Where is the documentation for Facebook Connect for Mobile Web? - facebook

Has anyone seen it? Facebook made big announcements in 2009/2010 about 'Facebook Connect for Mobile Web' but now all I can find are broken links to pages that no longer exist on the official Facebook blog and in the developer forums.
This blog post links to a page that redirects to the basic website documentation, not mobile web:
And here is where the mobile web preview is supposed to be:
The main reason I am searching for this seemingly non-existent documentation is to find out if there is a clean(ish) way of adding 'Share on Facebook' and 'Facebook Like' to a mobile web application that does not bring in the entire fb.js library or rely on fugly iframes.
Did Facebook silently give up on mobile web integration, or did they just move all the documentation to a place that isn't indexed by any search engine?

It has a link on the home page:


Facebook stating my app short dynamic link as against community standards

I have a mobile app that people can share a link to it on Facebook and it's has been fine for months. But in the last few days, when people share the short dynamic (deep) link that is configured in Firebase dynamic links, Facebook says it goes against community standards.
However, if I post the long deep link (not the short) on Facebook, it works fine. I used the Facebook share debugger to see what could be the problem. If I put the short deep link, it says "the website contains a blocked URL" and nothing more (no other info or meta data). Even though, the links that the deep link converts to are the app on play and app store, and for the web it's the web page that shows a description of the app and has been the same all the time while the share was working fine (the web page url only shows a warning to include some missing properties in page and not a blocked URL on Facebook share debugger, same message as with working long dynamic link).
So how can I figure out the real problem? Many thanks.
Found the problem. It was the image preview URL in the dynamic link. For some reason, the hosted link was considered as a suspicious URL even though in was hosted on a trusted site and works on other platforms.
have you used deferred deep link in facebook ads ?

How can i develop a Facebook app for Pages?

I'm trying to develop a facebook app for facebook pages (Ex: the page has a tab that opens the app directly in the facebook interface).
Unfortunatly i'm not finding any documentation about... I found docs for classical facebook apps, (Ex: a website that want to load some data from facebook).
I don't understand how this kind of apps work.. Are the apps only iframes that show one of my server php? how can I define this relation?

How is possible to open website inside facebook mobile app like buzzfeed?

I see buzzfeed did some changes on their website, and now buzzfeed URLs shared on facebook are shown as below
Links shared on facebook opened inside facebook like new window. It doesn't requests any other browser or facebook apps browser. Page loads very fast. How it's possible to implement? What technology uses Buzzfeed for it?
The feature is called Instant Articles and is available for publishers, it seems more like people publishing the articles on their platform.
see: https://instantarticles.fb.com/

SoundCloud's Facebook authentication not working

I still experience exactly the bug described here: SoundCloud's connect with Facebook not working in iOS.
My app is built in Adobe AIR. The app's name is CloudDeck (clouddeck.net).
The temporary solution is that may help you narrow down the issue: If the user logs in to Facebook to share a link with the [f] icon on the top (so not using SoundCloud's Facebook connect), then SoundCloud's Facebook connect will work. I use for that functionality the "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth" URL.
The screenshot above is where SoundCloud Facebook connect redirects

Facebook App vs. Facebook Connect site

I'm reading Facebook's documentation so I can figure out how to enable Facebook Connect on my site. What confuses me is which parts apply to Facebook applications and Facebook Connect, because I'll be reading along, thinking I'm learning about Facebook Connect, but then I'll reach a section that mentions Facebook applications. For example, here's an except from the page on Data.getCookies:
This method returns all cookies for a given user and application.
Cookies only apply to Web applications; they do not apply to desktop applications.
I think of my website as a Web application, but I can't tell if "Web applications" simultaneously refers to Facebook Connect sites and Facebook applications. How can I tell if what I'm reading applies to Facebook Connect and not just Facebook apps?
In that context, "Web applications" refers to canvas based apps with Facebook. "Desktop apps" is the other type mentioned there, and refers to a non-web app like a widget for your system tray in Windows.
I would look at the Facebook platform as a set of APIs:
Facebook canvas applications (Apps you use in FB. What users think of as "Facebook apps")
FBML / FBJS apps
Iframe canvas apps
Facebook desktop applications (Rare)
Facebook connect applications (Websites with elements of FB in them. CNN, Digg)
Note that all of these can access the Facebook API, the REST and FQL interface. Most of the documentation is for FBML canvas applications. On the left side of the Facebook developer wiki you can see a few top-level options:
API (you can always use this)
FBML (canvas apps only)
XFBML (Facebook connect only)
FQL (you can always use this)
FBJS (mostly canvas apps, some connect functionality)
I'm sure you've seen:
Which is the main connect documentation. I hope this helps you get organized.
Good luck!
Many aspects of the FB web applications (like FBML, FQL) are common for both FB apps and FB Connect. I would say that FB Connect is more likely to be used on sites implementing more FB's visual elements (FBML). Additionally, FB Connect can be used off-line (where the user does not have a current session directly with FB).
I admit that the documentation is fairly scattered and often quite vague - but once you keep reading more and more about it, the concepts become clearer. At least that was my experience.
I recently found a great blog post that describes the differences between FBML canvas pages, iframe canvas pages and Facebook Connect sites. It focuses more on the technical difference between FBML and iframe apps, but since these technologies are mentioned throughout Facebook's documentation, it seems almost essential for Facebook Connect developers to have a basic understanding of regular Facebook apps, even though they won't be working with them directly. I think knowing about this page a few months ago would have saved me alot of heartache.