How can I modify a Settings.bundle in real time? - iphone

is there anyway to add new entries to the Settings bundle during run time?
We would like to be able to turn-off and on options depending on what information the user have entered. Seems like all Apple documentation talks about modifying preferences, but not the Setings page itself.

The settings.bundle is read-only. You can NOT modify it during run time.
If you want to be able to change settings during run time, you have include the app settings from within the app.


Is it possible to set my flutter app as default action to open files of specific types?

I've created flutter app that opens files of specific types (documents of variouos formats). Currently my app provides its own file browser, so one can select a document there and open it.
But is it possible to assign my app as the default action when clicking documents at any other file manager? Of course I need to perform this settings' adjustment right from my app.
Is it possible?
I cannot find any information on it.
Thanks in advance.
This is what you need:
Also, take a look at how this is done in pure Android. You will need to change Android code, flutter can't handle this himself.

jaspersoft adhoc handling multi user edit mode request

I am using Jaspersoft Ad Hoc crosstab and I have integrated it in to my existing web site using iframes.
My major concern over here is for user who has edit access on it in order to do analysis on the available data.
Once use saves the analysis, default view of the pre-generated adhoc updates by the existing once.
What I want is that, whenever user login in to my site, the editing he does on the adhoc should be visible to him only even if he saved the edits.
Suggest good way to achieve it,
If you set the Ad Hoc View as read-only for certain users, they won't be able to make changes on your View.
Right-click on the Ad Hoc View, select "Permissions...", then change to something like "Read Only" for the relevant Role(s), or the User(s) directly.
When they open it, make changes and try to save, it will prompt them to save to a different location or with a different name, depending on the folder permissions.
I hope this helps!

Modify OS X app without source code using Swift

The problem is the following.
The title for button FindName is wrong and it should be Search, another thing is that window title is misspelled: "DisplayUsrEmail"
I don't have the source code of the application.
My main requirement is to write the small application that will modify the current application and fix above problems.
I have to write the new app using Swift.
What I did:
1) It is quite simple to change the title of the button without coding. (FindName -> Search) I changed it in the Info.plist file.
2) It is also easy to change the app title (Executable file) in the Info.plist, but in my case, it doesn't change the window's title "DisplayUsrEmail"
3) I opened the apps unix executable file in the hex editor (used and found there the title "DisplayUsrEmail". But the app crashes when I add the byte with symbol 'e'. ("DisplayUsrEmail" -> "DisplayUserEmail") I can just change the title with the same characters count, but it doesn't resolve my problem.
So, is it possible to write the new app that will modify the current one? If yes, what is the workflow?
The app is compiled through xcode and is a known fact that it is not possible to retrieve the source code from the compiled application.
To answer your question: no, it's not possible.
I don't think that this is at all possible. When an app is built, it's also codesigned to prevent any changes to it. If any changes are made, macOS can't (or refuses to) open the app. This is a security feature that prevents people from modifying applications to bypass security measures, licensing, etc. in the app. Since you've modified the app, you are seeing this security feature in action in the form of the app crashing when you attempt to launch it.
That being said, it MIGHT be possible to modify the UI elements only without affecting the executable. In the app's resources folder, there should be a file with a ".nib" extension. This is the compiled user interface which is where the incorrect spelling of the window and button are. If you modify this file ONLY, the UI elements might be correct when you launch the app again. It's also possible that this nib file is part of the codesigned bundle and modifying it will cause a crash, just as if you'd modified the executable.

Best way to remotely update app settings in iOS

I am working on a application in which i have to update all app related settings remotely.
App setings include
Text Font
List item
Text Color
background Color
Url etc..
My idea is something like this, the first time when the user install the app it start downloading all images and settings like text color, font etc.
And when ever any changes happen the app itself downlaod those changes and store it locally.
Currently i am using a constant file where i have written all required settings.
Tell me some best way to achieve this and also tell me where to save the settings.
If is there any sample app available please provide me the link.
You could try something like GroundControl. It updates values in NSUserDefaults from a file found on a web server.
If you have a constant file from which you read all your settings, you can place an identically formatted file on a server, (maybe have a "last updated" date saved inside these files). Upon every session init, try to download the remote settings file - if it is "later" than the one you have, or any settings is different than the one you have saved, save the newly downloaded file instead of the old one, and act upon the changes.
The settings' flags and vars may change instantly across the app, while downloading images for skin and UI occurs immidiately after this, and take effect after they have completed downloading (which may look awkward to the user) or, more plausibly, upon init of the next session.
IMHO, using NSUSerDefaults settings and downloading a remote plist with the same keys and structure is most convenient file format for settings stuff.
Also, you may place the remote file in a web service, and have the client send that web service the request for the file accompanied with a "my last updated settings are of the date X" - the date of the latest settings you have locally. Then, the server may return a file, or an "you already have the latest file" response.

Adding application section to settings?

How do you add a section to settings for an application, is it related to NSUserDefaults or is this something completely different? Just not sure what this is called or where to start.
It's a Bundle you add to your app called settings.
Here is the documentation:
To add a settings.bundle, select New File.. then in the list select Resource > Settings Bundle. This will add a settings bundle to you project. Which contains some default example settings.
All settings changes made in the settings app are stored in the NSUserDefaults so you can easily access them.