How can I get access to the name of a deleted app in itunesconnect (app store)? - app-store

I had to delete my app in itunesconnect (incorrect Bundle ID Suffix) and now it says the name is already being used, how can I get it back?
The (?) beside the App Name says: "The name of your app as it will appear on the App Store."
So now I've got a game called X and all my art says X... but now I can't actually add a game to the store called X!?!
I guess maybe I'll have to call it "X - Insanely Insane!"

You could create a new app with the same app name if you change the default language. I just had the same issue as you and I changed default language from English to UK English and everything went smoothly.
Full details here:

Apple gets the best answer:
Hello Josh,
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Support regarding iTunes Connect.
Please know that it is not possible to reuse a SKU or App Name in the same account again and you will not be able to restore your app once deleted.


can I upload same app with diffrent app name?

I have an iphone app. I want to upload this app 2 times in itune with different name.
is it possible?
You can, but you should also change Bundle ID and maybe you'll have to desribe the reason of it for Apple guys.
Quote from App Store Review Guidelines
2.11 Apps that duplicate Apps already in the App Store may be rejected,
particularly if there are many of them, such as fart, burp,
flashlight, and Kama Sutra Apps
Pay attention to the phrase "may be rejected". As someone experienced told me, this rule exists to prevent cluttering App Store with apps where, for example, only a color of the background changes. If you provide different content, than it's different user experience and as a result - different app.
You can upload an application more than 2 times in itunes. Your applications must have own unique Bundle Identifier to Upload or you already can't see your app in Application Loader.
But there is a point, if you will not describe why you upload the same application with different name in itunes (with different Bundle Identifier), Apple will going to reject your application with description "App Duplication"..
There's no way to be sure if it'll be rejected. But I highly doubt that it'll get caught with a different name. We have done it before, to transfer an app to a different account. (Before app transfer was introduced.)
Just remember to change the your bundle identifier - and the provisioning file of course. :-)

App name taken on App Store, how can I find developer if no App exists

I'm about to submit my first app to the App Store, but the name is already taken. I've searched the App Store, but I can't find any app by that name. I'm guessing Apple removed it after no update to Binary after 120 days.
How can I find details of this developer, so that I can ask him to delete the app? And even if he does, will that name then become available again?
If the 120 Day limit was reached on the store the name would be available for use. My guess is that someone has the name registered and is still within the 120 day limit.
If you hold a copyright or trademark for the name of your app, you can attempt to contact apple to see if they can do anything for you. There is no way to search for apps that arent published to the App Store.

Unable to find my app on the app store

Finally, thanks to most of you, I got my first app approved by Apple. The problem is that I'm only able to find it on the app store if I click on the link provided on iTunesConnect.
If I try to search with any of the keywords I inserted in the metadata I don't find my app.
One more thing the link is like this:
does the "/us/" mean that it is only on the american app store. I didn't select any specific country (they are all selected).
You can remove the /US/ from the link. You're just seeing that error because the US store is not your default.
The link works for me and shows your app on before launching the iTunes application
Your searches may not work until your app has been propagated to all the various stores. Sometimes that can take a while.
Immediately after going live and having been accepted, there will always be a small amount of time while the app propagates across the Apple servers.
Your link works as koregan stated, and yes the /us/ is the country code. For example, if you replace it with fr then you see the web page in French - if you localized the app then you will see the app information with the text you would have supplied; else you will see it in English.

How can I reserve an iPhone app name in apple's developer portal?

I want to reserve an app name that I intend to build out over the next 90 days, how do I do this in apple's web developer portal?
Update 2015:
The limit of 180 days is now gone, Apple dropped the cap this year -
You can read the full licence here, gone.
Also, you may have noticed that the app name expiring topic is gone from the contact us question tree in iTunes Connect.
That being said, as you can see in the declaration:
You will not, directly or indirectly, commit ... (e.g., submitting
fraudulent reviews of Your own Application or any third party
application, choosing a name for Your Application that is
substantially similar to the name of a third party application in
order to create consumer confusion, or squatting on application names
to prevent legitimate third party use.
This lets us suppose that if you haven't updated your binary for a looong time and someone wants to use the same name, chances are that if they ask for it, they will get it, but yeah, technically speaking, you don't need to worry about this anymore.
Update 2014:
As stated in the iOS Developer Library, the limit is now 180 days:
Note: After you create your app and assign it a name, you have 180
days to deliver a binary or else your app will be deleted from iTunes
Connect so that the app name is free for use by the developer
community. Per section 3.2 of the iOS Developer Program License
Agreement, squatting on an app name to prevent legitimate third-party
use is prohibited. For information about email alerts you will receive
to remind you of this policy, see “App Name Expiry.”
90 days you say? This wouldn't be the first project that was supposed to take 90 days but needed more.
Once you fill in the information in itunes connect you have 120 days. After these 120 days your app name will become available for other developers. Yes, others, you can't take it again.
So you better make sure that you have your app ready for sale in 120 days.
You should read the itunes connect developer guide. It explains the process in detail. It's too complicated to answer this in a 5 minute stackoverflow answer. But the others outlined it, and I just wanted to mention = the 120 day limit. Happy squatting.
You don't do it in the Developer Portal, you do it in iTunes Connect.
Log in using your developer credentials
Click Manage Applications
Click Add New Application
Complete the basic information, including the app name
This resources implies that app names no longer expire.
Log in to
Click Manage Your Apps
Click Add New Application
Complete the basic information, including the app name
Upload temporary icons and screenshots (for iPhone 4 & iPhone 5)
Change the app status to “Waiting for Upload”
Create a very simple app and use the new bundle ID
Submit the App to the App Store for Review (as you normally would)
After the status has changed to “Waiting for Review” go into iTunes Connect
Click Manage Your Apps > View Details > Binary Details
Click Reject this Binary
This will set the status of your application to “Developer Rejected”. Since you have successfully submitted a binary and had a “Waiting for Review” status it can sit in that status forever, therefore your app name is parked forever! Apple considers it a “real” app since it was officially submitted. So now sit on your great app name until you’re ready to finish development.
(Source 1, Source 2)
In iTunes Connect, go to Manage Your Apps and then Add New App. You can choose a name and enter other relevant information, but not upload binaries at this point. You'll also be able to set a release date in the future.
Go to iTunes Connect, then Manage Your Apps, then Add New App.
Create an App with placeholder data (you'll need screenshots, real or temporary).
If you don't upload an associated production [App Store] distribution App within 90 days, you'll lose the right to use that name forever.
Cyber-squatting on an App name you don't make use of is bad form.
If you decide you don't want to use the name, please delete it and free it up to someone who will.
You can add the application as suggested above. And about app name reservation here is my answer.
After creating your app and it is in the state Prepare For Upload or Waiting For Upload, you have 180 days (6 months) from your creation date in iTunes Connect to deliver a binary to Apple. If you do not deliver a binary before the 180-day deadline, your app is deleted from iTunes Connect. As a result of this deletion, your app name can be used by another developer and you cannot reuse the app name, SKU or bundle ID.
I got this information from apple documentation and the link is
Search for "App Name Expiry" and it leads you to the required page.
I hope this helps all of us.

iPhone - changing the product name

I have an application on the store that has two versions: for iPad and iPhone. I have noticed now that one of the apps have a misspelled name on the product name field on the target info (see picture).
I wonder what would happen if I correct that. Will I have problems changing the name there?
My concerns are:
iTC complains that the app is not the same as before
The corrected version is not seen anymore by iOS as an upgrade to the old release. So, users are unable to update and will be forced to buy it again to continue receiving updates
Do you guys know something about this?
It shouldn't matter. What determines the uniqueness of your app is its App ID.
The Product Name is just the name displayed on the home screen.
So as long as you don't change the App ID, you should be fine.