binary sdk for iphone - iphone

i am planning to develop an login sdk for our partners. in their application they use this sdk so they can not get username/password of the users. only sessionId will be return from the sdk and they will use this sessionId to fetch data from server.
this sdk can not be decompiled and can not be tracked. sdk must be a closed-box so the developers can not access user account which is filled in sdk by any user.
it think it must be a binary library. how can i implement such as sdk?

Anything can be decompiled. Any data existing in one process can be read from within that process. The view hierarchy created by your library can be analyzed and inspected from the application when running, including reading the contents of UITextFields presented by the sdk/library. There is no way to prevent a motivated application developer who's using your sdk from sniffing the user's data the user enters into objects created and presented by the library.

You will need to build a static library with your functions implemented. You can search the web for tutorials how to do that. Some examples are here and here


does the Facebook SDK (for iOS) break pre-existing deep links?

I have an iOS app that uses deep linking as part of an out-of-app authentication flow within a web view. Upon authentication, a redirect is made back to the app with the deep link prefix.
Ive installed the Facebook SDK because I wanted to track conversions, but after doing so, it seems to have disabled my deep linking functionality.
Is this expected, and if so, how do I get around it?
I figured out that the SDK will overwrite any of the URL types that you have specified in the project info. So you need to re-add your original deep link(s)

Sharing app-specific files and data between ios users

I am writing an app that allows users to create and save (locally) various visual models. A new requirement has come up to allow users to share their models.
Has anyone had an experience doing this and what is the best way of implementing this? Ideally I would like to be able to attach a file or a link to an email/tweet and then send it off and then it opens the file in the app or if you don't have the app installed it send you to the app in the app store?
Update: The MindJet iPad app does exactly what I need
i think you should make your own api on a http server so you can handle the data the users send. and when some one install your application you can check by making a function execute once the app launched if this user "also i suppose here that you have implement a registration module" have any shared data so you can download it ...
The example app you name (mindjet) seems to be using dropbox for its file service.
This article explains this in great detail:

Download additioanal functionality into an app - is it possible?

I'm currently developing an iPhone version of existing Android application.
Customer wants to provide his web services via mobile apps. On Android this is made in a modular way: user installs main app, and then he can download additional modules to it if needed. That way he can install only modules that he needs.
Is there a way to achieve same functionality on iPhone? I read about In-App Purchasing, but I don't know if it will work because additional functionality will not be built-in and unlocked - it needs to be downloaded and added to my app as a new module - so user's space would not be wasted with unneeded modules.
Thank you!
2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected
From App Store Review Guidelines
Judging by the question, this is not a world-facing app - it has a specific customer. With Terente's answer in mind, do consider side-loading, AKA in-house distribution. That is - bypass the app store. The prohibition on the downloadable code is an App Store policy, not a limitation of the platform.
The enterprise contract with Apple is $300/year instead of regular $100/year. But you get to install your app on as many devices as you wish, completely bypassing the App Store. Either over the air (by browsing from the phone) or via iTunes.
Under this model, your app can download, store and run custom code all you want. The specifics of the plug-in model are up for you and your customer.
EDIT: so app store is a must. How about this: have a WebView in the project, have it download HTML pages with JavaScript in them, have code hooks for JavaScript to call. To the best of my knowledge, AppStore does not reject apps that display Web pages from the Net, and if the Web page happens to have a script, there's no prohibition on executing that script.
This violates the spirit of the rule while relying on letter and precedent. Technically speaking, JavaScript IS code. And again, technically speaking, WebView is capable of downloading and running it. And App Store is choke full of apps with WebView in them.
How will this fly with your customers, who knows.

Possible to share SQLite DB between PhoneGap and Native code?

I am writing a native iPhone and Android app using Sencha Touch inside Phonegap and my client is very keen for me to include Analytics.
The application needs to function happily offline so I need an analytics solution that can remember activity occurring while offline and updating the server once online again.
My thoughts are to store events from within the JS to a store that can be checked at a regular interval on the device and posted to the server.
My question is whether a SQLite DB could be used for this using the Phonegap API and whether this DB could then be accessed from the native code?
I suspect not and that the best option would be to write to a text file.
Any thoughts or suggestions gratefully received.
The solution to this seems to be to write a Phonegap Plugin that lets you call a method from inside Phonegap to a method in your native application.

Can I access the visual voicemail files on the iphone thru the SDK?

I would like to access the visual voicemail files that are stored on an iphone. Are there ways to access these files through the SDK? Does anybody have any experience in working with these files? I am assuming that they are files that are downloaded from the network and stored locally on the iphone.
No, each application on the iPhone is isolated, so you cannot access data for any other application, unless Apple specifically provides an API for doing so, like they did for the Contacts list.
No - the issue is that Apple provides very few methods to access data outside of your application's "sandbox". At this point, you can really only access contacts data and the camera via the supported methods. If you try to access data outside of your application without using an Apple provided public API designed for that purpose, your app will most likely not be allowed in the app store. Maybe this will change in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath.