Sharing app-specific files and data between ios users - iphone

I am writing an app that allows users to create and save (locally) various visual models. A new requirement has come up to allow users to share their models.
Has anyone had an experience doing this and what is the best way of implementing this? Ideally I would like to be able to attach a file or a link to an email/tweet and then send it off and then it opens the file in the app or if you don't have the app installed it send you to the app in the app store?
Update: The MindJet iPad app does exactly what I need

i think you should make your own api on a http server so you can handle the data the users send. and when some one install your application you can check by making a function execute once the app launched if this user "also i suppose here that you have implement a registration module" have any shared data so you can download it ...

The example app you name (mindjet) seems to be using dropbox for its file service.

This article explains this in great detail:


binary sdk for iphone

i am planning to develop an login sdk for our partners. in their application they use this sdk so they can not get username/password of the users. only sessionId will be return from the sdk and they will use this sessionId to fetch data from server.
this sdk can not be decompiled and can not be tracked. sdk must be a closed-box so the developers can not access user account which is filled in sdk by any user.
it think it must be a binary library. how can i implement such as sdk?
Anything can be decompiled. Any data existing in one process can be read from within that process. The view hierarchy created by your library can be analyzed and inspected from the application when running, including reading the contents of UITextFields presented by the sdk/library. There is no way to prevent a motivated application developer who's using your sdk from sniffing the user's data the user enters into objects created and presented by the library.
You will need to build a static library with your functions implemented. You can search the web for tutorials how to do that. Some examples are here and here

how can I build and iphone app which tracks a users location uploads the coordinates

I am writing an app for iphone to go along site my website which tracks the location of the user. Can anyone give me any pointers on where to begin. I am very good with mysql and php etc but I am a novice with iphone apps.
The coordinates from the app need to be able to upload to my api which I have set up.
What you probably want to do is create a simple app that can run in the background.
During background execution you cannot do anything really too much with the network so I suggest logging it using CoreData and then on resume/startup to send an HTTP post to a PHP page that logs it into your DB?
You might want to check out the HTML5 geolocation API. Also reading "Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript" is recommended. I read the same book for Android and was very pleased. Building your app in HTML5/CSS/JS will also mean that it will probably work on other platforms.

inject programming code into iphone app

I saw in this article you can run some javascript in a UIWebView:
It would be great if I could inject some business logic into my app based on a few parameters I have or be able to customize it on the fly via the web by downloading updated code that would become part of the app.
has anyone done this or is this even a possibility?
I would advise you to avoid doing it. Any app that downloads code will get rejected on the App Store.
From the App Store Review Guidelines:
2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected

Possible to use Buddypress within an iPhone app?

I want to create a community for my venture and also an iphone application for the same. I am thinking of using Buddypress for the community.
But is it possible to use buddypress with an iPhone app? I'd like that when user posts a message via the iPhone app, it is also posted on buddypress? Or do I have to write custom scripts for editing the buddypress db according to user actions in the iPhone app?
I remember reading about a plugin for BuddyPress, called BPDEV XMLRPC that allows you to communicate with BuddyPress via XMLRPC. I'm not sure if it's out of the development trunk yet, but it seems like you could use that to post messages to BuddyPress from an iPhone app. seems to be down at the moment, but I read about it there.
It's entirely possible to do -- but will require some heavy development work. Would have to modify heavily a child theme and do lots of stuff to make it work. Let me know if you find anything that works.

Can I access the visual voicemail files on the iphone thru the SDK?

I would like to access the visual voicemail files that are stored on an iphone. Are there ways to access these files through the SDK? Does anybody have any experience in working with these files? I am assuming that they are files that are downloaded from the network and stored locally on the iphone.
No, each application on the iPhone is isolated, so you cannot access data for any other application, unless Apple specifically provides an API for doing so, like they did for the Contacts list.
No - the issue is that Apple provides very few methods to access data outside of your application's "sandbox". At this point, you can really only access contacts data and the camera via the supported methods. If you try to access data outside of your application without using an Apple provided public API designed for that purpose, your app will most likely not be allowed in the app store. Maybe this will change in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath.