iPhone new GUI: Where is the checkbox next to the .a files? - iphone

I'm trying to import an .xcodeproj. I dragged-dropped the .xcodeproj into my project and then in the old Xcode GUI if I clicked on it, I would see a list with .a files on the right, which had checkboxes next to them.
My problem should be solved, once I click a checkbox next to one of these .a files.
Does anyone know how can I do this in the new Xcode GUI ??
Thank you for your time!

Are you trying to make a dependent project? If you need to add a library you can directly drag-n-drop the library to your project to link against it.


Settings bundle - New items not showing up in Xcode

I am a newbie to iOS Development. Learnt a chapter 2 days back about using settings bundle in my apps. The tutorial also showed me how to add new plist files and images into the settings bundle by ctrl+click opening the bundle in Finder.
But the newly added items do not show up in Xcode project organizer list. Is that how it works or do we have an alternative?
[Update at 1:53PM EST by Deepu]
Thank you guys for the replies. Actually I figured out something weird. When I added objects to the settings bundle from Finder, they did not initially show up on Xcode. I closed everything and then reopened Xcode and saw them in the bundle inside Xcode. So I guess the error was on my part expecting the objects to be added in Xcode as soon as I added them to the File system via Finder.
Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the advises.
It has to be there maybe inside any folder. When I add a file I usually add first a group (right click Add group) then there is a new folder so in the folder (example images) I right click and add a file.
It should be there, if not then right click on any folder/file in your xcode, tap on Show or Reveal in Finder, then it will take you to a place where all of your project files are placed, drag and drop from there into your project. It will not automatically pull into your project if you will add them in a folder on your disk. You will have to drag and drop into your project.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Reno Jones

Drag and drop XCodeProj into another XCodeProj not giving me the option to copy

I'm trying to "install" core plot 0.4.
The first instruction is to drag and drop the XCodeProj file into my own project. I do this. Normally when I drag and drop images or the such like it asks me if I want to copy the file into my own project. However for some reason its not asking me, its just creating a reference.
I'm not sure what the difference is, and whether it will still work or not with a reference, its just the first instruction (http://recycled-parts.blogspot.com/2011/07/setting-up-coreplot-in-xcode-4.html) says to click the "copy into folder" checkbox.
However that whole dialogue doesn't come up. I drag and drop and it puts the xcodeproj into mine without anything happening!
confused lol
Edit: My solution works, but the reason it works is in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5373575/264947
This is what I did to fix it:
Close Xcode.
Open Xcode and create a new workspace.
File > Add files to "Workspace".
Add the first project.
Build to make sure it builds correctly.
File > Add files to "Workspace".
Add the second project.
Build to make sure it builds correctly.
Drag one project into another.
Now, be careful with the next step:
Erase the second standalone project but choose **REMOVE REFERENCES. **
There. Now you should have one project as a dependent of another project.

How to add bundles and resources like images in that bundle in iPhone

I created bundle using i-phone-OS->resources->setting but I am unable to add images to this bundle. I tried dragging images folder or by adding existing to folder but nothing works.
Thanks in advance
The Settings.bundle is added as a folder/bundle reference and not as a group.
Thus you won't be able to easily add some content to it right from the Groups & Files panel in Xcode unfortunately. Instead, go in the Finder, right-click (or ctrl-click) on this Settings.bundle and select "Show Package Contents" then drag & drop files in there. You will then find the added files back in Xcode.
I also find this kinda anoying in Xcode3 that we can't add files to '.bundle' folders/bundles directly from Xcode3 :( But AFAIK there is no other solution
One your file has been added to the '.bundle', you can edit them directly from Xcode. (Going thru the Finder is only necessary for adding new files to it)

adding one project class files with xib on one tabbar

is it possible to add one xcode project into other project? I have a project with three .xib files and need to add into other and to open all its functionality first tab.is it possible??
just drag them to ur project and popup will come and tick in copybox....that it and with reference type default

How to copy a XIB to another project?

Simple. I have two projects in Xcode. In one of them I made a .xib file and I want to copy it to another project, so as to save some time redoing it.
I can't drag it to the other project, nor do copy/paste by command, nor copy/paste by the Edit menu.
Any suggestions?
Go into finder, find the .xib file and copy it to the directory of the second project. Then uses add existing files to add it to the second project.
Just drag and drop from one project window to the other.
Make sure that you check the "Copy items to the destination folder"
If you have more than one targets make sure that you check the appropriate target when you add it.
You probably have to reconnect all of your outlets, and if it crashes for some reason it means that there are connected outlets/actions which are not available in your code.
Here is how I managed to do this with XCode 10.2.1
Close the XCode project with the xib file you want to copy.
Drag the xib file from finder over to the new project. Make sure you tick the copy items if needed box.
If the xib file uses images for outlets, also drag the images to the new project.
There is no need to reconnect the outlets.