Does google map api v3 contain encryption - iphone

I have made an app,
i made a free app, which shows a list with restaurants. To see which restaurants are in your near i implemented the google map api v3.
On the map are icons which show the restaurants.
When i submitted the app on iTunes, i got the question: Does your product contain encryption?
I have looking for information on the google site about encryption, but i haven't found any information.
I don't know if they use encryption and i don't know which encryption they use.
i read on this site, but i don't know if my app/the google map api v3 is is described by note 4 and free from encryption control.
Has someone experience or information?
Do i need a ERN-Certificate or something else?
Thanks in advance

It's more to do with whether your application performs any actual encryption in the source code.
See this post - Does HTTPS in my app considered "Encryption"


Photobucket IOS integration

could anyone assist in authenticating to photobucket and uploading an image from and iPhone app? I am currently configured with many networks but I can't really find good documentation for the photobucket process. I guess the process is only authenticate and upload using customer key then username and password of the user?
Any help here would be amazing! Thanks in advance!
Jim, the Photobucket (PB) process for authenticating is modified OAUTH. If you start looking at OAUTH examples you will find that you can authenticate on PB by simply converting a sample over to PB. e.g.: There's an OAuth starter kit set up for LinkedIN by Lee WHitney on Github courtesy of Kirsten Jones. Register an app with PB, get your keys and plug in the keys & correct PB URLs and you will be working. The URLS you need are:-
requestTokenURLString = #"";
accessTokenURLString = #"";
userLoginURLString = #"";
This will get you logged in but there's a lot more to come. PB have a code page and there is an Objective-C library including a modified OAUTH but it's missing docs so you need to work it out by studying the code. Bitbucket Photobucket code for objective-c
The issue I have is to do with their usage of sub domains and trying to get OAUTH to work with that.
UPDATE: Solved: I have at last worked out how to get a part of the provided API working in my own Xcode project. Basically I added the special Oauth files which enable the requests to be set up correctly to get round the subdomain stuff.
eg: OAuthASIHTTPRequest etc
I'm now getting full album info.
Official documentation for Photobucket API is available at: . You can find examples for login and media uploading.
Client libraries for Photobucket API are at: . There is a Objective-C one, like SundialSoft mentioned in answer.

Is Google plus API still read-only?

I see everywhere that google plus api is readonly. But i saw this app screenshot.
How did they do then? Even the docs say its read only.
The API is indeed still read-only. We worked directly with SXSW on this year's mobile app to enable sharing... it's not a feature that is generally available at this time.
The note at the top of the REST API documentation page seems to answer both questions at once:
Note: The Google+ API currently provides read-only access to public
data. All API calls require either an OAuth 2.0 token or an API key.

iPhone:Google Place API Key & Data problem

I am working with google place api and I tried so much but google place api does not provided Indian Data. Does google place api provided Indian Data? If yes then please send me any link or any idea to develop this functionality. My google api key will expire after 24hours so Is there any way to increase time limit??
I want to develop following type of map application in iPhone.
Thanks in advance

Can I use Google Maps API (Places API) in my iPhone app to find locations near me?

I have a couple of questions regarding using Google maps API, especially the Places API in my iPhone application.
Can I use Places API in my iPhone app and still release the app as a paid app? Could I release my app as free if I am unable to use these APIs in a paid app?
Is there an example for figuring out store locations around user's current location using Places API? For example if the user types "Groceries" in the app, I would like to show all the Store that sell groceries near the user's location.
1) Taken from their terms and conditions:
If your Maps API Implementation is
deployed internally or you are
charging for use of your Maps API
Implementation, please contact the
Google Maps API Premier sales
team for more information.
2) Location is a required parameter in any search request:
Yes, you can use Google Map API in paid apps according to the term of use 9.1.1-(a) and 9.1.2-(b). The terms of service can be found at :
(b) Mobile Applications. The rule in Section 9.1.1(a) (Free Access) does not apply if your Maps API Implementation is used in a mobile application that is sold for a fee through an online store and is downloadable to a mobile device that can access the online store.
Examples can be found at and

Using oauth for creating twitter application in iphone

I am creating a twitter application in iphone using oauth. But my application request for:
Please anyone help me how to create all these keys for my application.
In my twitter account xauth is disabled by default. So, how can I enable it in my application?
It's highly unlikely you need to enable xAuth. The Twitter API documentation, specifically the authentication guide explain these parameters in more detail. Also have the OAuth 1.0 spec open to refer to, even if you're using a third party library- you will save your sanity if you understand the mechanics of the token exchange.
You'll need to read up about OAuth. All the fields are part of the standard. Twitter will give you the first one (oauth_consumer_key), and the version number is always 1.0. (Version 2.0 is not yet complete and Twitter doesn't use it.) The others you need to calculate. Or at least find an open source library that does it for you.
As for enabling xAuth, you need to send a message to Twitter. Sounds like they're getting more and more strict about which apps they allow, though.