Can't autopopulate fields when adding new record - "You can't assign value to this object" - forms

I am trying to make a form where I would enter new data. I am trying to make a combobox which would when I press selected record autofill data in form with known data. So I have Owner [Vlasnik] table and I am able to autofill info about owner but I am not able to change ID_VU which is unique key for each owner.
Private Sub cboID_VU2_Change()
Me.[Vlasnik.ID_VU].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(0)
Me.[Naziv tvrtke].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(1)
Me.[Ime korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(2)
Me.[Prezime korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(3)
Me.[Adresa korisnika].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(4)
Me.[Telefon].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(5)
Me.Mail.Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(6)
End Sub
Control source of comobox is empty and this is rowsource :
SELECT Vlasnik.ID_VU, Vlasnik.[Naziv tvrtke], Vlasnik.[Ime korisnika], Vlasnik.[Prezime korisnika], Vlasnik.[Adresa korisnika], Vlasnik.Telefon, Vlasnik.Mail FROM Vlasnik ORDER BY Vlasnik.[Prezime korisnika];
When I try to run a code I am getting error on line
Me.[Vlasnik.ID_VU].Value = Me.cboID_VU2.Column(0)
with message "You can't assign value to this object"
I think problem is that Vlasnik.ID_VU is set as autonumber


Set object properties after setting the object

I've created a class with various properties in VB6.
The properties are
At the top of the class I have declared 2 instances of classes I'm using.
Dim stkLine As CSOPSLine ' This is the class where the properties are declared and read
Private SOPSLines As cSLine ' This class creates the new objects and sets the property values
When the user enters the order number on a handheld barcode scanner, I'm creating an object to associate with this particular scanner like so:
Set SOPSLines = New cSLine
Set SOPSLines = getSOPSLine(ID, sOrder, "", "", 0)
In the next stage of the process, the user needs to enter their user ID so it can be seen which user scanned in the item.
I need to update the property of this same object, but I'm not sure how - Currently I am trying to do it within my getSOPSLine function, like this:
Dim line As New CSOPSLine
Dim bFound As Boolean
bFound = False
For Each line In SOPSLines.Items
If line.PiccoId = ID Then
line.OrderId = OrderId
line.Quantity = Qty
line.StockCode = stock
line.UserId = UserId
Set getSOPSLine = line
bFound = True
Exit For
End If
If bFound = False Then
Set line = SOPSLines.Add(ID, OrderId, UserId, stock, Qty)
Set getSOPSLine = line
End If
Set line = Nothing
However, as I'm not storing sOrder at class level (Due to the fact multiple users can be using barcode scanners, the order ID can't be kept at class level as other users will just overwrite it),
I'm not sure how once I've got the next variable (In this case, userID, and the other variables after this stage) I can update the same object as I've just created.
I've tried to do something like
Set stkLine = getSOPSLine(ID, stkLine.OrderId, pUser, "", 0)
but it errors saying
object or with block variable has not been set
How can I update the properties of stkLine without constantly creating new objects?
To clarify:
When the application receives data from the handheld barcode scanner, a select case is entered, with one case for each of the variables being entered (E.g. Order ID, user ID, stock code etc.)
The first case sets the order ID.
The code here is
On Error Resume Next
Dim sOrder As Long
sOrder = Picco.GetData(ID, 50)
If sOrder = 0 Then
Exit Sub
With Picco
Call .ClearForm(ID)
Call .Text(ID, LINE_1, "===== User ID =====")
Call .Text(ID, LINE_2, "")
Call .NewField(ID, 60, 5, FLD_LINE + SND_ENTER)
Set SOPSLines = New cSLine
Set SOPSLines = getSOPSLine(ID, sOrder, "", "", 0)
End With
End If
frameid = FRAME_LINE_ADD
On Error GoTo Picco_DataArrived_Err
This is where the object is created.
The next case is after the user enters their user ID into the scanner.
On Error Resume Next
Dim pUser As String
pUser = ""
pUser = Picco.GetData(ID, 60)
If pUser = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo Picco_DataArrived_Err
With Picco
Call .ClearForm(ID)
Call .Text(ID, LINE_1, "===== Add Line =====")
Call .Text(ID, LINE_2, "")
Call .Text(ID, LINE_7, "Scan or type code")
End With
Set stkLine = getSOPSLine(ID, stkLine.OrderId, pUser, "", 0)
frameid = FRAME_LINE_QTY
m_iLastFrameId = FRAME_LINE_ADD
Then there will be 2 or 3 more cases when populating the rest of the required values.
What I need to do, is in the second case (And all other following cases) update the properties of the object created in the first case.
I'm using the getSOPSLine function as this gets the object with the matching barcode scanner ID (As multiple users may be accessing different orders, they need to be kept separate in this way), but I'm not sure how to update the object where the scanner ID matches.
When you call getSOPSLine in each Case, enter some temporary values for the variables that you're not setting.
In the UserID case: stkLine = getSOPSLine(ID, 0, pUser, "", 0)
Then, in the getSOPSLine() function, change it so that instead of setting the values automatically, it instead only updates them if they don't equal 0, or "", or whichever temporary variables you use.
That way you're updating the same object, but aren't storing data that may get overwritten.
I'm not sure what you're confused about; I think that you must have some misunderstanding of what objects, variables, and properties are that is preventing you from asking this in a way that I understand. I'm not sure how your code lines up with your questions. But I'll give this a shot:
Private SOPSLines As cSLine
Set SOPSLines = New cSLine
Set SOPSLines = getSOPSLine(ID, sOrder, "", "", 0)
This declares a class-level variable, that can hold a cSLine object. That seems reasonable. Then you create a new instance of cSLine to put in that variable. But I don't know why, because you then point the variable to a different instance entirely, which is the instance returned from your getSOPSLine function. That middle line doesn't seem to be doing anything, and I'm not sure what you're trying to do with it.
I've tried to do something like
Set stkLine = getSOPSLine(ID, stkLine.OrderId, pUser, "", 0)
but it errors saying
object or with block variable has not been set
Well, then it sounds like stkLine isn't set to an object. I don't see any code that's trying to set stkLine other than that line. So when you try to get stkLine.OrderId, there isn't an object to get the OrderID property of, so it gives you an error.
I need to update the property of this same object, but I'm not sure how
Well, if there's an object you care about, you probably have it in a variable somewhere. You use = value syntax to assign value to the property of the object currently stored in variable.
But again, I'm not sure where your confusion is, since you're clearly assigning properties of objects in your code already.
If you're not understanding how objects work in VB, I'd recommend reading through the Working with Objects chapter of the documentation.
And if your confusion lies elsewhere, perhaps you could put together a more specific question about what you're trying to do?

Access VBA visible control form from another form

I have a table and form setup to control another form in my database.
I'm wanting to make a code that will take the title from my field and add it to my code as a variable to change the visibility options of my other form.
my form is set with all the of the names to all objects on the form I want to control.
LSE_FORM_ADMIN = The table with all the LSE_FORM_ALL names in it.
Table is setup with 3 columns key, names and a checkbox which I put into a form to make a continuous list.
here is my code on the form, but I keep getting and runtime 424: object required error:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim VARSET As Object
Dim VAR As String
VARSET = DLookup("TITLE", Table!LSE_FORM_ADMIN, "") 'keep getting error here
If Me!CB = "-1" Then
Form_LSE_FORM_ALL!VAR.Visible = True
Form_LSE_FORM_ALL!VAR.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
can someone help me fix this code so that it will grab the title field data and make it a variable to add to the rest of the code?
It's difficult to see exactly what you are trying to achieve, but your problems stem from using the variant variable type when you should be using an explicit Form or Control type. Using your last example.
RSTT.Visible = True 'getting Run-time error '424': object required
This is because you have declared RSTT as a variant. The line
RSTT = "Form_LSE_FORM_ALL" & "!" & (RST)
results in the variable RSTT containing a string, which does not have a property ".Visible"
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("LSE_FORM_ADMIN")
These lines are redundant as you have the values that you need available on the form fields which are already bound to the table LSE_FORM_ADMIN.
As far as I understand, you have a continuous form (ADMIN?) bound to the table LSE_FORM_Admin. As you step through the records on this form, you want code to be fired which takes the value of the TITLE field/control and use it to set a control with the same name, on a separate form, Form_LSE_FORM_ALL, to be (in)visible, dependent on the value of the checkbox control name CB on the ADMIN form?
If you want the ADMIN form to make the changes "live" to the ALL form, you should consider using an event of the CB checkbox control. Using the current event of the form means that the changes you make will not be reflected in the ALL form until you step out of the record you have just edited, then back in, to fire the form's Current event on that record.
Example using AfterUpdate event of CB checkbox
Private Sub CB_AfterUpdate()
Dim strRST As String
Dim frmTarget as Form
Dim ctlRSTT As Control
Set strRST = Me!TITLE
Set frmTarget = Forms("Form_LSE_FORM_ALL")
Set ctlRSTT = frmTarget.Controls(strRST)
ctlRSTT.Visible = Me!CB 'getting Run-time error '424': object required
End Sub
really not sure how to do the syntax when doing a recordset to a table from the form, need some help with that.
here is my code and attempt at the record set:
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim DB As Database
Dim RS As Recordset
Dim RST As String
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("LSE_FORM_ADMIN")
Do Until RS.EOF
If Me!CB = "-1" Then
Form_LSE_FORM_ALL!RS.Visible = True
Form_LSE_FORM_ALL!RS.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
I think I know what you are trying to do, but your descriptions / references are not matching up. Please look at the following comments and clarify:
1. You say "...make a code that will take the title from my field and ..." but your code is taking "Me.Title", "ME" is a reference to the Form - not a field.
2. Your code is in the "Form_Current" event, which means it will fire for every record you process. That will work, but I think you want to do this code only once to be more efficient.
3. You have no provision for processing more than one field. I think you need to loop through all fields in your table, setting visible to true or false.
The following is my suggestion, but I will update once you clarify the issues.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
'Dim RST As Variant
'Dim RSTT As Variant
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("LSE_FORM_ADMIN")
Do While Not RS.EOF ' Loop thru all field names for the form
If RS!HideYN = True Then ' Desire to hide the field?
Me(RS!ctlname).Visible = False ' Yes, hide the field.
Me(RS!ctlname).Visible = True ' No, show the field
End If
RS.MoveNext ' Get next field name
Set RS = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
'Set RST = Me!Title
'RSTT = "Form_LSE_FORM_ALL" & "!" & (RST)
'If Me!CB = "-1" Then
' RSTT.Visible = True 'getting Run-time error '424': object required
' RSTT.Visible = False
'End If
End Sub
Final code, thanks to Cheesenbranston.
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Dim strRST As String
Dim frmTarget As Form
Dim ctlRSTT As Control
Set frmTarget = Forms("LSE_FORM_ALL")
Set ctlRSTT = frmTarget.Controls(strRST)
If Me!CB = "-1" Then
ctlRSTT.Visible = True
ctlRSTT.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
#Cheesenbranston: Your original code was more like a toggle of on and off so if my object was not visible then my trigger checkbox would make it visible when checked, more of a quality of life for my own needs, none the less worked. Also strRST doesn't need SET since its just a String. Thanks again =D very happy day!

Form Gathering Info from Two Other Forms

I have a form that creates a New Work Order. I want to be able to pull the ClientID from the New Client Form or the Main Menu, whichever is open. However I am not getting the desired results:
I have used =IIf(IsNull(Forms![New Client]![txtClientID]), Forms![Main Menu]![txtClientID], Forms![New Client]![txtClientID]) in the Default Value of the Control on the New Work Order Form. I get the correct ID when I go to the form from New Client, but a #Name error when I try to access it from the Main Menu.
What can I do to make it work?
You need to check if the form is loaded, for example (you need to add your own error traps):
Function IsLoaded(ByVal strFormName As String) As Boolean
Const conObjStateClosed = 0
Const conDesignView = 0
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, strFormName) <> conObjStateClosed Then
If Forms(strFormName).CurrentView <> conDesignView Then
IsLoaded = True
End If
End If
However, it may be easier to use OpenArgs ( )
In which case you could say something like:
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
MsgBox "No openargs"
Me.txtClientID = Me.Openargs
End If
Or even use Openargs to set the default value.

on Button press If(No record exist) Then create Else Update

I have an unbound form. On the form i have a save button. As of now when you press the save button it saves the information on the form to a record, but every time you press save it adds a new record instead of updating it. I need it to Update the current record instead of adding a new record. Any ideas is appreciated.
here is my code:
Dim dblocal As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set dblocal = CurrentDb()
Set rst = dblocal.OpenRecordset("SUBJECT_DATABASE", dbOpenDynaset)
'Prim. ID var.
Dim EvtIDkey As Long
With rst
.Fields("LAST NAME") = Me.LNameTxtB
.Fields("FIRST NAME") = Me.FNameTxtB
.Fields("GENDER") = Me.GenderCboB
.Fields("DOB") = Me.DOBTxtB
'inserts primary id into textB
Me.EvtIDKeyTxtB = .Fields("ID")
End With
End If
I was thinking to add a if statement with the following conditions:
If EvtIDKeyTxTB is not empty update exist record. However, how do i update an existing record?
If i have the Primary key would i be able to get and update the record that way?

How to populate zend form field using session?

I am using sessions to populate a multi select box with options in my Zend application.
The user selects one or more options and fills in other fields on the form and then submits. If the user didn't select all of the options in the multi select then the form is displayed again but the multi select only has the options that the user did not select the last time. This process goes on until there are no more options from the multi select left to process.
Here is the code I use to get rid of the options that have already been processed so that they are not used to populate the multi select box:
// TODO remove $post['keyword_names'] (i.e. already processed) from $keyword_names (that come from $_SESSION)
$keyword_names = array_diff($keyword_names, $post['keyword_names']);
if(is_array($keyword_names) && !empty($keyword_names)){
// save updated $keyword_names into $_SESSION['workflow1']
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('workflow1');
$session->keyword_names = $keyword_names;
// set flag to false so that we display form again
$form_successful = false;
}else{ // all keywords have been assigned
// go to next step
print_r($keyword_names); displays the correct options, however when the form is loaded when the user submits, the multi select displays the options that were there from the begining ie the options the user has just selected and submitted are not being taken out of the multi select, it is only when the user submits the form again then the multi select box updates.
Appreciate the help.
Solved the issue by making use of URL parameters. Here is the code (might differ a lot from what I posted first because some big changes were made):
// after successful form submission
// remove $post['keyword_names'] (i.e. already processed) from $keyword_names (that come from $_SESSION)
$keyword_names = array_diff($keyword_names, $post['keyword_names']);
// save remaining $keyword_names into $_SESSION['workflow1']
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('workflow1');
$session->keyword_names = $keyword_names;
if(is_array($keyword_names) && !empty($keyword_names)){
// redirect to the same step again - to ensure that the form will reflect (in select lists) newly created AdGroup and/or Campaign
// GET parameteres ($params_array) provide a way to remember user's choice
$params_array = array();
$params_array['match_type_id'] = $post['match_type_id'];
$params_array['with_permutations'] = $post['with_permutations'];
$params_array['ad_group_id'] = $ad_group_id;
$this_step_url = UrlUtils::assemble('', $this->getRequest()->getActionName(), $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(), $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(), $params_array);
}else{ // all keywords have been assigned
// go to next step
So you don't have any code about Zend_Form object here. How do you populate the form element? If you post your class code which extends Zend_Form (or any other code dials with your form) then I may help. But in any case you can populate your multiselectbox with setMultiOptions() method or addMultiOption() for each item in multiselectbox.