How to minimize Eclipse PyDev Console output / tracing - eclipse

I have multiple installations of Eclipse(2021-12) + PyDev( all using Iron Python(2.7). All running on Windows 10. They all run the scripts as expected, but one installation has a much more robust console output when debugging, almost like a tracing option is enabled. I've tried reinstalling, deleting workspaces, deleting '.metadata' folders, etc. All the project settings seem identical.
Any ideas how to minimize the console output? Something in registry?
Expected Console output:
pydev debugger: starting (pid: 15312)
Actual Console output:
1.99s - Using GEVENT_SUPPORT: False
0.00s - pydevd __file__: C:\\Eclipse-2021-12-R\plugins\org.python.pydev.core_9.3.0.202203051235\pysrc\
0.11s - Initial arguments: (['C:\\Eclipse-2021-12-R\\plugins\\org.python.pydev.core_9.3.0.202203051235\\pysrc\\', '--multiprocess', '--protocol-http', '--print-in-debugger-startup', '--vm_type', 'python', '--client', '', '--port', '60413', '--file', 'C:\\'],)
0.00s - Current pid: 8884
pydev debugger: starting (pid: 8884)

Those should only appear if you add an environment variable asking it to be shown.
i.e.: Something as:
Maybe you have such an environment set in your launch configuration or interpreter configuration or elsewhere in your system?
You may want to check the os.environ of the running program to see what's set there.


Nunit-console runner not running any tests

So I am trying to run a powershell script that is triggered by TeamCity to run specific unit tests based on the names of the files that were changed on each github commit.
Here is how I am running it from the command line:
C:\MyFolder\bin\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.4.1\tools\nunit3-console.exe "C:\MyFolder\Bin\UnitTesting.dll" --test="MyFolder.QuickTests.DaoTests.ProductDaoTests.ProductBasicTest"
But I keep getting this, it runs it just never runs any tests:
NUnit Console Runner 3.4.1
Copyright (C) 2016 Charlie Poole
Runtime Environment
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0
CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000
Test Files
Test Filters
Test: MyFolder.QuickTests.DaoTests.ProductDaoTests.ProductBasicTest
Run Settings
WorkDirectory: C:\Users\Me
ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
ImageTargetFrameworkName: .NETFramework,Version=v4.0
ImageRequiresX86: False
ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
NumberOfTestWorkers: 2
Test Run Summary
Overall result: Passed
Test Count: 0, Passed: 0, Failed: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
Start time: 2016-10-17 20:28:43Z
End time: 2016-10-17 20:28:43Z
Duration: 0.303 seconds
Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
Now when I run it without the --test command like this:
C:\MyFolder\bin\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.4.1\tools\nunit3-console.exe "C:\MyFolder\Bin\UnitTesting.dll"
It runs every unit-test that we have, but I don't want to run them all, I want to run specific quick ones, and only run the large ones when we go to staging/production servers so our developers don't have to wait 15 to 20 minutes every time they commit something.
Some additional info:
-My namespace that I am using for this is
The Class I am calling is:
Some of the names like the folder directories were changed because they are %teamcity% placeholders for file directories.
What am I doing wrong to not be able to run specific tests?
For some reason my nunit-console is not recognizing the /run command or /fixture or --test=.
I upgraded to 3.5.0 and am still getting the same issues, I am not able to use --test.
C:\MyFolder\bin\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.5.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe "C:\MyFolder\Bin\UnitTesting.dll" --test="MyFolder.QuickTests.DaoTests.ProductDaoTests.ProductBasicTest"
That is the new location, and getting the same issue.
When I do --where for MyFolder it crashes Powershell but doesn't actually run anything.
When I do --explore it does the same as --where for MyFolder and does nothing for MyFolder.QuickTests .
Thanks to Rob I found the docs here and looked at the --where function with --where "name=ProductBasicTest" which will run all the files in that Test-Suite!
So thanks to Rob one of the issues that I was running into, is it was not recognizing my namespace correctly with QuickTests. So whenever I ran the function it was not running correctly.
To fix this you can go to the Test xml file output and see what names it was running tests under.
To run these individually you can run it by the name with the command:
"nunit3-console.exe C:\PathToDll.dll --where "name = NameOfTest"

How can I debug odoo 9 in eclipse? [Linux]

I have eclipse Neon in Linux Ubuntu 16.04
When I run a odoo server, it works everything fine in port 8069
But, when I debug the same odoo server, (now, the port is 8072) it appears to freeze in a infinite loop. In the browser doesn't appear anything (Waiting for localhost...), and the log shows this:
25138 INFO mydb openerp.modules.loading: 81 modules loaded in 0.73s, 0 queries
25138 INFO mydb openerp.modules.loading: Modules loaded.
25138 INFO mydb Generating routing map - - [2016-09-12 12:14:51] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 24082 21.358104
25138 INFO mydb openerp.addons.bus.models.bus: Bus.loop listen imbus on db postgres
This is my odoo9-server.conf (renamed openerp-server.conf):
admin_passwd = myAdminPass
db_host = False
db_port = False
db_user = myUserName
db_password = myDatabasePass
addons_path = /etc/odoo/server/addons,/etc/odoo/server/addons_extra
logfile = None
xmlrpc_port = 8069
log_level = debug
Is there something wrong?
To debug your odoo+python code in eclipse, start eclipse in debug perspective and follow the given steps:
1: Stop your Odoo running server by pressing "ctr+c".
2: In eclipse go to Menu "Run/Debug Configurations". In configuration window under "Python Run", create new debug configuration(Double click on 'Python Run').
3: After creating new debug configuration follow the given steps:
3.1: In "Main" tab under "Project", select the "server" project or folder (in which Odoo Server resides) from your workspace.
3.2: Write location of 'openerp-server' or '' under "Main Module".
Ex: ${workspace_loc:odoo/openerp-server}.
3.3: In "Arguments" tab under "Program Arguments", click on button "Variables" and new window will appear.
3.4: Then create new "Variable" by clicking on "Edit Variables" button and new window will appear.
3.5: Press on "New" button and give your addons path as value.
Ex: --addons ../addons,../your_module_path
3.6: Press Ok in all the opened windows and then "Apply".
4: Now into "PyDev Package Explorer" view go to odoo and right click on "openerp-server" or file, Select 'Debug As --> Python Run'.
5: Now in "Console" you can see your server has been started.
6: Now open your .py file which you want to debug and set a break-point.
7: Now start your module's form from 'gtk' or 'web-client' and execution will stop when execution will reach to break-point.
8: Now enjoy by debugging your code by pressing "F5, F6, F7" and you can see value of your variables.
To invoke pdb, add this line
import pdb; pdb.set_trace() anywhere you want to set a breakpoint
and then start your odoo with the --debug flag set, something along the lines of
./ --addons=addons,myaddons --debug
and then when you execute an action on the server that hits the point where you invoked pdb, the execution will immediately stop and you'll have a pdb prompt that you can use to debug
Finally I got the solution.
In the Debug Configurations, I changed the content of Main Module and I wrote this:
The important part is the openerp-gevent
Now, the debug works fine

Debugging Eclipse performance problems

To debug Eclipse performance problems, I created this .options file:
org.eclipse.jdt.launching/debug = true
org.eclipse.jdt.launching/debug/classpath/jreContainer = true
# trace generation of type constraints and create toString info for debugging
# timing output for code assist
# Turn on debug tracing for org.eclipse.jdt.core plugin
# Reports java builder activity : nature of build, built state reading, indictment process
# Reports java builder stats
# Reports compiler activity
# Turn on debugging for the org.eclipse.core.resources plugin.
# Reports the start and end of all builder invocations
# Reports the start and end of build delta calculations
# For incremental builds, displays which builder is being run and
because of changes in which project.
# Prints a stack trace every time an operation finishes that requires a
The file is in the same folder as eclipse.ini.
When I open the about dialog, I can see the option -debug in the eclipse.commands variable:
(I replaced my home folder with $HOME for privacy reasons).
But I don't see any trace output in the console where I started Eclipse. I can see output from the m2e:
2015-01-19 17:04:46,892 [Worker-12] INFO o.e.m.c.i.embedder.EclipseLogger - Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
2015-01-19 17:04:46,892 [Worker-12] INFO o.e.m.c.i.embedder.EclipseLogger - Copying 1 resource
When I press Enter, I get an OSGi prompt.
But no trace of a trace output. What did I miss?
When starting Eclipse with -debug, you can see which configuration files it loads during startup. The output looks like this:
Install location:
Configuration file:
file:$HOME/tools/eclipse/kepler-SR2/configuration/config.ini loaded
Configuration location:
Framework located:
Framework classpath:
Splash location:
Debug options:
file:$HOME/tools/eclipse/kepler-SR2/.options loaded
Time to load bundles: 5
Note the last path which gives the debug options. In the case above, this was:
Debug options:
file:$HOME/tools/eclipse/kepler-SR2 loaded
which is a folder ... Why would Eclipse do this? Because it was told so:
Notice the path between -debug and -data? Get rid of that and it will work (or specify the path to a real options file).

Where to find logs for a cloud-init user-data script?

I'm initializing spot instances running a derivative of the standard Ubuntu 13.04 AMI by pasting a shell script into the user-data field.
This works. The script runs. But it's difficult to debug because I can't figure out where the output of the script is being logged, if anywhere.
I've looked in /var/log/cloud-init.log, which seems to contain a bunch of stuff that would be relevant to debugging cloud-init, itself, but nothing about my script. I grepped in /var/log and found nothing.
Is there something special I have to do to turn logging on?
The default location for cloud init user data is already /var/log/cloud-init-output.log, in AWS, DigitalOcean and most other cloud providers. You don't need to set up any additional logging to see the output.
You could create a cloud-config file (with "#cloud-config" at the top) for your userdata, use runcmd to call the script, and then enable output logging like this:
output: {all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}
so I tried to replicate your problem. Usually I work in Cloud Config and therefore I just created a simple test user-data script like this:
echo "Hello World. The time is now $(date -R)!" | tee /root/output.txt
echo "I am out of the output file...somewhere?"
yum search git # just for fun
exit 0
Notice that, with CloudInit shell scripts, the user-data "will be executed at rc.local-like level during first boot. rc.local-like means 'very late in the boot sequence'"
After logging in into my instance (a Scientific Linux machine) I first went to /var/log/boot.log and there I found:
Hello World. The time is now Wed, 11 Sep 2013 10:21:37 +0200! I am
out of the file. Log file somewhere? Loaded plugins: changelog,
kernel-module, priorities, protectbase, security,
: tsflags, versionlock 126 packages excluded due to repository priority protections 9 packages excluded due to repository
protections ^Mepel/pkgtags
| 581 kB 00:00
=============================== N/S Matched: git =============================== ^[[1mGit^[[0;10mPython.noarch : Python ^[[1mGit^[[0;10m Library c^[[1mgit^[[0;10m.x86_64 : A fast web
interface for ^[[1mgit^[[0;10m
... (more yum search output)
bin etc lib lost+found mnt proc sbin srv tmp var
boot dev home lib64 media opt root selinux sys usr
(other unrelated stuff)
So, as you can see, my script ran and was rightly logged.
Also, as expected, I had my forced log 'output.txt' in /root/output.txt with the content:
Hello World. The time is now Wed, 11 Sep 2013 10:21:37 +0200!
So...I am not really sure what is happening in you script.
Make sure you're exiting the script with
exit 0 #or some other code
If it still doesn't work, you should provide more info, like your script, your boot.log, your /etc/rc.local, and your cloudinit.log.
btw: what is your cloudinit version?

How do I suppress the bloat of useless information when using the DUMP command while using grunt via 'pig -x local'?

I'm working with PigLatin, using grunt, and every time I 'dump' stuffs, my console gets clobbered with blah blah, blah non-info, is there a way to surpress all that?
grunt> A = LOAD 'testingData' USING PigStorage(':'); dump A;
2013-05-06 19:42:04,146 [main] INFO - Pig features used in the script: UNKNOWN
2013-05-06 19:42:04,147 [main] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MRCompiler - File concatenation threshold: 100 optimistic? false
--- another like 50 lines of useless context clobbering junk here... till ---
org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceLauncher - Success!
now my like 4 lines of info looking for:
(daemon,*,1,1,System Services,/var/root,/usr/bin/false)
(taskgated,*,13,13,Task Gate Daemon,/var/empty,/usr/bin/false)
(networkd,*,24,24,Network Services,/var/empty,/usr/bin/false)
---> obviously if it errors, fine lotsa info helpful, but not when it basically works great.
You need to set the log4j properties.
For example:
$PIG_HOME/conf/ :
# log4jconf=./conf/
rename: -> :
set info to error:, A
You may also set the Hadoop related logging level as well: = error, A
An easy way to do this seems to be to redirect standard error as below.
But it will suppress all errors.
pig -x local 2> /dev/null
Also found that if you remove or rename your hadoop install directory to basically make it inaccessible to pig then all those INFO messages go away. Changing logging levels in hadoop didn't help, just so that you know.
When you start pig, pass it a file with pig -4 <filename>.
In my case there was a in the conf directory and setting the level of the logger named org.apache.pig to ERROR is sufficient to make the logger less verbose., A
pig has debug log level one need to set that in file,
# Logging level. debug=OFF|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG (default: INFO)
# debug=INFO
The reason one get large logs on console, e.g. change it to ERROR