Do we must show link to Google Terms when using Mapkit? - iphone

I am using Mapkit for Google Maps. According to their terms at
9.3 End User Terms and Privacy Policy. If you develop a Maps API Implementation for use by other users, you must:
(a) display to the users of your Maps API Implementation the link to Google's Terms of Use as presented through the Service or described in the Maps API Documentation;
Where can I show link to Google's ToU? I do not have an About screen in my app.
Is it must to show one? I see apps on iTunes who do not have an About screen and nobody shows the link on the main map screen.

This section means if you make your own API, like an add-on, or something that alters the MapKit, you need to link to their terms.
If you are just using the MapKit in your app, then no, there's no need to do anything extra.


Does google map api v3 contain encryption

I have made an app,
i made a free app, which shows a list with restaurants. To see which restaurants are in your near i implemented the google map api v3.
On the map are icons which show the restaurants.
When i submitted the app on iTunes, i got the question: Does your product contain encryption?
I have looking for information on the google site about encryption, but i haven't found any information.
I don't know if they use encryption and i don't know which encryption they use.
i read on this site, but i don't know if my app/the google map api v3 is is described by note 4 and free from encryption control.
Has someone experience or information?
Do i need a ERN-Certificate or something else?
Thanks in advance
It's more to do with whether your application performs any actual encryption in the source code.
See this post - Does HTTPS in my app considered "Encryption"

Is a license required to use the Bing maps version that's on Facebook pages?

I notice that Facebook pages allow a map box that clicks to a full page, dynamic Bing map:
And by just changing the address and name parameters in the link HTML I can get the map to show any location and map sign I want.
Do I need a license to generate these links myself for clients that I build a web page for?
Thanks for any information.
If you want to create links to Bing Maps that open a map to specific location using nothing more than a URL then you can do this using the documented method found here: Don't reverse engineer the maps on Facebook.
A license is not required to do this. However you will find that you are limited to only the functionality that is exposed through the URL and won't be able to do much in terms of customizations. You will also be taking users away from there current environment to the Bing Maps website which might not be the ideal user experience. If you need more customization functionality or a better user experience then you would use the Bing Maps development API and which does have some free terms of use, but also has options for licensing high volume or internal apps.

can i integrate ovi map in my iphone application?

I want to use the Nokia Ovi map in my iPhone application. Is it possible? If so, please help me to find a link to some API documentation and steps for integration.
Nokia Ovi Maps run on any HTML5 compatible browser, thus you can embed it in your application with UIWebView (see the documentation of this class on how to do it). According to Nokia you can do the followings:
You can see where you are on the map, thanks to HTML5 support for
You can find addresses, businesses and other places of interest, anywhere in the world
You can get to know the places: all the essential information about a place are presented on one page (pictures, user reviews, popular travel guides description, contact information)
You can plan the fastest route to your destination by car or on foot
You can see where the public transport lines go, and where the stops are
You can share your favourite places with your friends via SMS, email, Facebook or Twitter
Found here:

Can I use Google Maps API (Places API) in my iPhone app to find locations near me?

I have a couple of questions regarding using Google maps API, especially the Places API in my iPhone application.
Can I use Places API in my iPhone app and still release the app as a paid app? Could I release my app as free if I am unable to use these APIs in a paid app?
Is there an example for figuring out store locations around user's current location using Places API? For example if the user types "Groceries" in the app, I would like to show all the Store that sell groceries near the user's location.
1) Taken from their terms and conditions:
If your Maps API Implementation is
deployed internally or you are
charging for use of your Maps API
Implementation, please contact the
Google Maps API Premier sales
team for more information.
2) Location is a required parameter in any search request:
Yes, you can use Google Map API in paid apps according to the term of use 9.1.1-(a) and 9.1.2-(b). The terms of service can be found at :
(b) Mobile Applications. The rule in Section 9.1.1(a) (Free Access) does not apply if your Maps API Implementation is used in a mobile application that is sold for a fee through an online store and is downloadable to a mobile device that can access the online store.
Examples can be found at and

How to go about building an iPhone app that accesses a website with a custom UI?

I don't quite know how to explain this but I want to build an app that can access a website like, for example, Facebook, but I don't actually want it to be Facebook's website in the sense that I want to design the UI. There is a couple of apps like this already in the app store, one being called "Facebook Touch HD". I have managed to get an app to access Facebook with UIWebView, but it just goes to Facebook's mobile website, obviously.
Look at the Facebook IOS SDK.
You probably want to fetch data from Facebook using its APIs. Facebook actually offers a library for iOS, so you may want to check it out.
In general, this applies to any site that offers an API. Usually you can use NSURLConnection to make requests to get the data you're interested in (check the specific API's documentation for details); then you have parse that data (most services output data in XML or JSON).