adding one project class files with xib on one tabbar - iphone

is it possible to add one xcode project into other project? I have a project with three .xib files and need to add into other and to open all its functionality first it possible??

just drag them to ur project and popup will come and tick in copybox....that it and with reference type default


Navigate in Xcode between UI to is related controller and from controller to UI

In the Android Studio, every view have a separate file and user can go from Java file to its view file by click on this
Is there is any way in Xcode that can take user form viewController.swift to is related layout file. Because it's totally Spaghetti in Main.Storyboard
Unfortunately I don't remember a better way than just search the ViewController class name.
Right-click on the ViewController class name
Select "Find Selected Text in Workspace"
In the left panel will appear the list of files which have occurrences of the searched word
Select the entry in your storyboard
btw: I would suggest to split the Main.storyboard in smaller ones! ;)

Xcode Base internationalization doesn't work

I'm trying to localize my app.
I noticed that if I add a language every localized file become doubled.
In this way it's impossible to maintain code or storyboard so I learnt that I need Base internationalization.
The problem is that when I select that checkbox in xcode project setting it shows a window without nothing to select, does anyone know how to fix this?
Here's a screenshot
First, you need to go to your storyboard file, open the bar on the right side, and go to Show the File Inspector, the furthest tab to the left. Then, scroll down and click localize. After this, when you check Use Base Localization, you should see the storyboard appear.
This could happen if Base Internationalization was active before then disabled and files deleted manually.
Create Base.lproj folder in your project folder using the finder.
Move your main story board to it also using the finder.
fix the reference to it from Xcode.
remove app. from device, clean & build your project.
All will be back to normal.

new xib in xcode4

I develped an iPhone app. Now i would like to do it in iPad. To do this I have to create the new .XIB files and linked to his Class.
I don't know how to create a new .xib in xcode4. Could somebody help me?
Now, to solve this problem, I create a new file with his .XIB, delete the .m & .h and link the .XIB with my class.
In order to create a XIB file in XCode 4, just go to the main menu, File->New->New File..., and from there choose User Interface from the iOS section. Then choose View (if that's what you want), device family and finally save.
Hope it helps.
We also need two more nib files, one for each of the two content views we just created. To create these, single-click the Resources folder in the Groups & Files pane so that we create them in the correct place, and then press ␣N or select New File... from the File menu again. This time, when the assistant window comes up, select User Interfaces under the iPhone OS
heading in the left pane .
Select the icon for the View XIB template, which will create a nib with a content view, and then click the Next button. When prompted for a filename, type BlueView.xib. Repeat the steps to create a second nib file called YellowView.xib. Once you’ve done that, you have all the files you need. It’s time to start hooking everything together.

iPhone new GUI: Where is the checkbox next to the .a files?

I'm trying to import an .xcodeproj. I dragged-dropped the .xcodeproj into my project and then in the old Xcode GUI if I clicked on it, I would see a list with .a files on the right, which had checkboxes next to them.
My problem should be solved, once I click a checkbox next to one of these .a files.
Does anyone know how can I do this in the new Xcode GUI ??
Thank you for your time!
Are you trying to make a dependent project? If you need to add a library you can directly drag-n-drop the library to your project to link against it.

How to copy a XIB to another project?

Simple. I have two projects in Xcode. In one of them I made a .xib file and I want to copy it to another project, so as to save some time redoing it.
I can't drag it to the other project, nor do copy/paste by command, nor copy/paste by the Edit menu.
Any suggestions?
Go into finder, find the .xib file and copy it to the directory of the second project. Then uses add existing files to add it to the second project.
Just drag and drop from one project window to the other.
Make sure that you check the "Copy items to the destination folder"
If you have more than one targets make sure that you check the appropriate target when you add it.
You probably have to reconnect all of your outlets, and if it crashes for some reason it means that there are connected outlets/actions which are not available in your code.
Here is how I managed to do this with XCode 10.2.1
Close the XCode project with the xib file you want to copy.
Drag the xib file from finder over to the new project. Make sure you tick the copy items if needed box.
If the xib file uses images for outlets, also drag the images to the new project.
There is no need to reconnect the outlets.