Can we set a timeout for the Eclipse function hint list? - eclipse

is it possible to set a timeout for the Eclipse function hint list?
Waiting for the full function list to load simply pisses me off...:(

First, you can trigger the content assist immediately by hitting Ctrl-Space.
Second, you can set the delay under Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Auto-Activation. Non-Java editors may have separate settings. You can type search terms on top of the prefence window to see all related settings.

I would like to add on this by pointing out that I was facing the same kind of issue in Eclipse Mars Version 4.5.0 M1.
I got this error :
I managed to solve it by disabling the following setting "Code Recommenders proposals" from Window\preferences\Java\Editor\Content Assist\Advanced
Disable it from both Default proposal kind and Content cycling . Restart eclipse , and the error is gone.
I don't know why this happens, or what the addon does. Maybe someone can elaborate on it.


How to avoid Eclipse blocking keyboard shortcuts

I installed a plugin that allowed me to create UML diagram from my code. Everything was working fine until I found that now all keyboard shortcuts (like CTRL-X, CTRL-Z, CTRL-SPACE, CTRL-SHIFT-F,..) except for CTRL-C and CTRL-V now require a click on a small square that appear on the bottom right corner. And this is required every single time.
This are few examples of the square that appears:
If I click on the message or press Enter I can access the functionality. Does anyone know how to get rid of this annoying thing or at least reset Eclipse related configurations?
Thanks in advance
I obviously tried uninstalling the plugin but nothing changed.
Try Window / Reset Perspective as the duplicate shortcuts may be still in the perspective.
Also try restart specifying -clean option to rebuild the workspace metadata.
The pop-ups you are seeing are the "keybinding conflict" popups. These are common when you have two different plugins defining the same keybinding and looks like these. Still in your case there's only one option to choose from and it definitely looks like a bug.
In the Eclipse bugtracker database there are two issues that are looking like the one you have: #377048 and #374942.
These issues are marked as fixed in 4.2-I20120410-0633. So if you are having Eclipse 4.2 without any service releases installed, you would probably have this. The solution is - to use a newer Eclipse version. Eclipse 4.3.1 is available to download since today, and it should contain a lot of other fixes since 4.2. So I encourage you to install it.
The other solution could be to try playing with keybinding dialog (Window->Preferences->General->Keys) and trying to unbind and re-bind the commands that you are having issues with.

Eclipse auto suggesting and filling in variable names

Okay, so my issue is when I am creating a variable, lets say for example "Object o" while I am typing "o" it'll suggest something like "object". Which is okay but when I press space it auto fills in the new name. Basically I don't want to turn off auto completion I just want to disable space auto filling the suggestion in. Even to disable variable naming suggestions would work.
I'm using Eclipse Juno Service Release 1.
I know it's an old question but since non of the answers here worked for me, and this problem was really annoying me too, I am adding solution that helped me.
In your Eclipse go to:
Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist
and enable:
Disable insertion triggers except 'Enter'
Hopefully that will work for everyone!)
As there isn't any definitive solution for this yet, what I find works best is to disable the alphabetic characters from triggers:
Windows > Prefereces > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Auto activation triggers for Java
This will mean no class name / type completion, but method name completion will still be suggested when you pressed dot, however at least Eclipse stop messing with my variable name
Go to Window/Preferences/Java/Editor/Content Assist and choose settings that works for you.
I realize this is a 3 year old post, but...
From what I can gather, there isn't an option to disable this, it was hard coded into the content assist feature. But there is a plugin that you can download from the answer to this stack overflow question that will disable this feature
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced
I turned off Java Type Proposals and made sure Java Proposals is turned on. By the way this is in Spring Tool Suite I haven't checked using eclipse.

Eclipse dot does not auto suggest

I am using Eclipse 3.7.1 classic.
When I type a class, it does not show the auto suggest. I dont know why, before it can pop up the function.
I have not changed any configuration of the eclipse.
For example, when I type System, it does not pop up the auto suggest, like out.println.
Go to Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist.
Make sure you have "Enable Auto activation" Checked
If it doesn't work, go to Advanced section: Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced
In the "Select the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist list",
have "Java Proposals" Checked
Restore Defaults, Apply and it should work.
Start eclipse with the -clean parameter to delete old stored values.
If you installed new plugins you should disabled them in the prefrences-> workspace and see if one is blocking the GUI.
This can happen if you have a syntax error that you have not noticed higher up in the class, such as forgetting to close a method with a } or missing a terminating ";".
Try the same in a new project. If you still have the problem I'd try the suggestion by "Udo Fholl".

Method listings when typing '.' after an object

Normally when you put the '.' after an object and wait you get a list of methods/fields/classes that one can access. My eclipse no longer does this for me. I spent 10-15 minutes searching for a way to turn it back on and I came up empty. How can I turn this back on?
You can try mucking around in
Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist
and see what you get. I've had this once before; eclipse got into a bad state and wouldn't code complete for a given project. Reverting changes in the project got rid of some errors and it started working again.
Assuming you're using Java you need to look at setting Java -> Editor -> Content Assist. You want to make sure that "Enable auto activation" is checked and the other options are set to your taste. The auto activation trigger should be the period.
It may not work if you have an error in your code.

Eclipse problem

In Eclipse, I no longer have the function that would sort of auto complete my statement. Such as if I typed in "Integer." and then a list of available methods would show up and I would be able to pick it. How do you activate this function?
Active your code assist option in Windows/Preferences/ and just type code assist..
In your preferences, (Window->Preferences->Java->Editor-Content Assist) have you enabled "Auto activation"? If so, what is the delay set there? Also look into the Advanced section and see whether there are any proposals checked.
window/preference, type content assist, click Java/Editor/Content Assist.then check the checkbox under Auto Activation in the bottom,right side of the preference window.and you may also set the Aoto Activation triggers.
hope it's useful.
If it was before and just gone, then try to clean your project.
Had this problem after installing eclipse 4.2.2.
It looks like the Preferences->Java->Editor->Content Assist->Advanced tab no longer has "Java Proposals (Task Focussed)" in version 4.2.2 of eclipse, which is the one I previously had checked.
Version 4.2.2 does have a "Java Proposals" checkbox (unchecked in my fresh installation, using a previous workspace), checking that box restores the auto completion popup.