Convert varchar parameter with CSV into column values postgres - postgresql

I have a postgres query with one input parameter of type varchar.
value of that parameter is used in where clause.
Till now only single value was sent to query but now we need to send multiple values such that they can be used with IN clause.
where data=value.//current usage
where data in (value)//intended usage
I tried many ways i.e. providing value as
value="abc","def","ghk" etc.
But none is working and query is not returning any result though there are some matching data available. If I provide the values directly in IN clause, I am seeing the data.
I think I should somehow split the parameter which is comma separated string into multiple values, but I am not sure how I can do that.
Please note its Postgres DB.

You can try to split input string into an array. Something like that:
where data = ANY(string_to_array('abc,def,ghk',','))


How to understand the return type?

I'm building a framework for rust-postgres.
I need to know what value type will be returned from a row.try_get, to get the value in a variable of the appropriate type.
I can get the sql type from row.columns()[index].type, but not if the value is nullable , so i can't decide to put the value in a normal type or a Option<T>.
I can use just the content of the row to understand it, i can't do things like "get the table structure from Postgresql".
is there a way?
The reason that the Column type does not expose any way to find out if a result column is nullable is because the database does not return this information.
Remember that result columns are derived from running a query, and that query may contain arbitrary expressions. If the query was a simple SELECT of columns from a table, then it would be reasonably simple to determine if a column could be nullable.
But it could also be a very complex expression, derived from multiple columns, subselects or even custom functions. Postgres can figure out the data type of each column, but in the general case it doesn't know if a result column may contain nulls.
If your application is only performing simple queries, and you know which table column each result column comes from, then you can find out if that table column is nullable like this:
SELECT is_nullable
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema='myschema'
AND table_name='mytable'
AND column_name='mycolumn';
If your queries are not that simple then I recommend you always get the result as an Option<T> and handle the possibility that the result might be None.

SSRS multi value parameter - can't get it to work

First off this is my first attempt at a multi select. I've done a lot of searching but I can't find the answer that works for me.
I have a postgresql query which has bg.revision_key in (_revision_key) which holds the parameter. A side note, we've named all our parameters in the queries with the underscore and they all work, they are single select in SSRS.
In my SSRS report I have a parameter called Revision Key Segment which is the multi select parameter. I've ticked Allow multi value and in Available Values I have value field pointing to revision_key in the dataset.
In my dataset parameter options I have Parameter Value [#revision_key]
In my shared dataset I also have my parameter set to Allow multi value.
For some reason I can't seem to get the multi select to work so I must be missing something somewhere but I've ran out of ideas.
Unlike with SQL Server, when you connect to a database using an ODBC connection, the parameter support is different. You cannot use named parameters and instead have to use the ? syntax.
In order to accommodate multiple values you can concatenate them into a single string and use a like statement to search them. However, this is inefficient. Another approach is to use a function to split the values into an in-line table.
In PostgreSQL you can use an expression like this:
inner join (select CAST(regexp_split_to_table(?, ',') AS int) as filter) as my on my.filter = key_column
Then in the dataset properties, under the parameters tab, use an expression like this to concatenate the values:
=Join(Parameters!Keys.Value, ",")
In other words, the report is concatenating the values into a comma-separated list. The database is splitting them into a table of integers then inner joining on the values.

PostgreSql Queries treats Int as string datatypes

I store the following rows in my table ('DataScreen') under a JSONB column ('Results')
{"Id":11,"Product":"Google Chrome","Handle":3091,"Description":"Google Chrome"}
{"Id":111,"Product":"Microsoft Sql","Handle":3092,"Description":"Microsoft Sql"}
{"Id":22,"Product":"Microsoft OneNote","Handle":3093,"Description":"Microsoft OneNote"}
{"Id":222,"Product":"Microsoft OneDrive","Handle":3094,"Description":"Microsoft OneDrive"}
Here, In this JSON objects "Id" amd "Handle" are integer properties and other being string properties.
When I query my table like below
Select Results->>'Id' From DataScreen
order by Results->>'Id' ASC
I get the improper results because PostgreSql treats everything as a text column and hence does the ordering according to the text, and not as integer.
Hence it gives the result as
instead of
I don't want to use explicit casting to retrieve like below
Select Results->>'Id' From DataScreen order by CAST(Results->>'Id' AS INT) ASC
because I will not be sure of the datatype of the column due to the fact that JSON structure will be dynamic and the keys and values may change next time. and Hence could happen the same with another JSON that has Integer and string keys.
I want something so that Integers in Json structure of JSONB column are treated as integers only and not as texts (string).
How do I write my query so that Id And Handle are retrieved as Integer Values and not as strings , without explicit casting?
I think your assumtions about the id field don't make sense. You said,
(a) Either id contains integers only or
(b) it contains strings and integers.
I'd say,
If (a) then numerical ordering is correct.
If (b) then lexical ordering is correct.
But if (a) for some time and then (b) then the correct order changes, too. And that doesn't make sense. Imagine:
For the current database you expect the order 11,22,111,222. Then you add a row
{"Id":"aa","Product":"Microsoft OneDrive","Handle":3095,"Description":"Microsoft OneDrive"}
and suddenly the correct order of the other rows changes to 11,111,22,222,aa. That sudden change is what bothers me.
So I would either expect a lexical ordering ab intio, or restrict my id field to integers and use explicit casting.
Every other option I can think of is just not practical. You could, for example, create a custom < and > implementation for your id field which results in 11,111,22,222,aa. ("Order all integers by numerical value and all strings by lexical order and put all integers before the strings").
But that is a lot of work (it involves a custom data type, a custom cast function and a custom operator function) and yields some counterintuitive results, e.g. 11,111,22,222,0a,1a,2a,aa (note the position of 0a and so on. They come after 222).
Hope, that helps ;)
If Id always integer you can cast it in select part and just use ORDER BY 1:
select (Results->>'Id')::int From DataScreen order by 1 ASC

How to pass input parameter to solr

I have three input parameters in postgresql stored procedure I need to pass this input parameters in solr, input parameters are member_id, apps_name, photo_id. In URL I need to get :
http://localhost:8983/solr/demo7/select?q=*%3A*&fq=i_member_id+%3A+14194+AND+i_photo_id : 20140810832&rows=1&wt=json&indent=true
based on it I will display o/p parameters.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
There is no spaces in the query syntax for a fq.
If you have documents with the value 14194 in a field named i_member_id, the proper fq is fq=i_member_id:14194. If both values will change independently, it's usually preferrable to cache each filter by itself instead of combining them. i.e.
If it makes more sense to cache the result as a single query (i.e., the i_photo_id part will never be reused for other member_ids), the AND syntax you've used is correct:
fq=i_member_id:14194 AND i_photo_id:20140810832

Parameterized SQL Columns?

I have some code which utilizes parameterized queries to prevent against injection, but I also need to be able to dynamically construct the query regardless of the structure of the table. What is the proper way to do this?
Here's an example, say I have a table with columns Name, Address, Telephone. I have a web page where I run Show Columns and populate a select drop-down with them as options.
Next, I have a textbox called Search. This textbox is used as the parameter.
Currently my code looks something like this:
result = pquery('SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE `' + escape(column) + '`=?', search);
I get an icky feeling from it though. The reason I'm using parameterized queries is to avoid using escape. Also, escape is likely not designed for escaping column names.
How can I make sure this works the way I intend?
The reason I require dynamic queries is that the schema is user-configurable, and I will not be around to fix anything hard-coded.
Instead of passing the column names, just pass an identifier that you code will translate to a column name using a hardcoded table. This means you don't need to worry about malicious data being passed, since all the data is either translated legally, or is known to be invalid. Psudoish code:
#columns = qw/Name Address Telephone/;
if ($columns[$param]) {
$query = "select * from contacts where $columns[$param] = ?";
} else {
die "Invalid column!";
run_sql($query, $search);
The trick is to be confident in your escaping and validating routines. I use my own SQL escape function that is overloaded for literals of different types. Nowhere do I insert expressions (as opposed to quoted literal values) directly from user input.
Still, it can be done, I recommend a separate — and strict — function for validating the column name. Allow it to accept only a single identifier, something like
You'll have to rely on assumptions you can make about your own column names.
I use ADO.NET and the use of SQL Commands and SQLParameters to those commands which take care of the Escape problem. So if you are in a Microsoft-tool environment as well, I can say that I use this very sucesfully to build dynamic SQL and yet protect my parameters
best of luck
Make the column based on the results of another query to a table that enumerates the possible schema values. In that second query you can hardcode the select to the column name that is used to define the schema. if no rows are returned then the entered column is invalid.
In standard SQL, you enclose delimited identifiers in double quotes. This means that:
SELECT * FROM "SomeTable" WHERE "SomeColumn" = ?
will select from a table called SomeTable with the shown capitalization (not a case-converted version of the name), and will apply a condition to a column called SomeColumn with the shown capitalization.
Of itself, that's not very helpful, but...if you can apply the escape() technique with double quotes to the names entered via your web form, then you can build up your query reasonably confidently.
Of course, you said you wanted to avoid using escape - and indeed you don't have to use it on the parameters where you provide the ? place-holders. But where you are putting user-provided data into the query, you need to protect yourself from malicious people.
Different DBMS have different ways of providing delimited identifiers. MS SQL Server, for instance, seems to use square brackets [SomeTable] instead of double quotes.
Column names in some databases can contain spaces, which mean you'd have to quote the column name, but if your database contains no such columns, just run the column name through a regular expression or some sort of check before splicing into the SQL:
if ( $column !~ /^\w+$/ ) {
die "Bad column name [$column]";