Editing Screenshots iTunes Connect for Approved App - iphone

While previously Apple didn't allow editing screenshots without a new binary, as of Sept 2010 they say this: Screenshots are now an unlocked metadata attribute and can be updated at any time
Ok, that's good, but when I go into iTunes connect and click the Edit link for my screenshots, I see options to re-arrange or delete screenshots, but no upload box, to put in a new one.
Do I have to delete a screenshot before the upload box will appear? That's my guess here, but I don't feel like experimenting. So much for intuitive interfaces.

Yes, if you have 5 images, you have to delete one first. It's the same when you upload your app and add screenshots for the first time.


Updating App with new version on app store and when to change app details?

I have made new version of the app and i want to update it on apple store. Also i want to change some keywords and screen shots, because there are new features.
But browsing the stack overflow i noticed that some of these properties are editable only during the upload. Since i don't want to mess things up, and it is delicate matter, i would like step by step instructions, if possible.
So do I first upload binary (in xode archive and then distribute), and after that go to my developer account and edit things, or reverse?
The two items that are locked after app submission are Screenshots and Keywords. Description Metadata may be updated at any time, even after approval. Data in the "Version Information" section cannot be edited after the app is made "Ready for Sale" with the exception of the copyright notice.
The process you will most likely want to follow is:
Create a "New Version" placeholder for your app in iTunesConnect
Update your Keywords
Update your Screenshots (Be sure to include 3.5", 4", and iPad if applicable)
Update Description
Set App as "Ready to Upload Binary"
After Approval, you can still edit Description
Hope this helps!
I did it like this for my first app :P
click the app you want to update in "Manage your apps".
then add version.
edit everything you want! and done.

Change screenshots of app after submission

I have a simple question.
Can I change Screenshots of my app in the "Metadata and Uploads" section in itunesconnect.apple.com, after submission of app ? (At very first my app was rejected by apple after rejection, i made some changes in the app and then again uploaded new binary using "Ready to upload binary" button in iTunesconnect while uploading he didn't ask me for updating screenshots..)
If not then, do i need to reupload binary ?
My current status in itunesconnect shows Waiting for review
Even more recently (who knows when...) apparently you can change screenshots again while the app is waiting for review.
More recently (2015 or earlier), you cannot change screenshots even while your app is "waiting for review."
You are not allowed to change them after the app has been approved so be quick. See this news release by Apple:
This move is thought to be a way to deter spammers from posting a fake app and then changing the screenshot to mimic an existing popular app.
Update after talking to Apple:
On 2015-08-18 # 12:30pm EST, the answer is still NO -- but there is hope.
I spoke with Apple on Monday, 2015-08-17 and after investigating the issue, they explained that iTunes Connect Screenshot uploading has a temporary error due to ongoing updates to iTunes Connect as aforementioned at WWDC. They are now aware of the issue and their engineers will restore the legacy functionality allowing us upload new images while Waiting For Review, as soon as possible. Meanwhile, if one needs to modify screenshots, simple "Remove this version from review", change the screens, then re-click "Submit For Review".
I hope this helps.
On 2015-08-16 # 2:48am EST, the answer is NO.
I can not edit, add, or remove screen shots in either Safari, Chrome or Firefox at time for status "Waiting For Review". I cannot do it before editing anything else - like the title or keywords, which ARE editable - nor can I do it after editing anything else.
I have read all of the guidelines provided in the links above in full. At a certain point, it becomes circular linking regarding editing metadata and app statuses. Yes, screens are locked when the app is not editable, but all indications are that Waiting For Review is an editable status. There is nothing stating this is not the case. Heck, at the top of the App's screen is blatantly states:
"(i) You can edit all information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review."
However, one CAN NOT do it. This is a real blow as one will not realize this until it is too late and one is reading these posts - and now one realizes that one has lost the time and must reject and re-queue. Either that, or go to market with inferior metadata screens.
I will call the contact number in the morning at 7am PST. If anything changes, I will update this post. If not updated, one can assume this is the final status as of this time.
*** Sadly:
If you need to change your meta screens, and you cannot do it, stop hoping, stop reading, I am sorry to say: You cannot do it. Cancel the submission, change the version number, change the screens and resubmit the sooner, the better.
I just discovered this evening that they lock it down when it goes into "In Review".
These "rules" change from time to time, currently (Jun 2015) you can change certain items but not images when you submit for review.
More information about what you can and cannot change is located here:
The last column currently states Locked. There it also states:
General App Information properties are either locked or unlocked.
Unlocked properties are always editable. Locked properties are only
editable when your app is in an editable state. The tables in this
section indicate whether a property is locked or unlocked. Changes you
make to unlocked General App Information properties are posted
immediately (expect 24 hours for a full refresh of the change on the
store). See also About App Statuses.
Information about app statuses:
Apple have recently changed their guidelines. You can apparently no longer delete or change screenshots once an app has changed status to "Waiting for review".
If you need to change your binary you can change it. You can upload new screenshots by removing existing screenshots if five or replace one.
I was able to change several screenshots for app that is already "Waiting For Review" today. So apparently it's possible again.
While an app is "Waiting for Review" state you can change screenshots. I did check it on Friday, 18 October 2019.
Copied from App Store Connect web site:
You can still edit all information while your version is waiting for
Simply yes.
You can upload/change the screenshots after application approved.
Even you can also change price and description of the app.
But you can not change the category of the app.
So, at the moment, if you have uploaded 2 screenshots, then after app approval, you can upload other 3 screenshots or change the existing 2 screenshots as well.
Hope, you have an idea.

Can I change the category of my app at iTunes Connect?

I added many versions of my app at appstore with Utilities as a primary category ,but now I want to add it as Lifestyle category.Can I change this category with out deleting the app
Create a new version of the application and submit the binary again. While creating new version we can change the primary and secondary categories.
You should be able to update the category choices you initially chose during the submission process by logging into iTunes Connect and editing your app.
Log in to iTunes Connect.
Go to "Manage Your Applications"
Select your app.
Modify the "Primary Category".
It's unclear if you have already tried this. I haven't personally tried this in a couple of days, so I'm not sure if this functionality has been randomly removed, but it's certainly worth trying if you haven't already.
You can also change the category when submitting an update to your application, so if all else fails, this is always an option.
The only way to do it is to submit a new version in iTunesConnect. If you are fortunate and haven't deleted the old binary, simply resubmit it. If you are out of luck like me then you will need to submit a new release. (Reason why I say out of luck is...I am 1/2 way down into the development of my next release and it is no shape to be submitted to appstore which means a month delay for me to just change the category)
First select the app by going to
iTunes Connect>My Apps> YourApp
Under iOS APP> click Rating [edit] link.
If you have selected "Made for kids" and has already been rejected due to outbound links then there are few ways to go about this.
Option 1: Removing outgoing internet access items (links, in-app purchases etc.) and resubmit the app.
Option 2: Fix outgoing access as per Apple guidelines (which may include adding verbiage to seek help from parents/adults). So redesign and resubmit the app. Apple guideline: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/parental-gates/
Option 3: Uncheck Made for kids option. To do this you will have to delete the binary.Then Re-add the app icon(1024x1024), upload build and resubmit.

Uploading new screenshots to iTunes Connect [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Editing screenshots in iTunes Connect after iPhone app was approved
I've recently uploaded an update for one of my iPhone apps, but I didn't update the screenshots. It has now dawned on me that they are old screens for the new game, which might be confusing for users.
Is there anyway to upload the new screenshots without submitting a new binary?
Seems like Apple can't make up their mind what they want to allow. Originally, you couldn't and then they changed it to allow you to change them and now you can't change them anymore.
Here's the relevant section of the documentation:
Important: Screenshots are locked for all apps except Newsstand apps.
Newsstand apps are able to change their screenshots without creating a
new version of the app.
Wait a sec, update Sept 16, 2010:
Screenshots are now an unlocked metadata attribute and can be updated at any time
From the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
Although when I go into iTunes connect and click the Edit link to edit my Screenshots, I see that I can change the order of them but I don't see an upload button. I also see I can click an "X" at the top right of the screenshot. I assume this deletes it, but will I then get a box to add one back?? Not really sure I want to experiment here. So much for intuitive interfaces.
It looks to me like Apple's documentation doesn't match their implementation. I agree that iTunesConnect does not allow us to edit the large 512x512 icon (that's the case today anyway, 08.03.2011). But according to the iTunesConnect_DevelopmentGuide.pdf (version 6.9, July 20, 2011, p.97), "Clicking on the Edit button next to Uploads will allow you to edit the large app icon and your screenshots for your version. For Mac OS X apps, you will only be able to edit the screenshots, as the large icon is uploaded as part of the binary".

AppStore: changing the icon after the app is published?

My app is already available on the appstore, but after getting some feedback I'm having second thoughts about the icon.
I know the large version of the icon is supposed to look like the device version. But what if I upload a different one, without changing the binary icon, now that the app is already published? Could that get my app removed?
And if I decide to also change the binary icon and re-upload a binary with just that change, would that be considered as an update and go through the review process?
They shouldn't care if you update the store images/text, as long as it still looks reasonable. If you post an update, it will go through "review", but if the update change notes say that you only updated the icon, they'll likely pass it through pretty quickly.
You could always send an email to the App Store help email (it's listed on a bunch of the iTunes Connect pages), and see what they say. They've gotten back to me relatively quickly every time I've asked them a question.
I don't think your icon looks all that bad, actually.
It is not possible, when your app uploaded and successfully published then after we cant change the app icon ....so you have to upload again with different icon.