MSDeploy runCommand using relative path - deployment

I am trying to run a command as a part of my packaging/deployment process via MSDeploy. In particular, I am trying to create a custom event log by running installutil against one of my DLLs, but I am having trouble with specifying a relative path to the DLL from the deployment directory. To get started, I added the below config to my csproj in order to generate the runCommand provider inside of my Manifest file. Please note the absolute path to the DLL.
<!-- Extends the AfterAddIisSettingAndFileContentsToSourceManifest action to create Custom Event Log -->
<AfterAddIisSettingAndFileContentsToSourceManifest Condition="'$(AfterAddIisSettingAndFileContentsToSourceManifest)'==''">
<Target Name="CreateEventLog" Condition="'$(IncludeEventLogCreation)'=='TRUE'">
<Message Text="Creating Event Log" />
<MsDeploySourceManifest Include="runCommand">
<path>installutil C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyTestApp\bin\BusinessLayer.dll</path>
After calling msbuild, this generated my manifest correctly inside of my When I ran MyTestApp.deploy.cmd /Y it correctly called msdeploy and deployed my files to inetpub\wwwroot\MyTestApp and ran my command from the manifest below:
<runCommand path="installutil C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyTestApp\bin\BusinessLayer.dll ... etc
The problem I am having is I do not want to hardcode this DLL path to c:\inetpub\etc. How can I make the above call using the relative path from my deployment directory under Default Web Site? Ideally, I would like MSDeploy to take this path and pass it as a variable to the runCommand statement in order to find the DLL. Then I could write something like: <path>installutil $DeploymentDir\NewTestApp\bin\BusinessLayer.dll</path> without having to worry about hard-coding an absolute path in.
Is there any way to do this without using the absolute path to my DLL every time?

You can add definition of DeploymentDir to the .csproj with the action you wrote above:
<DeploymentDir Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release' AND '$(DeploymentDir)'==''">Release Deployment Dir</DeploymentDir>
<DeploymentDir Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug' AND '$(DeploymentDir)'==''">Debug Deployment Dir</DeploymentDir>
<DeploymentDir Condition="'$(DeploymentDir)'==''">C:\inetpub\wwwroot</DeploymentDir>
<AplicationName Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release' AND '$(AplicationName)'==''">NewTestApp</AplicationName>
<AplicationName Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug' AND '$(AplicationName)'==''">MyTestApp</AplicationName>
<ApplicationDeploymentDir Condition="'$(ApplicationDeploymentDir)'==''">$(DeploymentDir)\$(ApplicationName)\bin</ApplicationDeploymentDir>
Theese conditions will allow to change everything from command line to take full control over the build process in your build system or script.
MSBuild.exe yourproj.proj /p:Configuration=Release /p:DeploymentDir=D:\package /p:ApplivationName=BestAppForever
And inside of your task you can use it
<MsDeploySourceManifest Include="runCommand">
<path>installutil $(ApplicationDeploymentDir)\BusinessLayer.dll</path>

I realize this isn't the answer you probably wanted to hear but this is how I got around it.
We created a powershell script on the destination server. So instead of running your command:
installutil C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MyTestApp\bin\BusinessLayer.dll ... etc
We would run:
c:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe d:\powershell\installSites.ps1 siteName <NUL
The "sitename" is being passed in as a param into the powershell script. Inside the script it knows on that destination server which files to install, any commands that need to run, app pools to recycle, etc.
Again, not as easy as finding a relative path, but it does the job.


Conditional <exec> based on results of <copy>

In our nant build script for our web-based application, we <copy> a set of files to a target directory and then run aspnet_compiler over them via <exec>.
<copy> only copies files that have changed, however here is no way to pass this information to <exec>, and I want to avoid running aspnet_compiler when nothing has actually changed.
Options I've tried to find are: <copy> setting a property when any file is copied that can then be checked with <if>; or being able to create a file before the copy and doing something like <if test="any-file-newer-than(targetdir, timestampfile)">. Even better would be if <copy> could return a list of copied files that I can then iterate over to avoid having to process the entire tree, but I think that might be asking a bit too much.
So far, I've drawn a blank: is what I'm looking for possible without writing a custom extension?
Why don't you just simply replace copy task with robocopy? (you're on Windows, right?)
Robocopy returns different exit codes on different successful copy situations:
For example:
0 - ok, nothing copied
1 - ok, something copied
You could do something like this:
<exec program="robocopy.exe" commandline="${SourceDir} ${DestDir}" failonerror="false" resultproperty="ExitCode" />
<fail unless="${ExitCode < 8}" message="Failed to copy"/> <!-- Anything between 0..7 is OK for robocopy -->
<exec unless="${ExitCode == 0}" ...

How to deploy to multiple environments with webpack using msdeploy

I've got a .NET WebAPI solution, and a UI built in Angular2 RC4 (angular-cli webpack version). I'm confused about how to deploy these to different environments, especially configuration parameters - there seems to be a mismatch between the .NET way and the UI way of doing things, which I don't quite get.
Here's how I've got it currently in TeamCity. The WebAPI solution is built once only, and is configured at deploy time. The various configuration parameters the project needs (such as connection strings, endpoints etc.) are stored in web.config. When I deploy to my test environment using MSDeploy, I pass in setParam arguments to the MSDeploy command line which replaces the connection strings and endpoints in the web.config with those values. When I deploy to production, I use the same build but pass in different arguments to the setParam in the command line.
This approach makes sense to me because I know that the exact same build is going from one environment to the next, the only difference being the parameters I specifically told it to set for each environment. Super.
With Angular2 and webpack it looks like a different approach is needed. When I build my project (with ng build -prod) it minimizes and bundles my HTML and Javascript files into 3 or 4 files, along with gzipped versions of those files. This is great for reducing file size and increasing speed of my website, but there is no way to "inject" configuration parameters into these gzip files like there is with MSDeploy's setParam. Everywhere I've seen that mentions webpack is showing and But doesn't that mean we need to build a different bundle for each environment? And actually with Angular2 the webpack bit is considered "a black box" and it's not possible to supply your own webpack.config file anyway.
The only workaround I can think of is to use TeamCity's "File Content Replacer" on the "main.1234abcd6946c6a08519.bundle.js" to replace my configuration parameters with the values for that environment, then gzip that file - overwriting the one created by webpack.
But this is horrible, so I'm looking for any better suggestions?
I don't have any experience with webpack or if this is better than your workaround but you can use the TextFile kind of setParam entry to alter any file in your project using Regex find/replace at deploy time.
I went with creating a separate package for each environment. I added a build step that replaces my API URL on localhost in src\app\environment.ts, with the appropriate URL for that environment, then it runs npm build -prod and then MSDeploy to create the package. I do this for all environments I want to target.
Here's the script:
REM =====CREATE TEST PACKAGE==================================================
REM backup the environment file
ren src\app\environment.ts environment.ts.bak
copy /Y src\app\environment.ts.bak src\app\environment.ts
REM replace localhost in environment file with the TEST environment URL
"%env.FART%" src\app\environment.ts http://localhost:12345 %TEST.api.url%
REM build using this environment
call npm run build-prod
REM restore backup environment file
del /Q src\app\environment.ts
ren src\app\environment.ts.bak environment.ts
REM create TEST package
"%env.MSDEPLOY%" ^
-verb:sync ^
-source:contentPath="\dist" ^
REM =====CREATE PROD PACKAGE==================================================
REM backup the environment file
ren src\app\environment.ts environment.ts.bak
copy /Y src\app\environment.ts.bak src\app\environment.ts
REM replace localhost in environment file with the PROD environment URL
"%env.FART%" src\app\environment.ts http://localhost:12345 %PROD.api.url%
REM build using this environment
call npm run build-prod
REM restore backup environment file
del /Q src\app\environment.ts
ren src\app\environment.ts.bak environment.ts
REM create PROD package
"%env.MSDEPLOY%" ^
-verb:sync ^
-source:contentPath="\dist" ^
By the way, %env.FART% is the location of fart.exe which is a great find/replace tool that I use to replace one string in a file with another.

How to set a value for MSBuild property using PowerShell

I have a property to specify the build drive:
<BuildDrive Condition="'$(BuildDrive)'==''">Y:</Group>
If I want to change the build drive using a batch file, I can do as follows:
#echo off
set buildDrive=H:
:: Then call MSBuild
Msbuild /t:BuildTarget %Projectfile% %Logger%
Now I want achieve the same using PowerShell.
I tried as follows in my PowerShell script, build.ps1:
MSbuild /t:BuildTarget $ProjectFile $Logger
But it is not honoring the drive letter provided through $BuildDrive.
I knew I could achieve it if I passed a parameter as follows, but when the number of properties are more, this approach was not handy.
Msbuild /t:BuildTarget /p:BuildDrive=$BuildDrive $projectfile $logger
How do I pass a PropertyGroup value through PowerShell?
You are setting environment variables. These are available as properties in MSBuild.
You can do the following in PowerShell:

Reading/Capturing DOS input for use in MsBuild

How do I capture/read DOS input for use in MsBuild?
EDITED for clarification
Currently I have 2 files. One batch file, the other is the core.msbuild file which contains the msbuild stuff. I want to be able to capture an extra user input e.g. an output directory, from the windows command prompt (when the build file is executed) and send it to the msbuild file (and set it to a PropertyGroup). %1 is already taken so I'm thinking to use %2.
Like the following:
build.bat param1 param2
param2 is the one im trying to capture and do the above.
Got it...
In the build.bat file, append this to a build string:
... /p:customOutputDir="%1"
In MsBuild file:
Then OutputDir can be used in Targets.
Isn't the idea of an automated build that the build is repeateable and without user input?
But, i would guess that powershell has some better options for getting input from a user for this than standard dos.
Would it also be possible to query the user input before executing the build file and pass it as a param?

Nant : change file permission

I have an ASP.NET application.
Basically the delivery process is this one :
Nant builds the application and creates a zip file on the developer's computer with the application files without SVN folders and useless files. This file is delivered with a Nant script.
The zip and nant files are copied to the client's computer
the Nant script replaces the current website files with the file contained in the zip file.
My problem is that with this process I have an Unauthorized access error when I try to open the website.
It seems that the files need to have a permission set for the user "IIS_WPG".
I don't have the power to change IIS configuration so I have to manually change the permissions of each file. And each time I replace the files the permissions are removed and I need to set them again.
So I have two questions :
Can I change files permissions with Nant ? How to do it ?
Is it possible to avoid this problem ? (developers don't have this user on their computers)
#Jeff Fritz
Your suggestion is the right solution but the parameters are... dangerous :).
On dev computers I'm logged as administrator and I tried your suggestion with cmd.
It replaces all the permissions set in order to set only the ones defined in the command (so, after the command, accessing files resulted in a "Access denied" even with my admin user)
It applied on the C:\WINDOWS\ directory, while I called the command from the wwwroot folder. :)
So, after some tests, the right command is :
cacls [full folder path] /T /E /G IIS_WPG:F
/T : applies on specified folder and subfolders
/E : edits the ACL instead of replacing it :)
You need to run the CACLS program in windows to grant permissions to files and folders. From Nant, you can do this with the EXEC task.
Try a tag block like:
<exec program="cacls">
<arg value="*" />
<arg value="/G IIS_WPG:F" />
We ended up writing our own task for this with some fairly straight forward code:
public class AddUserToDirectorySecurity : Task
[TaskAttribute("dir", Required=true)]
public string DirPath { get; set; }
[TaskAttribute("user", Required=true)]
public string UserName { get; set; }
protected override void ExecuteTask()
FileSystemAccessRule theRule1 = new FileSystemAccessRule(UserName, FileSystemRights.ListDirectory, AccessControlType.Allow);
FileSystemAccessRule theRule2 = new FileSystemAccessRule(UserName, FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute, AccessControlType.Allow);
FileSystemAccessRule theRule3 = new FileSystemAccessRule(UserName, FileSystemRights.Read, AccessControlType.Allow);
DirectorySecurity theDirSecurity = new DirectorySecurity();
Directory.SetAccessControl(DirPath, theDirSecurity);
Then you can write a nant script that loads the custom task and executes:
<include name="MyTask.dll"/>
<addusertodir dir="MyDir" user="IIS_WPG"/>
Obviously, this could be modified for your certain rules or you could even parameterize this in the task if you so wish. We preferred this over the using the exec task as it have us a bit more control over permissions that were being applied.
CACLS is now deprecated. Here's a version that uses ICACLS, the replacement.
Let's say we have the following:
The root folder of our installation is "c:\inetpub\wwwroot", and it's stored in the NANT variable ${paths.myprogram.inetpub}
The folder we want to modify is called "uploads", and it's stored in ${upload.foldername}
The user we want to grant access to is "IIS_UPLOAD_USER", stored in ${iis.upload.user}
The permission level we want to grant is "M", for "modify" permissions, stored in ${iis.user.permissionlevel}
With these assumptions, our task is this:
<exec program="icacls">
<arg value="${path::combine(paths.myprogram.inetpub, upload.foldername)}" />
<arg value="/grant" />
<arg value="${iis.upload.user}:${iis.user.permissionlevel}" />
Hope this helps!