I have multiple installations of Eclipse(2021-12) + PyDev( all using Iron Python(2.7). All running on Windows 10. They all run the scripts as expected, but one installation has a much more robust console output when debugging, almost like a tracing option is enabled. I've tried reinstalling, deleting workspaces, deleting '.metadata' folders, etc. All the project settings seem identical.
Any ideas how to minimize the console output? Something in registry?
Expected Console output:
pydev debugger: starting (pid: 15312)
Actual Console output:
1.99s - Using GEVENT_SUPPORT: False
0.00s - pydevd __file__: C:\\Eclipse-2021-12-R\plugins\org.python.pydev.core_9.3.0.202203051235\pysrc\pydevd.py
0.11s - Initial arguments: (['C:\\Eclipse-2021-12-R\\plugins\\org.python.pydev.core_9.3.0.202203051235\\pysrc\\pydevd.py', '--multiprocess', '--protocol-http', '--print-in-debugger-startup', '--vm_type', 'python', '--client', '', '--port', '60413', '--file', 'C:\\Test.py'],)
0.00s - Current pid: 8884
pydev debugger: starting (pid: 8884)
Those should only appear if you add an environment variable asking it to be shown.
i.e.: Something as:
Maybe you have such an environment set in your launch configuration or interpreter configuration or elsewhere in your system?
You may want to check the os.environ of the running program to see what's set there.
I have been trying to get this done for two days now. I have had different error to deal with. I am Using an M1 Apple Chip Mac pro and Xcode 13.4 and it has been difficult to get Sonarqube running. I finally found a docker image which is M1 specific and I have been able to get Sonarqube running locally.
My current challenge is having the test result sent to the Sonarqube project.
I have tried several method which includes
xcrun xccov view YourPathToThisFile/*.xccovreport --json
This script is not working even though I wanted an xml format.
Is there a better way to have the code coverage report sent to sonarqube. I have Sonarqube running but the test result and coverage is not showing. Sonarqube page currently says "The main branch has no lines of code."
NB: I am running Sonarqube with Docker
Below is my Sonarqube properties file.
# Swift SonarQube Plugin - Enables analysis of Swift and Objective-C projects into SonarQube.
# Copyright © 2015 Backelite (${email})
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Sonar Server details
# sonar.password=admin
# Project Details
sonar.projectDescription=This is TinggiOS
# Comment if you have a project with mixed ObjC / Swift
# Path to source directories
# sonar.sources=SonarDemo,SonarDemoTests,SonarDemoUITests
# Exclude directories
# sonar.inclusions=*.swift
# Path to test directories (comment if no test)
# Destination Simulator to run surefire
# As string expected in destination argument of xcodebuild command
# Example = sonar.swift.simulator=platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.2
# sonar.swift.simulator=platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7,OS=12.0
sonar.swift.simulator=platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11,OS=15
# Xcode project configuration (.xcodeproj)
# and use the later to specify which project(s) to include in the analysis (comma separated list)
# Specify either xcodeproj or xcodeproj + xcworkspace
# Specify your appname.
# This will be something like "myApp"
# Use when basename is different from targeted scheme.
# Or when slather fails with 'No product binary found'
# Scheme to build your application
# Configuration to use for your scheme. if you do not specify that the default will be Debug
# Optional configuration #
# Encoding of the source code
# sonar.scm.enabled=true
# sonar.scm.url=scm:git:http://xxx
# JUnit report generated by run-sonar.sh is stored in sonar-reports/TEST-report.xml
# Change it only if you generate the file on your own
# The XML files have to be prefixed by TEST- otherwise they are not processed
# Cobertura report generated by run-sonar.sh is stored in sonar-reports/coverage-swift.xml
# Change it only if you generate the file on your own
# OCLint report generated by run-sonar.sh is stored in sonar-reports/oclint.xml
# Change it only if you generate the file on your own
# Change it only if you generate the file on your own
# Paths to exclude from coverage report (surefire, 3rd party libraries etc.)
# sonar.swift.excludedPathsFromCoverage=pattern1,pattern2
# sonar.swift.excludedPathsFromCoverage=.*Tests.*,
# Tailor configuration #
# Tailor configuration
# -l,--max-line-length=<0-999> maximum Line length (in characters)
# --list-files display Swift source files to be analyzed
# --max-class-length=<0-999> maximum Class length (in lines)
# --max-closure-length=<0-999> maximum Closure length (in lines)
# --max-file-length=<0-999> maximum File length (in lines)
# --max-function-length=<0-999> maximum Function length (in lines)
# --max-name-length=<0-999> maximum Identifier name length (in characters)
# --max-severity=<error|warning (default)> maximum severity
# --max-struct-length=<0-999> maximum Struct length (in lines)
# --min-name-length=<1-999> minimum Identifier name length (in characters)
sonar.swift.tailor.config=--no-color --max-line-length=100 --max-file-length=500 --max-name-length=40 --max-name-length=40 --min-name-length=4
I am trying to run ReSharpers command line tool InspectCode.exe. It's running fine doing it's job with the expected output.
However after my earlier attempt to get plugins to work, this time with the new version it is supposed to be supported. There is a switch in the command line interface that allows to specify the extension you want to use.
/extensions (/x) – allows using ReSharper extensions that affect code analysis. To use an extension, specify its ID, which you can find by opening the extension package page in the ReSharper Gallery, and then the Package Statistics page. Multiple values are separated with the semicolon.
But I cannot get it to work properly. I cannot even provoke any reaction to the /x switch at all. No matter how or what I pass, I get no feedback from the executable and the output is identical. I don't even get an error message when passing obvious garbage.
I tried the following commandlines for the exact same result:
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x="ReSharper.StyleCop" "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x=ReSharper.StyleCop "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea "my.sln"
inspectcode.exe /o="rcli.xml" /swea /x=ABCDEFG "my.sln"
JetBrains Inspect Code 9.1.1
Running in 64-bit mode, .NET runtime 4.0.30319.18444 under Microsoft Windows NT
6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Enabled solution-wide analysis according to Inspect Code command line Setting.
Analyzing files
Inspection report was written to rcli.xml
What am I doing wrong? How to get extensions to work?
I already tried the R# forums, but it took them more then 24h to approve my post and so far I'm not sure someone else even read it.
Unfortunately, the support for extensions was dropped in 9.0 due to the refactorings in the "ReSharper platform". I hope that JetBrains will bring it back soon.
See RSRP-436208.
This is a late answer that might help future readers (like myself). Currently inspectcode.exe will automatically look for and use any NuGet packages that are in the same folder as the executable (source).
Example for CleanCode extension:
if you have a R# instance on some machine and install the extension, it will be placed in C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\JetBrains\plugins\MO.CleanCode.5.6.15
copy MO.CleanCode.5.6.15.nupkg and paste it next to inspectcode.exe
when running inspectcode with verbosity = VERBOSE, the extension should appear in the Zones list:
$cmd = "..\JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineTools.2019.3.4\inspectcode.exe"
$outputFile = "..\Output\$($outputName).xml"
& $cmd -o="$outputFile" $sln --verbosity=VERBOSE
Zones: (52pcs)[CodeInspectionPageImplZone, DaemonEngineZone,
DaemonZone, IAmd64CpuArchitectureHostZone, IAspMvcZone,
IBatchToolEnvironmentZone, IClrImplementationHost Zone,
IClrPsiLanguageZone, ICodeEditingOptionsPageImplZone,
IConsoleEnvironmentZone, ICppProductZone, ICpuArchitectureHostZone,
IDocumentModelZone, IEnvironmentZone, IHostSolutionZone,
IInspectCodeConsoleEnvironmentZone, IInspectCodeEnvironmentZone,
IInspectCodeZone, ILanguageAspZone, ILanguageBuildScriptsZone,
ILanguageCppZone, I LanguageCSharpZone, ILanguageCssZone,
ILanguageHtmlZone, ILanguageIlZone, ILanguageJavaScriptZone,
ILanguageMsBuildZone, ILanguageNAntZone, ILanguageProtobufZone, ILa
nguageRazorZone, ILanguageRegExpZone, ILanguageResxZone,
ILanguageVBZone, ILanguageXamlZone, INetFrameworkHostZone, INuGetZone,
IOperatingSystemHostZone, IProjectMode lZone,
IPsiAssemblyFileLoaderImplZone, IPsiLanguageZone,
IPublicVisibilityZone, IRdFrameworkZone, IRiderModelZone,
ISinceClr2HostZone, ISinceClr4HostZone, ITextContro lsZone,
IToolsOptionsPageImplZone, IWebPsiLanguageZone, IWindowsNtHostZone,
PsiFeaturesImplZone, ReplaceableByIntelliJPlatformZone, SweaZone]
Packages: (23pcs)[JetBrains.ExternalAnnotations,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Ide, JetBrains.Platform.Core.IisExpress,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.MsBuild, JetBrains.Platform. Core.Shell,
JetBrains.Platform.Core.Text, JetBrains.Platform.Interop.CommandLine,
JetBrains.Platform.Interop.dotMe moryUnit.Interop.Console,
JetBrains.Platform.RdProtocol, JetBrains.Psi.Features.Core,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Cpp .Src.Core, JetBrains.Psi.Features.src,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Tasks, JetBrains.Psi.Features.UnitTesting,
JetBrains.Psi.Features.Web.Core, JetBrains.ReSharperAutomatio
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomat ionTools.src.DuplicatesFinder,
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.InspectCode, MO.CleanCode]
To debug Eclipse performance problems, I created this .options file:
org.eclipse.jdt.launching/debug = true
org.eclipse.jdt.launching/debug/classpath/jreContainer = true
# trace generation of type constraints and create toString info for debugging
# timing output for code assist
# Turn on debug tracing for org.eclipse.jdt.core plugin
# Reports java builder activity : nature of build, built state reading, indictment process
# Reports java builder stats
# Reports compiler activity
# Turn on debugging for the org.eclipse.core.resources plugin.
# Reports the start and end of all builder invocations
# Reports the start and end of build delta calculations
# For incremental builds, displays which builder is being run and
because of changes in which project.
# Prints a stack trace every time an operation finishes that requires a
The file is in the same folder as eclipse.ini.
When I open the about dialog, I can see the option -debug in the eclipse.commands variable:
(I replaced my home folder with $HOME for privacy reasons).
But I don't see any trace output in the console where I started Eclipse. I can see output from the m2e:
2015-01-19 17:04:46,892 [Worker-12] INFO o.e.m.c.i.embedder.EclipseLogger - Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
2015-01-19 17:04:46,892 [Worker-12] INFO o.e.m.c.i.embedder.EclipseLogger - Copying 1 resource
When I press Enter, I get an OSGi prompt.
But no trace of a trace output. What did I miss?
When starting Eclipse with -debug, you can see which configuration files it loads during startup. The output looks like this:
Install location:
Configuration file:
file:$HOME/tools/eclipse/kepler-SR2/configuration/config.ini loaded
Configuration location:
Framework located:
Framework classpath:
Splash location:
Debug options:
file:$HOME/tools/eclipse/kepler-SR2/.options loaded
Time to load bundles: 5
Note the last path which gives the debug options. In the case above, this was:
Debug options:
file:$HOME/tools/eclipse/kepler-SR2 loaded
which is a folder ... Why would Eclipse do this? Because it was told so:
Notice the path between -debug and -data? Get rid of that and it will work (or specify the path to a real options file).
![enter image description here][1]I am using Eclipse plug-in to deploy my J2EE application on JBoss AS 7.
I made changes in JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf as well as in standalone.conf.bat, where I updated the JVM heap sizes.
If I deploy the application via eclipse, the modified JVM configuriation isn't applied during the server start up. However, when I start it, using the standalone.conf.bat the changes are reflected during the start up as expected.
Is there anything I'm missing that eclipse fails to pick up?
Here is how the standalone.conf reads:
if [ "x$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS" = "x" ]; then
# Uncomment the following line to prevent manipulation of JVM options
# by shell scripts.
# Specify options to pass to the Java VM.
if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" = "x" ]; then
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true - Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 - Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS - Djava.awt.headless=true"
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.server.default.config=standalone.xml"
echo "JAVA_OPTS already set in environment; overriding default settings with values: $JAVA_OPTS"
if not "x%JAVA_OPTS%" == "x" (
echo "JAVA_OPTS already set in environment; overriding default settings with values: %JAVA_OPTS%"
rem # JVM memory allocation pool parameters - modify as appropriate.
set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xms64M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"
rem # Reduce the RMI GCs to once per hour for Sun JVMs.
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 - Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
The eclipse runtime clearly points to c: where i have done the edits to configuration files
![Eclipse Image]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Mdq8d.jpg
You can specify heap size in VM arguments within eclipse.
Double click on Server-> Open Launch Configuration -> enter heap size in VM argument.
Since there is no other answer yet, here's my assumption.
Did you made the changes directly under the JBOSS_HOME/.... or in Eclipse for the JBoss instance? For any reason you can't make the changes under
Eclipse -> Server -> JBoss7_Runtime -> Filesets -> Configuration File -> standalone.xml
This is different from the Tomcat instance, where it is usual to edit the server.xml configuration file in eclipse as well. May be there is a workaround for the JBoss runtime, so that you can edit the config in eclipse too.