Why is the hyphen conventional in symbol names in LISP? - lisp

What's the reason of this recommendation? Why not keeping consistent with other programming languages which use underscore instead?

I think that LISP uses the hyphen for two reasons: "history" and "because you can".
LISP is an old language, and in the early days typing an underscore could be challenging. For example, the first terminal I used for LISP was an ASR-33 teletype. On some hosts and teletype models, the key sequence for the underscore character would be interpreted as a left-pointing arrow (the assignment operator in Smalltalk). Hyphens could be typed more reliably.
Because You Can
In LISP, there are no infix operators (well, few). So there is no ambiguity concerning whether x-1 means "x minus 1" or "x hyphen 1". The early pioneers liked the look of the hypen for multiword symbols (or were stuck on ASR-33s as well :).

Just a guess: it may be because it resembles English language's compound words (like "well-known", "merry-go-round", etc). Like Paul said in comment, it's one of the oldest languages and for the creators of LISP hyphen might have seemed more natural than, for example, an underscore.
Side note: I, personally, do like it, because it separates words, but at the same time makes the long identifier look as a whole (compare fooBarBaz, foo-bar-baz and foo_bar_baz).

In written natural languages the - sign is often used as a way to make compound words. In German for example we compose german nouns just by appending them:
Above consist of three parts: Hof bräu haus.
But when we write concepts in German which have foreign names as their part we write them like this:
In natural languages it is not common to compose words by CamelCase or Under_Score.
The design of most Lisps was more oriented towards the linguistic tradition. The convention in some languages to use the underscore came up, because in these languages the - sign was already taken for the minus operation and the identifiers of theses were not allowed to include the - sign. The - sign is a identifier terminating character in these languages. Not in Lisp.
Note though that one can use the underscore in Lisp identifiers, though this is rarely use in code for aesthetic reasons.
One can also use every character in an identifier. The vertical bar encloses an arbitrary symbol:
|this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?|
> (defun |this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?| (|what? really?|)
(+ |what? really?| 42))
|this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?|
> (|this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?| 42)
Note that the backslash is an escape character in symbol names.


Name of the notation that goes like /<command> [arg0|arg1]

I know there is a notation or convention that for example describes the usage of a command (in a shell for example).
/<command> [arg0|arg1]
means the following is a right way of expressing/using the command: /TheNameOfTheCommand arg0 or /TheNameOfTheCommand arg1.
It is a bit like RegEx or a formal language. Minecraft uses this notation too to describe the syntax of their command. And I once heard about it by a professor in a programming lecture. That's the reason I think it must be a real convention.
Do you know the name of this convention or does it exist at all?
It's a convention, but not a standard. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that it is a convention adapted from a collection of standards which differ in details, except that the standards derive from the conventional use, and it's more common to find other variants than strict application of the standards.
The use of angle brackets to delimit grammatical variables goes back to Peter Backus' notation to describe the original Algol (1959); the use of brackets to donate optionality and vertical bars to list alternatives was used in the definition of Pascal (1974) and promoted by Niklaus Wirth in a note published in 1977 (“What Can We Do About the
Unnecessary Diversity of Notation for
Syntactic Definitions”).
In the Pascal report, it was called "Extended Backus Naur Form", and it is one of a number of similar notations which go by that name. I think that's unfortunate because it doesn't acknowledge Wirth's contribution but if you called it WBNF people would probably think you were talking about a radio station.
(Wirth didn't always use angle brackets. In the published version of the Pascal report, grammatical variables were printed on italics, but in the widely-distributed typed manuscript, angle brackets were used. Similarly, literal tokens were sometimes typeset in boldface and sometimes typed surrounded by quotation marks.)

Mathematical formula terms in Scala

Our application relies on lots of equations, which, to correspond with the standard scientific names, use variable names like mu_k, (if the standard is $\mu_k$). (We could debate whether scientists should switch to CS style descriptive variable names, but often the terms don't really describe anything, they are just part of equations, and, more over, we need our code to match the known literature.)
In C this is easy to name vars this way: int mu_k. We are considering porting our code to Scala, but I know that val mu_k is discouraged in Scala, because underscores have special meanings.
If we use underscores only in the middle of the var name (e.g. mu_k) and not beginning or end (e.g. _x or x_), will this present a problem in Scala?
What is the recommended naming convention for Scala in this case?
You are right that underscores are discouraged in variable names in Scala, which implies that they are not forbidden. In my opinion, a convention should be followed wherever sensible.
In the case of mathematical formulae, I disagree that the Greek letters don't convey a meaning; the meaning is not necessarily intuitively descriptive for non-mathematicians, but as you say, the reference to the usage in a paper may be meaningful and important. Therefore, sticking with the underscore won't hurt, although I would probably prefer a more Scala-style way as muX when possible and meaningful. If you want a perfect answer, you might need to perform a usability test with your developers. In the specific example, I personally find mu_x more readable than muX, but that might differ among individuals.
I don't think the Scala compiler has a problem with underscores in the examples you described. Presumably, even leading and trailing underscores are fine, but should indeed be avoided strictly because they have a special meaning: http://docs.scala-lang.org/style/naming-conventions.html#methods.
Underscores are not special in any way in identifiers. There are a lot of special meanings for the underscore in Scala, but not in identifiers. (There is a special rule in identifiers that if you want to mix alphanumeric characters and operator characters in the same identifier, they have to be separated by an underscore, e.g. foo? is not a legal identifier, but foo_? is.)
So, there is no problem using an identifier with an underscore in it.
It is generally preferred to use camelCase and PascalCase for alphanumeric identifiers, and not mix alphanumeric and operator characters in the same identifier (i.e. use maxBy instead of max_by and use isFoo instead of foo_?) but that's just a coding convention whose purpose is to reduce the number of "unspecial" underscores, so that you can quickly scan for the "special" ones.
But in your case, you are using special naming conventions anyway, so you don't need to adhere to the community naming conventions as strictly.
However, I personally would actually prefer the name µ_k over mu_k.
That's as far as it goes with Scala, unfortunately. The Fortress programming language by Sun/Oracle did allow boldface, overstrike, superscripts and subscripts in identifier names, so something like µk would have been possible as a legal identifier, but sadly, Fortress was abandoned a couple of years ago.
I'm not stating this is the correct way, and myself would be rather discouraged to do this, but you can use full string literals as identifiers:
From: http://www.scala-lang.org/files/archive/spec/2.11/01-lexical-syntax.html
id ::= plainid
| ‘’ stringLiteral ‘’
Finally, an identifier may also be formed by an arbitrary string
between back-quotes (host systems may impose some restrictions on
which strings are legal for identifiers). The identifier then is
composed of all characters excluding the backquotes themselves.
So this is valid:
val ’mu k‘
(sorry, for formatting)

Perl functions naming convention for long names

I have read some articles online on the naming convention for Perl style which suggest using lowercase letters and separating words by underscore for functions or methods names. Some others use the first word in lowercase then capitalize the other words. Of course Windows .NET etc Capitalize every word and no underscore.
I have some packages methods many words like entriesoncurrentpage, if I follow Perl style suggested I should do it like:
sub entries_on_current_page {...}
this added four underscore letters to the method name, the other style is:
sub entriesOnCurrentPage {...}
and Windows style should be:
sub EntriesOnCurrentPage {...}
PHP sometimes uses all lowercase with underscore like mysql_real_escape_string() and sometimes uses all lowercase without underscore like htmlspecialchars, of course PHP function names are not case sensitive so this feature is not supported in Perl.
So the question is, for the long name with many words what is the best style to use for Perl coding.
Originally, most Perl developers used camel casing with the first letter lowercased. This is the standard with most programming languages. Names with first letter capitalized were used for classes and methods.
Later on, Damian Conway's book Perl Best Practices suggested using underscores rather than camel casing. Damian argued that it increased readability, and was not that much harder to type.
Damian Conway's suggestion on names became the standard because 1). He was correct. It's much more legible and isn't that much harder to type, and most importantly 2). It was incorporated into Perltidy. Perltidy is a program that helps standardize your code according to Damian's suggestions. Perltidy is much like CheckStyle in Java.
Are these arbitrary standards? Yes, all standards are somewhat arbitrary in nature. You have a few candidate suggestions for rules, and you must make a decision:
Should the curly brace in while loops and if statements be appended on the end of the line, or go under the while or if statement. In standerd C style, curly braces are cuddled. In Java, they're not suppose to be according to CheckStyle. In Kornshell, the then goes under the if. In Bash, the standard is now that the then goes on the same line even though the Bash interpreter doesn't really like it. (You have to add a semicolon before the then because it's considered a separate command.
How should variable names be done. In most languages, CamelCase rules. In .NET, you even capitalize the first character, but in Perl, we use underscores.
Should constants be all uppercase? Most languages have agreed with that. However, in shell script, you usually reserve all uppercase variable names for special environment variables such as $PWD, $PATH, etc. Therefore, in Bash and Kornshell scripts, constant variables are all camelCased like regular variables.
The idea is to follow the standard for that language. Why? Because the standard says so. Because you can't argue with The Standard as you can with your fellow programmers whether or not curly braces are cuddled or not. The main this is to realize that most standards may be somewhat arbitrary, but they don't really affect the way you program. By everyone following a standard, you make it easier to understand other people's code.

valid characters for lisp symbols

First of all, as I understand it variable identifiers are called symbols in common lisp.
I noted that while in languages like C variable identifiers can only be alphanumberics and underscores, Common Lisp allows many more characters to be used like "*" and (at least scheme does) "?"
So, what I want to know is: what exactly is the full set of characters that Common Lisp allows to have in a symbol (or variable identifier if I'm wrong)? is that the same for Scheme?
Also, is the set of characters different for function names?
I've been googling, looking in the CLHS, and in Practical Common Lisp, and for the life of me, something must be wrong because I can't seem to find the answer.
A detailed answer is a bit tricky. There is the ANSI standard for Common Lisp. It defines the set of available characters. Basically you can use all those defined characters for symbols. See also Symbols as Tokens.
For example
|Polynom 2 * x ** 3 - 5 * x ** 2 + 10|
is a valid symbol. Note that the vertical bars mark the symbol and do not belong to the symbol name.
Then there are the existing implementations of Common Lisp and their support of various character sets and string types. So several support Unicode (or similar) and allow Unicode characters in symbol names.
CL-USER 1 > (list 'δ 'ψ 'σ '\|)
(δ ψ σ \|)
[From a Schemer's perspective. Even though some concepts in Scheme and Common Lisp have the same name, it does not mean that the mean the same thing in the two languages.]
First note that symbols and identifiers are two different things.
Symbols can be thought of as strings which support fast equality comparision.
Two symbols s and t are equal (more or less) if they are spelled the same way. The operation string=? needs to loop over the characters in the and see if they are all alike. This take time proportional to the length of the shortest string. Symbols on the other hand are automatically (ny the runtime system) put into a (typically) hash table. Therefore symbol=? boils down to a simple pointer comparison and is thus very fast. Symbols are often used in cases where one in C would use enumerations.
Symbols are values that can be present at runtime.
Identifiers are simply names of variables in a program.
Now if said program is to be represented as a Scheme value, one choice would be to use symbols to represent identifiers - but that does not mean symbols are identifiers (or vice versa). A better representation of identifiers (still in Scheme) is syntax objects which besides the name of the identifier also records the where the identifier was read (or constructed). Say you encounter an undefined variable and want to signal where in the program the undefined variable is, then is very convenient that the source location is part of the representation of the identifier.
Last but not least. What are the legal characters of an identifer? Here it is best to quote chapter and version from R6RS:
4.2.4 Identifiers
Most identifiers allowed by other programming languages are also
acceptable to Scheme. In general, a sequence of letters, digits, and
“extended alphabetic characters” is an identifier when it begins with
a character that cannot begin a representation of a number object. In
addition, +, -, and ... are identifiers, as is a sequence of letters,
digits, and extended alphabetic characters that begins with the
two-character sequence ->. Here are some examples of identifiers:
lambda q soup
list->vector + V17a
<= a34kTMNs ->-
Extended alphabetic characters may be used within identifiers as if
they were letters. The following are extended alphabetic characters:
! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? # ^ _ ~
Moreover, all characters whose Unicode scalar values are greater than
127 and whose Unicode category is Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Mc, Me, Nd,
Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co can be used within
identifiers. In addition, any character can be used within an
identifier when specified via an <inline hex escape>. For
example, the identifier H\x65;llo is the same as the identifier
Hello, and the identifier \x3BB; is the same as the identifier
Any identifier may be used as a variable or as a syntactic keyword
(see sections 5.2 and 9.2) in a Scheme program. Any identifier may
also be used as a syntactic datum, in which case it represents a
symbol (see section 11.10).
From: http://www.r6rs.org/final/html/r6rs/r6rs-Z-H-7.html#node_sec_4.2.4
See Chapter 2 of the CLHS, which describes the reader algorithm in detail. But the simple answer is that if a token isn't a readmacro invocation (section 2.4), and isn't a number or all dots, it defaults to being interpreted as a symbol.

Theory: "Lexical Encoding"

I am using the term "Lexical Encoding" for my lack of a better one.
A Word is arguably the fundamental unit of communication as opposed to a Letter. Unicode tries to assign a numeric value to each Letter of all known Alphabets. What is a Letter to one language, is a Glyph to another. Unicode 5.1 assigns more than 100,000 values to these Glyphs currently. Out of the approximately 180,000 Words being used in Modern English, it is said that with a vocabulary of about 2,000 Words, you should be able to converse in general terms. A "Lexical Encoding" would encode each Word not each Letter, and encapsulate them within a Sentence.
// An simplified example of a "Lexical Encoding"
String sentence = "How are you today?";
int[] sentence = { 93, 22, 14, 330, QUERY };
In this example each Token in the String was encoded as an Integer. The Encoding Scheme here simply assigned an int value based on generalised statistical ranking of word usage, and assigned a constant to the question mark.
Ultimately, a Word has both a Spelling & Meaning though. Any "Lexical Encoding" would preserve the meaning and intent of the Sentence as a whole, and not be language specific. An English sentence would be encoded into "...language-neutral atomic elements of meaning ..." which could then be reconstituted into any language with a structured Syntactic Form and Grammatical Structure.
What are other examples of "Lexical Encoding" techniques?
If you were interested in where the word-usage statistics come from :
This question impinges on linguistics more than programming, but for languages which are highly synthetic (having words which are comprised of multiple combined morphemes), it can be a highly complex problem to try to "number" all possible words, as opposed to languages like English which are at least somewhat isolating, or languages like Chinese which are highly analytic.
That is, words may not be easily broken down and counted based on their constituent glyphs in some languages.
This Wikipedia article on Isolating languages may be helpful in explaining the problem.
Their are several major problems with this idea. In most languages, the meaning of a word, and the word associated with a meaning change very swiftly.
No sooner would you have a number assigned to a word, before the meaning of the word would change. For instance, the word "gay" used to only mean "happy" or "merry", but it is now used mostly to mean homosexual. Another example is the morpheme "thank you" which originally came from German "danke" which is just one word. Yet another example is "Good bye" which is a shortening of "God bless you".
Another problem is that even if one takes a snapshot of a word at any point of time, the meaning and usage of the word would be under contention, even within the same province. When dictionaries are being written, it is not uncommon for the academics responsible to argue over a single word.
In short, you wouldn't be able to do it with an existing language. You would have to consider inventing a language of your own, for the purpose, or using a fairly static language that has already been invented, such as Interlingua or Esperanto. However, even these would not be perfect for the purpose of defining static morphemes in an ever-standard lexicon.
Even in Chinese, where there is rough mapping of character to meaning, it still would not work. Many characters change their meanings depending on both context, and which characters either precede or postfix them.
The problem is at its worst when you try and translate between languages. There may be one word in English, that can be used in various cases, but cannot be directly used in another language. An example of this is "free". In Spanish, either "libre" meaning "free" as in speech, or "gratis" meaning "free" as in beer can be used (and using the wrong word in place of "free" would look very funny).
There are other words which are even more difficult to place a meaning on, such as the word beautiful in Korean; when calling a girl beautiful, there would be several candidates for substitution; but when calling food beautiful, unless you mean the food is good looking, there are several other candidates which are completely different.
What it comes down to, is although we only use about 200k words in English, our vocabularies are actually larger in some aspects because we assign many different meanings to the same word. The same problems apply to Esperanto and Interlingua, and every other language meaningful for conversation. Human speech is not a well-defined, well oiled-machine. So, although you could create such a lexicon where each "word" had it's own unique meaning, it would be very difficult, and nigh on impossible for machines using current techniques to translate from any human language into your special standardised lexicon.
This is why machine translation still sucks, and will for a long time to come. If you can do better (and I hope you can) then you should probably consider doing it with some sort of scholarship and/or university/government funding, working towards a PHD; or simply make a heap of money, whatever keeps your ship steaming.
It's easy enough to invent one for yourself. Turn each word into a canonical bytestream (say, lower-case decomposed UCS32), then hash it down to an integer. 32 bits would probably be enough, but if not then 64 bits certainly would.
Before you ding for giving you a snarky answer, consider that the purpose of Unicode is simply to assign each glyph a unique identifier. Not to rank or sort or group them, but just to map each one onto a unique identifier that everyone agrees on.
How would the system handle pluralization of nouns or conjugation of verbs? Would these each have their own "Unicode" value?
As a translations scheme, this is probably not going to work without a lot more work. You'd like to think that you can assign a number to each word, then mechanically translate that to another language. In reality, languages have the problem of multiple words that are spelled the same "the wind blew her hair back" versus "wind your watch".
For transmitting text, where you'd presumably have an alphabet per language, it would work fine, although I wonder what you'd gain there as opposed to using a variable-length dictionary, like ZIP uses.
This is an interesting question, but I suspect you are asking it for the wrong reasons. Are you thinking of this 'lexical' Unicode' as something that would allow you to break down sentences into language-neutral atomic elements of meaning and then be able to reconstitute them in some other concrete language? As a means to achieve a universal translator, perhaps?
Even if you can encode and store, say, an English sentence using a 'lexical unicode', you can not expect to read it and magically render it in, say, Chinese keeping the meaning intact.
Your analogy to Unicode, however, is very useful.
Bear in mind that Unicode, whilst a 'universal' code, does not embody the pronunciation, meaning or usage of the character in question. Each code point refers to a specific glyph in a specific language (or rather the script used by a group of languages). It is elemental at the visual representation level of a glyph (within the bounds of style, formatting and fonts). The Unicode code point for the Latin letter 'A' is just that. It is the Latin letter 'A'. It cannot automagically be rendered as, say, the Arabic letter Alif (ﺍ) or the Indic (Devnagari) letter 'A' (अ).
Keeping to the Unicode analogy, your Lexical Unicode would have code points for each word (word form) in each language. Unicode has ranges of code points for a specific script. Your lexical Unicode would have to a range of codes for each language. Different words in different languages, even if they have the same meaning (synonyms), would have to have different code points. The same word having different meanings, or different pronunciations (homonyms), would have to have different code points.
In Unicode, for some languages (but not all) where the same character has a different shape depending on it's position in the word - e.g. in Hebrew and Arabic, the shape of a glyph changes at the end of the word - then it has a different code point. Likewise in your Lexical Unicode, if a word has a different form depending on its position in the sentence, it may warrant its own code point.
Perhaps the easiest way to come up with code points for the English Language would be to base your system on, say, a particular edition of the Oxford English Dictionary and assign a unique code to each word sequentially. You will have to use a different code for each different meaning of the same word, and you will have to use a different code for different forms - e.g. if the same word can be used as a noun and as a verb, then you will need two codes
Then you will have to do the same for each other language you want to include - using the most authoritative dictionary for that language.
Chances are that this excercise is all more effort than it is worth. If you decide to include all the world's living languages, plus some historic dead ones and some fictional ones - as Unicode does - you will end up with a code space that is so large that your code would have to be extremely wide to accommodate it. You will not gain anything in terms of compression - it is likely that a sentence represented as a String in the original language would take up less space than the same sentence represented as code.
P.S. for those who are saying this is an impossible task because word meanings change, I do not see that as a problem. To use the Unicode analogy, the usage of letters has changed (admittedly not as rapidly as the meaning of words), but it is not of any concern to Unicode that 'th' used to be pronounced like 'y' in the Middle ages. Unicode has a code point for 't', 'h' and 'y' and they each serve their purpose.
P.P.S. Actually, it is of some concern to Unicode that 'oe' is also 'œ' or that 'ss' can be written 'ß' in German
This is an interesting little exercise, but I would urge you to consider it nothing more than an introduction to the concept of the difference in natural language between types and tokens.
A type is a single instance of a word which represents all instances. A token is a single count for each instance of the word. Let me explain this with the following example:
"John went to the bread store. He bought the bread."
Here are some frequency counts for this example, with the counts meaning the number of tokens:
John: 1
went: 1
to: 1
the: 2
store: 1
he: 1
bought: 1
bread: 2
Note that "the" is counted twice--there are two tokens of "the". However, note that while there are ten words, there are only eight of these word-to-frequency pairs. Words being broken down to types and paired with their token count.
Types and tokens are useful in statistical NLP. "Lexical encoding" on the other hand, I would watch out for. This is a segue into much more old-fashioned approaches to NLP, with preprogramming and rationalism abound. I don't even know about any statistical MT that actually assigns a specific "address" to a word. There are too many relationships between words, for one thing, to build any kind of well thought out numerical ontology, and if we're just throwing numbers at words to categorize them, we should be thinking about things like memory management and allocation for speed.
I would suggest checking out NLTK, the Natural Language Toolkit, written in Python, for a more extensive introduction to NLP and its practical uses.
Actually you only need about 600 words for a half decent vocabulary.