the file extension should be) to create an icon for the tab controller. Here is a picture of what I mean..
I tried creating it in Photoshop, saving it as PNG, clearing the background, trying interlaced versions but all I get are big blobs and blocks when I try to import it in the app.
Any Ideas?

Here are some helpful tutorials:

you have to use this type of image
in your tab bar


Is there a way to insert an image in Xcode?

I'm very new to Xcode and Swift, so for now I'm creating a UI that requires an image to appear on the screen. I would like to add the image to the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in Xcode. Can anybody help me?
I'm very new to Xcode and Swift, so for now I'm creating a UI that requires an image to appear on the screen. I would like to add the image to the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in Xcode. Can anybody help me?
Images are typically stored in .xcassets files, which show up as folders in your project. Your project probably already has one called Assets.xcassets, and you can just drag and drop images into that file. Then you can add an image view to your LaunchScreen.storyboard and set it to use the image you just added.
Beyond that, let me suggest that you go through some of Apple's SwiftUI tutorials. They'll help you learn about Swift, but you'll also get a lot of exposure to just using Xcode. If you have to figure it all out on your own, it'll take a lot longer.

iPhone 5 - what naming convention the new images have to follow?

What name convention the new images have to have to be loaded by the new iPhone 5?
We see that we have to have 3 default images to be loaded by the device
Default#2x.png and
what about the other images used by an app?
Is there a naming convention that will automatically load the correct image?
The new default is Default-568h#2x.png. (note hyphen)
There is no other corresponding change. If you need a different image for the new iPhone 5 screen then you have to create it as a separate name. There is no 1x/2x/new phone auto switching behavior.
If you are looking for something similar to ~iPad or ~iPhone (like ~586h) there isn't anything build in like that. But you can easily add it yourself by expanding UIImage class.
Have a look at this source snippet (UIImage+Retina4) for information about how to achieve. Just add this UIImage category and there will be support for ~568h#2x files.
I solve this problem here. Just add #2x~568h suffix to images or ~568h to xib's. Also you can use this images in xib's.
With the introduction of Asset Catalog in Xcode 5, all you have to do with the images is simple drag and drop to its corrosponding related areas. Everything else will be handled by the Xcode itself..
You can create new catalog by going to the above mentions option in the screenshot.

how can i get images from local folder using UIimagePicker controller

hi i am new to iphone. what i need is i have to display list of images as grid,for that i found UIimagePickerController. But there is tutorials for getting images from gallery and camera album for UIImagePickerController .But i need the images that are getting from a local folder containing images (means folder that is in project) and display them as grid using UIImagePickerController how can i done this. pls help me. thanks in advance.
You can't do this using UIimagePickerController. You have to implement your own grid-like table view.
UIImagePicker only gives you the images that are stored in Photos.
You wont be getting the images stored in local folder in UIImagePicker.
So you have 2 options
1. Save the images in Photos instead of your local folder
2. Create a grid like table view (as told by #beefon).

how to show *.mpp files in my iphone application?

I have a problem in showing *.mpp (microsoft project files) in my app. I thought of showing in image format but i dont know how to convert it into image format. or is there any other way to view mpp files.
thanks in advance
I have doubts you can with the standard SDK.
You should first convert your .mpp file to a more convenient format, such as pdf or an image format, like png, using a tool like Zamzar or something similar. Then, depending on your output, on the iPhone you would use a UIWebView to display a PDF or an UIImageView to view an image.

How to make UI Image Picker Controller read a custom source type in iPhone

I have to create a photo gallery app in iPhone. It should function same as the Photos app which is shipped with iPhone. But it should show the images which I package with the app.
UIImagePickerController reads only the following source types.
I was thinking of adding the images bundle to the resources group in Xcode and make UIImagePickerController to read them and display.
Looking at the class references I found UIImagePickerController reads only from the resources mentioned above. Which means it can only pick the images from camera roll OR saved photo gallery OR allow user to take a pic and use it.
Does anybody know how to make UIImagePickerController read from custom source type or images?
How to create a photo gallery app in iPhone :-)
I don't believe it is possible to make the UIImagePicker pick images from your own source. You will have to write the picker yourself (which, performance aside, doesn't seem to hard... Just a couple of UIImageViews in a UIScrollView).
Just today I started a open source UIImagePickerController clone, it is not perfect but it works quite ok. Feel free to fork