Upload photo from my system to company Facebook page without having users authenticate individually - facebook

I have an application where my staff upload photos for specific tours. My priority is to have the photos uploaded to my system to use in my site and product display. However, every time any of my staff upload a photo in my system, I want to send the photo to our corporate facebook presence. Preferably with a little story about each photo.
Everything I have found seems to require each user to log in with their own facebook accounts individually. Is there a way to code authentication with my facebook account details regardless of who the user is and then take the photo uploaded on my system using cffile and send it to our corporate facebook presence?
I would post code attempts here, but at this point I am still not sure if this is possible. Any guidance would be appreciated.

posting photo with some text is possible on Facebook using your system. all you need to do is to visit developer.facebook.com and register an app and get the required authentication key. and follow documentation of graph API. ColdFusion Facebook SDK is also available on Git Hub. that makes you job more easy.


Facebook Graph API - Post a photo in an album with page admin access token

So I have this Facebook page where I sell baby products. Every now and then we organize a photo contest as it has been proven an effective way to engage with the customers/community. Previously, we used to get photos from the customers and manually upload each and every one of them in an album.
Automate the process of
Getting an image from the customer
Uploading them into the album
Provide the customer with the URL
The customer being able to upload the image on a UI(form as attached below) from the website which should upload the image in the Facebook album and return the URL back to them via Graph API. [Not sure if its a good idea, please feel free to advise :) ]
This is what I've built:
What should be the flow of getting the permanent access token where the customer won't have to log in. Maybe get a PageAccessToken with reading and write permission and process the automation from there?
What would your flow be if this case scenario? I want to avoid the customer having to log in as we don't need their data at all. All I need is them to post the photo in the album of my page.
Being new to the FB Graph API, I would really appreciate a step by step approach to solve the problem.
I am using VUE JS and Facebook JS SDK.
Backend PHP..
I have reached the conclusion after a few research and suggestions provided by #CBroe that designing the app like the way I initially imagined is not very practical and here is what I have decided to do:
The customers will be able to send the required information by filling the form
The information will be saved in a database including the image
The first thing will be to generate a user access token
Generate Long-lived user access token
Generate Long-lived page access token
I have decided, instead of pushing the photo directly to Facebook, it'll be first approved by the admin
If everything alright the admin will post it to the Facebook album with a push of a button
So, my solution is to automate posting to the Facebook where the admin has to push a approve button instead of the customer being able to directly post the photo on Facebook. I will try to post a link to git after it's done.

How to add blogger's RSS feed to facebook profile/page

I have a blog and I want that whatever is posted in the blog should get directly posted on my facebook profile/page. Basically I wish to post my blog's RSS feed to my facebook profile/page. I used RSS Graffiti to accomplish the task but somehow it seems like that isn't working.
You should forget about the user profile for that. First of all, you are not allowed to use the user profile for commercial reasons, it´s ONLY a user profile, for you and your friends, not a platform to advertise. And then there´s the problem with the Access Token. An Extended User Token lasts for 60 days, so you would have to refresh it every 2 months if you want to autopost stuff to Facebook.
Now for your Facebook Page, you can create an Extended Page Token that lasts forever. The rest is explained in the Facebook docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.2/page/feed#publish
In general, you need to use a Page Token with publish_actions to post to the /page-id/feed endpoint.
Information about Access Tokens and how to generate and extend them:
At this point, Facebook does not let you add an RSS feed to automatically do that.
I would recommend using a tool like IFTTT which does it very well!
Facebook between 2009-2011 had a feature which allowed you to add blog feeds from any format to your profile so it would publish. It was later introduced into Facebook Pages and some how discontinued in the main profiles of users on Facebook, so that businesses appear as businesses and everyone else appears as everyone else, since currently on my profile on Facebook, my content from Flickr, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and my other accounts are automatically published to my main Facebook profile. This is because I signed up and started using Facebook in 2009 to the current date.
What really annoys me is that there is so much info online about how to do this but I have to say is that Facebook can easily adjust it's service to include RSS Feeds in it's platform through the app http:// facebook .com/apps/feed , which basically shows your updates from the games you play on Facebook, which is annoying that Facebook hasn't even got round to replacing RSS Feeds into profiles.
I'll send some support requests to Facebook (lets say tons of support requests) and I'll ask them to add it back in because other users are slightly annoyed. I'm annoyed with the childish icons that they have (including the icon for the Instagram app, which, yes, is owned by Facebook).
Another way is by connecting your apps that you use to your Facebook account by going to either the respective app in Facebook itself or by finding the setting Connect To Facebook in the Settings of your accounts on other Third-Party services. As an example, you can use PlayStation Network (PSN) by connecting your PlayStation account to your Facebook through the PS4 itself by going into Settings > Account Settings > Link Services > Facebook and then type in your login details, as usual. This will log you and keep you signed into your Facebook account on your PSN account. This means that everytime you interact with PSN by the associated Facebook service, your interaction is posted to Facebook based on the settings whether it's set to post as Private or Public. This means that everytime you play a game or decide to setup a Live Stream, your post is posted to Facebook from the PS4 automatically. Same method could also work with Blogger app for Facebook by connecting your Facebook to your Blogger account (in Google+ settings if you've switched to the new profile interface). So it's possible, yes, in other apps now more than before so it's also the reason for why Facebook probably removed Feeds.
If anyone wants to see my updates from my connected apps and connected data, you can follow my Public hashtag posts at http://facebook.com/search/top/?q=%23warrenwoodhouse and you can follow the same hashtag on every service available including PSN, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Google Search, Google Images, Google Videos, YouTube, YouTube Gaming, Instagram, Flickr and other services. If you're interested in seeing my full feed updates, I've created a nice feed on FeedBurner at http:// feeds. feedburner .com/warrenwoodhouse

Can this be done with the Facebook API?

I am thinking of starting a website that allows users to download files in exchange for them sharing the download page on Facebook.
So the general idea is the user logs into the website with their Facebook account and grants the App permissions to post for them. Whenever they download a file, it is posted to their wall.
I know forcing a user to share is against Facebook TOS but forcing a user to like isn't. I don't know the rules when it comes to Facebook Apps.
Any advice or information on this topic would be greatly appreciated!

Download photo from Facebook album

Is it possible and legal for a website to download and store photos from a Facebook album?
This the process that I'mtrying to achieve from my website.
A user browses to my website
My website uses the Facebook SDK to display the user's Facebook photos
The user selects photos
My website physically downloads those selected photos and stores them on the server that the website is hosted on.
I need to download these photos so that other users can see them.
It's technically possible if you ask for the correct permissions when you authenticate.
Facebook allows you to download user data (including photos) for purposes of caching.
There are a lot of responsibilities that come along with being able to download user data and rather than trust my interpretation, you should really read the Facebook Policy yourself.

Get Facebook wall data to web portal

I have web portal. I need to somehow get all Facebook wall posts from just one specific user or group( that represents my web portal). I need to have wall posts available on my web portal for further processing.
I will be also needing an option for posting messages from web portal to FB user/group wall.
I haven`t worked with FB API until now, so any materials, tutorials that can lead me in right direction would be of great help.
Can this be done without creating Facebook application?
Thank you
Facebook just like that does not share its user information.
you will have to create an app on facebook to authorize urself,and on your web portal you will have to sek users permission before getting any user info.
craete facebook app here https://developers.facebook.com/apps
You can choose between javascript sdk and graph api on how you want to get user data.
You can use publish_stream permisiion to get the post on user wall.
Can this be done without creating Facebook application?
Tutorials and materials:
Graph API
Samples & How-Tos
Google, but I would be careful here. Try to search for updated tutorials (written or updated on 2011)
I used this http://neosmart.de/social-media/facebook-wall its fb.wall plugin into jQuery .js library. It easy and can be edited symply via CSS