BizTalk and DB2 CLOB - db2

Has anyone had experience dealing with DB2 stored procedures which take a CLOB input parameter and calling that stored procedure from BizTalk?
I've tried changing the schema type to string, base64binary, hexbinary, byte, but no matter what I get this error:
Error details: The parameter value for parameter 1 could not be converted to a native data type. Parameter Name: P_EML_BODY, Data Type: Long strings of input text<br> More long strings of input text <br>More long strings of input text, Value : CharForBit

It might be the way the parameters are being created and in what order. Take a look here. Are any of them null or empty?


Convert String to Int in Azure data factory Derived column expression

I've created a dataflow task in azure data factory and used derived column transformation. One of the source derived column value is '678396' which is extracted through Substring function and datatype "String" by default. I want to convert it into "Integer" because my target column datatype is "Integer".
I've to converted the column in this expression:
Please help me with correct expression.
Kind regards,
You don't need to build the expression. If you column data are all like int string "678396", or the output of Substring(Column_1,1,8) are int String
Data Factory can convert the int string to integer data type directly from source to sink. We don't need convert again.
Make sure you set column mapping correctly in sink settings. All things would works well.
This my csv dataset:
You can choose the Quote character to singe quote, then could solve the problem. See the source data preview in Copy active and Data Flow:
Copy active source:
Data Flow overview:
In data flow, we will get the alert like you said comment, we could ignore it and debug the data flow directly:
you don't even need to substruct quotes '', as ToInteger function can convert numbers as string type

Dealing with parsing oids in Postgres

I'm currently improving a library client for Postgresql, the library already has working communication protocol including DataRow and RowDescription.
The problem I'm facing right now is how to deal with values.
Returning plain string with array of integers for example is kind of pointless.
By my research I found that some other libraries (like for Python) either return is as unmodified string or convert primitive types including arrays.
What I mean by conversion is making Postgres DataRow raw data as Python-type value: Postgres integer is parsed as python number, Postgres booleans as python booleans, etc.
Should I make second query to get information column type and use its converters or should I leave it plain?
You could opt to get the array values in the internal format by setting the corresponding "result-column format code" in the Bind message to 1, but that is typically a bad choice, since the internal format varies from type to type and may even depend on the server's architecture.
So your best option is probably to parse the string representation of the array on the client side, including all the escape characters.
When it comes to finding the base type for an array type, there is no other option than querying pg_type like
SELECT typelem::regtype FROM pg_type WHERE oid = 1007;
(1 row)
You could cache these values on the client side so that you don't have to query more than once per type and database session.

How to Validate the data type of a field is it integer or string in AWS Glue in Scala and throw the errors of that invalid data

I want to read data from s3 and applymapping to it and then write it to another s3.
I want to check by datatype in field wise whether the data match the mapping datatype or not.
Like in mapping I made username is string.
Now when I write it to a S3 I need to check whether username field has all string or it has some thing odd value.
How can I achieve it ?
any help would really appreciable to me.

Convert varchar parameter with CSV into column values postgres

I have a postgres query with one input parameter of type varchar.
value of that parameter is used in where clause.
Till now only single value was sent to query but now we need to send multiple values such that they can be used with IN clause.
where data=value.//current usage
where data in (value)//intended usage
I tried many ways i.e. providing value as
value="abc","def","ghk" etc.
But none is working and query is not returning any result though there are some matching data available. If I provide the values directly in IN clause, I am seeing the data.
I think I should somehow split the parameter which is comma separated string into multiple values, but I am not sure how I can do that.
Please note its Postgres DB.
You can try to split input string into an array. Something like that:
where data = ANY(string_to_array('abc,def,ghk',','))

What is the purpose of the input output functions in Postgresql 9.2 user defined types?

I have been implementing user defined types in Postgresql 9.2 and got confused.
In the PostgreSQL 9.2 documentation, there is a section (35.11) on user defined types. In the third paragraph of that section, the documentation refers to input and output functions that are used to construct a type. I am confused about the purpose of these functions. Are they concerned with on-disk representation or only in-memory representation? In the section referred to above, after defining the input and output functions, it states that:
If we want to do anything more with the type than merely store it,
we must provide additional functions to implement whatever operations
we'd like to have for the type.
Do the input and output functions deal with serialization?
As I understand it, the input function is the one which will be used to perform INSERT INTO and the output function to perform SELECT on the type so basically if we want to perform an INSERT INTO then we need a serialization function embedded or invoked in the input or output function. Can anyone help explain this to me?
Types must have a text representation, so that values of this type can be expressed as literals in a SQL query, and returned as results in output columns.
For example, '2013-20-01' is a text representation of a date. It's possible to write VALUES('2013-20-01'::date) in a SQL statement, because the input function of the date type recognizes this string as a date and transforms it into an internal representation (for both using it in memory and storing to disk).
Conversely, when client code issues SELECT date_field FROM table, the values inside date_field are returned in their text representation, which is produced by the type's output function from the internal representation (unless the client requested a binary format for this column).