I am using smart gwt2.2 on windows system, with browser Mozilla.
In smart gwt I am using a ListGrid.And in that ListGrid for one field I have set the editor type to Select Item.
SelectItem item = new SelectItem();
ListGridField field = new ListGridField("Field", "Field");
My problem is that is I set the simple string value map to the Select Item then it works fine, But while same list coming from server side and I try to set then it is giving this error,
Uncaught JavaScript exception [this.formItem is undefined] in, line 1831
I am not getting at which place I am doing wrong.
Try giving the same field name to both SelectItem and ListGridField
SelectItem item = new SelectItem("fieldName");
ListGridField field = new ListGridField("fieldName", "title");
I am populating combo box items from ZK Java with the following code
combo.setModel(new ListModelArray(this.reasons));
combo.setSelectedIndex(3);//tried this as well.
Both the cases it is throwing
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 5, Size: 0
at org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent$ChildIter.<init>(AbstractComponent.java:3267) ~[zk-]
at org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent$ChildIter.<init>(AbstractComponent.java:3259) ~[zk-]
at org.zkoss.zk.ui.AbstractComponent$Children.listIterator(AbstractComponent.java:217) ~[zk-]
When working with a model, set the selection to the model directly. The comboitems don't render eagerly but once they render they reflect the current ListModel's state.
Either keep a reference to your model:
ListModelArray<String> reasonsModel = new ListModelArray<>(this.reasons);
... or get it from the combobox:
ListModelArray<String> reasonsModel = new ListModelArray<>(this.reasons);
((Selectable<String>) combo.getModel()).addToSelection(this.reasons[2]);
To get the current selection out of the model (might be nothing selected):
Optional<String> selected = reasonsModel.getSelection().stream().findAny();
I am trying to make a form where I would enter new data. I am trying to make a combobox which would when I press selected record autofill data in form with known data. So I have Owner [Vlasnik] table and I am able to autofill info about owner but I am not able to change ID_VU which is unique key for each owner.
Private Sub cboID_VU2_Change()
Me.[Vlasnik.ID_VU].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(0)
Me.[Naziv tvrtke].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(1)
Me.[Ime korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(2)
Me.[Prezime korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(3)
Me.[Adresa korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(4)
Me.[Telefon].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(5)
Me.Mail.Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(6)
End Sub
Control source of comobox is empty and this is rowsource :
SELECT Vlasnik.ID_VU, Vlasnik.[Naziv tvrtke], Vlasnik.[Ime korisnika], Vlasnik.[Prezime korisnika], Vlasnik.[Adresa korisnika], Vlasnik.Telefon, Vlasnik.Mail FROM Vlasnik ORDER BY Vlasnik.[Prezime korisnika];
When I try to run a code I am getting error on line
Me.[Vlasnik.ID_VU].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(0)
with message "You can't assign value to this object"
I think problem is that Vlasnik.ID_VU is set as autonumber
Does anybody know if it is possible to insert a cross reference (I want to reference a bookmark, but I could make anything else work as well), using Aspose Words, in C#?
If you want to insert a footnote or endnote, you can use the following code.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Write("Some text is added.");
Footnote endNote = new Footnote(doc, FootnoteType.Endnote);
endNote.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(doc));
endNote.FirstParagraph.Runs.Add(new Run(doc, "Endnote text."));
doc.Save(MyDir + #"FootNote.docx");
If you want to insert a bookmark, you can use the following code.
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln("Text inside a bookmark.");
If you want to update a bookmark, you can use the following code.
Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Bookmark.doc");
// Use the indexer of the Bookmarks collection to obtain the desired bookmark.
Bookmark bookmark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["MyBookmark"];
// Get the name and text of the bookmark.
string name = bookmark.Name;
string text = bookmark.Text;
// Set the name and text of the bookmark.
bookmark.Name = "RenamedBookmark";
bookmark.Text = "This is a new bookmarked text.";
I work as developer evangelist at Aspose.
You can use the following code to get the page number of a bookmark.
Document doc = new Document("Bookmark.docx");
Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector layoutCollector = new Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector(doc);
// Use the indexer of the Bookmarks collection to obtain the desired bookmark.
Bookmark bookmark = doc.Range.Bookmarks["MyBookmark"];
// Get the name and text of the bookmark.
string name = bookmark.Name;
string text = bookmark.Text;
int pageNumber = layoutCollector.GetStartPageIndex(bookmark.BookmarkStart);
Console.Write("Bookmark name is {0}, it is placed on page number {1} and following is the text inside it: {2}", name, pageNumber, text);
I have dropdown like this ,
<%= Html.OptionList("Worktype", new SelectList(new List<SelectListItem>{
new SelectListItem{Text = "--Select One--", Value = "0", Selected=true},
new SelectListItem{Text = "Fulltime", Value = "Full Time"},
new SelectListItem{Text = "Partime", Value = "Part Time"}}, "Value", "Text" )) %>
After selecting either fulltime or parttime it should submit, but because the default select is there, required validation is passing. I want the required validation for below two options. can anyone help me out.
thank you,
SetValue empty instead of 0 for "--Select One--"
new SelectListItem{Text = "--Select One--", Value = string.Empty , Selected=true}
I suggest that you should not be adding optional label in SelectList or as SelectListItem. you have overloads for Html.DropDown and Html.DropDownListFor that would allow you to insert an optional label at the top of your dropdown list. Pleas check my answer to this question.
DO you want to fire any event only in case of full time and part time and in case of select you dont want anything to happen.
If this is what you want
$('#dropdownname').change(function () {
var dropdownValue = $(this).val();
if (dropdownValuetoString().length > 0)
Your Code here.........
dropdownname is the name of dropdown dropdownValue is what I m getting from dropdown list when index is changed.
I was filling the dropdown from a list and I was not using any value field
when u check the dropdownValue for select It will show blank and I m sure ur dropdown select list will always have a name.
Tell me if it helps you else I will try something different
I have a problem related to Date type which I'm using in smartgwt.
I set up the date to have the possibility to change it manually:
setAttribute("useTextField", true);
In Firefox and Chrome (and maybe other browsers , except Internet Explorer) if first I'm selecting a date with that pop-up calendar and than change it manually and then let the focus on the date field and going to save the document (actually is a form with multiple fields) the date changed manually it is lost, the date choosed from calendar it is saved. This is not happening in Internet Explorer.
In all browsers, if I select from Calendar a date and than change it manually and change the focus from it everythings goes fine - the manually changed date it is saved into db.
Need some advices.
Thank you a lot.
Later edit:
I'm using com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.DateItem widget.
DateItem date = new DateItem("A date");
date.setAttribute("useTextField", true);
date.setAttribute("inputFormat", "yyyy/MM/dd");
date.setAttribute("displayFormat", "toJapanShortDate");
I'm adding this date on a DynamicForm:
DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm();
and this form on a VLayout object:
VLayout editLayout = new VLayout(30);
The problem is reproducing in browsers like Firefox & Chrome when:
I'm selecting first the date from calendar - say I'm selecting 2011/02/11
I'm changing the day in 2011/02/12 manually - and I'm not changing the focus from this date field
I'm pressing the 'Save' button.
After these steps the date is 2011/02/11 and not 2011/02/12 how it should be.
In Internet Explorer browser did not happen - the date after the steps above is 2011/02/12!
Later edit:
I'm using a DataSource for updating the data.
I'm having a UserObject and in the userUpdate method I'm creating this user object first with values from fields (which are on the DynamicForm) - by calling the generateUserObjectFromForm() method
UserObject user = generateUserObjectFromForm();
Here, in this method I'm doing something like:
but here the date.getValueAsDate() value is the one selected from calendar, not the one modified manually.
I've tried also with:
date.getValue() //Fri Feb 11 00:00:00 GMT+200 2011
date.getValueField() // null
date.getValueAsDate() //Fri Feb 11 00:00:00 GMT+200 2011
date.getDisplayField() //null
but none worked properly.
I'm using an request object (UserUpdateRequest) for updating the user.
UserUpdateRequest looks like:
public class UserUpdateRequest implements IsSerializable
UserObject user = null;
public UserUpdateRequest ()
public UserUpdateRequest (UserObject user)
this.user = user;
public UserObject getUser ()
return user;
final UserUpdateRequest request = new UserUpdateRequest(user);
and on the RPC user update method I'm sending this UserUpdateRequest request.
Later edit (15 february):
I've discovered why is happening this issue related to focus, and this is because in the project I'm not using a Button object - and a com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent for it. I'm using a personalized widget:
package de.vogella.gwt.helloworld.client;
import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Label;
public class buttonLabel extends Label
public buttonLabel (String text, String elementID)
and this use com.smartgwt.client.widgets.events.ClickHandler().
Anyway I do not know how to resolve this ....
I've created a small project with this issue where I've put also a Button object (Save1) and also a personalized button buttonLabel (Save2) - both with clickhandlers.
Here is the link where you can download sources of this small project I've created: link
say for example we choose date 2011/02/16 and we change manually the date into 2011/02/17 and push the button Save1 - everything works fine - the date remains 2011/02/17
Case2-a - line
Window.alert("2 " + date.getValue()); un-commented:
say for example we choose date 2011/02/16 and we change manually the date into 2011/02/17 and push the button Save2 - in the warning message date value is 2011/02/16 but in the field date remains 2011/02/17
Case2-b - line
Window.alert("2 " + date.getValue()); uncommented:
say for example we choose date 2011/02/16 and we change manually the date into 2011/02/17 and push the button Save2 - the value from field date is automatically changed to 2011/02/16
Later later edit:
Since I can't figure out how to solve my problem I'm thinking for the moment at a temporary solution.
So, I have:
DateItem date = new DateItem("Adate");
date.setAttribute("useTextField", true);
date.setAttribute("inputFormat", "yyyy/MM/dd");
date.setAttribute("displayFormat", "toJapanShortDate");
Because the attribute useTextField is set to true we can see the text entry field. How can I make this text entry field to be un-editable. Actually I want to have only the possibility to choose the date from calendar and not to change it manually.
The following code should work.
DateItem date = new DateItem("Adate");
date.setAttribute("useTextField", true);
date.setAttribute("inputFormat", "yyyy/MM/dd");
date.setAttribute("displayFormat", "toJapanShortDate");
TextItem textItem = new TextItem();
textItem.setAttribute("readOnly", "true");