valid characters for lisp symbols - lisp

First of all, as I understand it variable identifiers are called symbols in common lisp.
I noted that while in languages like C variable identifiers can only be alphanumberics and underscores, Common Lisp allows many more characters to be used like "*" and (at least scheme does) "?"
So, what I want to know is: what exactly is the full set of characters that Common Lisp allows to have in a symbol (or variable identifier if I'm wrong)? is that the same for Scheme?
Also, is the set of characters different for function names?
I've been googling, looking in the CLHS, and in Practical Common Lisp, and for the life of me, something must be wrong because I can't seem to find the answer.

A detailed answer is a bit tricky. There is the ANSI standard for Common Lisp. It defines the set of available characters. Basically you can use all those defined characters for symbols. See also Symbols as Tokens.
For example
|Polynom 2 * x ** 3 - 5 * x ** 2 + 10|
is a valid symbol. Note that the vertical bars mark the symbol and do not belong to the symbol name.
Then there are the existing implementations of Common Lisp and their support of various character sets and string types. So several support Unicode (or similar) and allow Unicode characters in symbol names.
CL-USER 1 > (list 'δ 'ψ 'σ '\|)
(δ ψ σ \|)

[From a Schemer's perspective. Even though some concepts in Scheme and Common Lisp have the same name, it does not mean that the mean the same thing in the two languages.]
First note that symbols and identifiers are two different things.
Symbols can be thought of as strings which support fast equality comparision.
Two symbols s and t are equal (more or less) if they are spelled the same way. The operation string=? needs to loop over the characters in the and see if they are all alike. This take time proportional to the length of the shortest string. Symbols on the other hand are automatically (ny the runtime system) put into a (typically) hash table. Therefore symbol=? boils down to a simple pointer comparison and is thus very fast. Symbols are often used in cases where one in C would use enumerations.
Symbols are values that can be present at runtime.
Identifiers are simply names of variables in a program.
Now if said program is to be represented as a Scheme value, one choice would be to use symbols to represent identifiers - but that does not mean symbols are identifiers (or vice versa). A better representation of identifiers (still in Scheme) is syntax objects which besides the name of the identifier also records the where the identifier was read (or constructed). Say you encounter an undefined variable and want to signal where in the program the undefined variable is, then is very convenient that the source location is part of the representation of the identifier.
Last but not least. What are the legal characters of an identifer? Here it is best to quote chapter and version from R6RS:
4.2.4 Identifiers
Most identifiers allowed by other programming languages are also
acceptable to Scheme. In general, a sequence of letters, digits, and
“extended alphabetic characters” is an identifier when it begins with
a character that cannot begin a representation of a number object. In
addition, +, -, and ... are identifiers, as is a sequence of letters,
digits, and extended alphabetic characters that begins with the
two-character sequence ->. Here are some examples of identifiers:
lambda q soup
list->vector + V17a
<= a34kTMNs ->-
Extended alphabetic characters may be used within identifiers as if
they were letters. The following are extended alphabetic characters:
! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? # ^ _ ~
Moreover, all characters whose Unicode scalar values are greater than
127 and whose Unicode category is Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Mc, Me, Nd,
Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co can be used within
identifiers. In addition, any character can be used within an
identifier when specified via an <inline hex escape>. For
example, the identifier H\x65;llo is the same as the identifier
Hello, and the identifier \x3BB; is the same as the identifier
Any identifier may be used as a variable or as a syntactic keyword
(see sections 5.2 and 9.2) in a Scheme program. Any identifier may
also be used as a syntactic datum, in which case it represents a
symbol (see section 11.10).

See Chapter 2 of the CLHS, which describes the reader algorithm in detail. But the simple answer is that if a token isn't a readmacro invocation (section 2.4), and isn't a number or all dots, it defaults to being interpreted as a symbol.


Mathematical formula terms in Scala

Our application relies on lots of equations, which, to correspond with the standard scientific names, use variable names like mu_k, (if the standard is $\mu_k$). (We could debate whether scientists should switch to CS style descriptive variable names, but often the terms don't really describe anything, they are just part of equations, and, more over, we need our code to match the known literature.)
In C this is easy to name vars this way: int mu_k. We are considering porting our code to Scala, but I know that val mu_k is discouraged in Scala, because underscores have special meanings.
If we use underscores only in the middle of the var name (e.g. mu_k) and not beginning or end (e.g. _x or x_), will this present a problem in Scala?
What is the recommended naming convention for Scala in this case?
You are right that underscores are discouraged in variable names in Scala, which implies that they are not forbidden. In my opinion, a convention should be followed wherever sensible.
In the case of mathematical formulae, I disagree that the Greek letters don't convey a meaning; the meaning is not necessarily intuitively descriptive for non-mathematicians, but as you say, the reference to the usage in a paper may be meaningful and important. Therefore, sticking with the underscore won't hurt, although I would probably prefer a more Scala-style way as muX when possible and meaningful. If you want a perfect answer, you might need to perform a usability test with your developers. In the specific example, I personally find mu_x more readable than muX, but that might differ among individuals.
I don't think the Scala compiler has a problem with underscores in the examples you described. Presumably, even leading and trailing underscores are fine, but should indeed be avoided strictly because they have a special meaning:
Underscores are not special in any way in identifiers. There are a lot of special meanings for the underscore in Scala, but not in identifiers. (There is a special rule in identifiers that if you want to mix alphanumeric characters and operator characters in the same identifier, they have to be separated by an underscore, e.g. foo? is not a legal identifier, but foo_? is.)
So, there is no problem using an identifier with an underscore in it.
It is generally preferred to use camelCase and PascalCase for alphanumeric identifiers, and not mix alphanumeric and operator characters in the same identifier (i.e. use maxBy instead of max_by and use isFoo instead of foo_?) but that's just a coding convention whose purpose is to reduce the number of "unspecial" underscores, so that you can quickly scan for the "special" ones.
But in your case, you are using special naming conventions anyway, so you don't need to adhere to the community naming conventions as strictly.
However, I personally would actually prefer the name µ_k over mu_k.
That's as far as it goes with Scala, unfortunately. The Fortress programming language by Sun/Oracle did allow boldface, overstrike, superscripts and subscripts in identifier names, so something like µk would have been possible as a legal identifier, but sadly, Fortress was abandoned a couple of years ago.
I'm not stating this is the correct way, and myself would be rather discouraged to do this, but you can use full string literals as identifiers:
id ::= plainid
| ‘’ stringLiteral ‘’
Finally, an identifier may also be formed by an arbitrary string
between back-quotes (host systems may impose some restrictions on
which strings are legal for identifiers). The identifier then is
composed of all characters excluding the backquotes themselves.
So this is valid:
val ’mu k‘
(sorry, for formatting)

Which nonnegative integers aren't assigned a character in the UCS?

Coded character sets, as defined by the Unicode Character Encoding Model, map characters to nonnegative integers (e.g. LATIN SMALL LETTER A to 97, both by traditional ASCII and the UCS).
Note: There's a difference between characters and abstract characters: the latter term more closely refers to our notion of character, while the first is a concept in the context of coded character sets. Some abstract characters are represented by more than one character. The Unicode article at Wikipedia cites an example:
For example, a Latin small letter "i" with an ogonek, a dot above, and
an acute accent [an abstract character], which is required in
Lithuanian, is represented by the character sequence U+012F, U+0307,
The UCS (Universal Coded Character Set) is a coded character set defined by the International Standard ISO/IEC 10646, which, for reference, may be downloaded through this official link.
The task at hand is to tell whether a given nonnegative integer is mapped to a character by the UCS, the Universal Coded Character Set.
Let us consider first the nonnegative integers that are not assigned a character, even though they are, in fact, reserved by the UCS. The UCS (§ 6.3.1, Classification, Table 1; page 19 of the linked document) lists three possibilities, based on the basic type that corresponds to them:
surrogate (the range D800–DFFF)
noncharacter (the range FDD0–FDEF plus any code point ending in the value FFFE or FFFF)
The Unicode standard defines noncharacters as follows:
Noncharacters are code points that are permanently reserved and will
never have characters assigned to them.
This page lists noncharacters more precisely.
reserved (I haven't found which nonnegative integers belong to this category)
On the other hand, code points whose basic type is any of:
private use
are assigned to characters. This is, however, open to discussion. For instance, should private use code points be considered to actually be assigned any characters? The very UCS (§ 6.3.5, Private use characters; page 20 of the linked document) defines them as:
Private use characters are not constrained in any way by this
International Standard. Private use characters can be used to provide
user-defined characters.
Additionally, I would like to know the range of nonnegative integers that the UCS maps or reserves. What is the maximum value? In some pages I have found that the whole range of nonnegative integers that the UCS maps is –presumably– 0–0x10FFFF. Is this true?
Ideally, this information would be publicly offered in a machine-readable format that one could build algorithms upon. Is it, by chance?
For clarity: What I need is a function that takes a nonnegative integer as argument and returns whether it is mapped to a character by the UCS. Additionally, I would prefer that it were based on official, machine-readable information. To answer this question, it would be enough to point to one such resource that I could build the function myself upon.
The Unicode Character Database (UCD) is available on the site; it is certainly machine-readable. It contains a list of all of the assigned characters. (Of course, the set of assigned codepoints is larger with every new version of Unicode.) Full documentation on the various files which make up the UCD is also linked from the UCD page.
The range of potential codes is, as you suspect, 0-0x10FFFF. Of those, the non-characters and the surrogate blocks will never be assigned as codepoints to any character. Codes in the private use areas can be assigned to characters only by mutual agreement between applications; they will never be assigned to characters by Unicode itself. Any other code might be.

Unicode version of ABNF?

I want to write a grammar for a file format whose content can contain characters other than US-ASCII ones. Since I am used to ABNF, I try to use it...
However, none of RFCs 5234 and 7405 are very friendly towards people who DO NOT use US ASCII.
In fact, I'm looking for an ABNF version (and possibly some basic rules as well) which is character oriented rather than byte oriented; the only thing which RFC 5234 has to say about this is in section 2.4:
2.4. External Encodings
External representations of terminal value characters will vary
according to constraints in the storage or transmission environment.
Hence, the same ABNF-based grammar may have multiple external
encodings, such as one for a 7-bit US-ASCII environment, another for
a binary octet environment, and still a different one when 16-bit
Unicode is used. Encoding details are beyond the scope of ABNF,
although Appendix B provides definitions for a 7-bit US-ASCII
environment as has been common to much of the Internet.
By separating external encoding from the syntax, it is intended that
alternate encoding environments can be used for the same syntax.
That doesn't really clarify matters.
Is there a version of ABNF somewhere which is code point oriented rather than byte oriented?
Refer to section 2.3 of RFC 5234, which says:
Rules resolve into a string of terminal values, sometimes called
characters. In ABNF, a character is merely a non-negative integer.
In certain contexts, a specific mapping (encoding) of values into a
character set (such as ASCII) will be specified.
Unicode is just the set of non-negative integers U+0000 through U+10FFFF minus the surrogate range D800-DFFF and there are various RFCs that use ABNF accordingly. An example is RFC 3987.
If the ABNF you're writing is intended for human reading, then I'd say just use the normal syntax and refer to code points instead of bytes instead. You could take a look at various language specifications that allow Unicode in source text, e.g. C#, Java, PowerShell, etc. They all have a grammar, and they all have to define Unicode characters somewhere (e.g. for identifiers).
E.g. the PowerShell grammar has lines like this:
       " (U+0022)
       Left double quotation mark (U+201C)
       Right double quotation mark (U+201D)
       Double low-9 quotation mark (U+201E)
Or in the Java specification:
       \ UnicodeMarker HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
       UnicodeMarker u
       any Unicode character
HexDigit: one of
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F
The \, u, and hexadecimal digits here are all ASCII characters.
Note that there is surrounding text explaining the intent – which is always better than just dumping a heap of grammar on someone.
If it's for automatic parser generation, you may be better off finding a tool that allows you to specify a grammar both in Unicode and ABNF-like form and publish that instead. People writing parsers should be expected to understand either, though.

Why is the hyphen conventional in symbol names in LISP?

What's the reason of this recommendation? Why not keeping consistent with other programming languages which use underscore instead?
I think that LISP uses the hyphen for two reasons: "history" and "because you can".
LISP is an old language, and in the early days typing an underscore could be challenging. For example, the first terminal I used for LISP was an ASR-33 teletype. On some hosts and teletype models, the key sequence for the underscore character would be interpreted as a left-pointing arrow (the assignment operator in Smalltalk). Hyphens could be typed more reliably.
Because You Can
In LISP, there are no infix operators (well, few). So there is no ambiguity concerning whether x-1 means "x minus 1" or "x hyphen 1". The early pioneers liked the look of the hypen for multiword symbols (or were stuck on ASR-33s as well :).
Just a guess: it may be because it resembles English language's compound words (like "well-known", "merry-go-round", etc). Like Paul said in comment, it's one of the oldest languages and for the creators of LISP hyphen might have seemed more natural than, for example, an underscore.
Side note: I, personally, do like it, because it separates words, but at the same time makes the long identifier look as a whole (compare fooBarBaz, foo-bar-baz and foo_bar_baz).
In written natural languages the - sign is often used as a way to make compound words. In German for example we compose german nouns just by appending them:
Above consist of three parts: Hof bräu haus.
But when we write concepts in German which have foreign names as their part we write them like this:
In natural languages it is not common to compose words by CamelCase or Under_Score.
The design of most Lisps was more oriented towards the linguistic tradition. The convention in some languages to use the underscore came up, because in these languages the - sign was already taken for the minus operation and the identifiers of theses were not allowed to include the - sign. The - sign is a identifier terminating character in these languages. Not in Lisp.
Note though that one can use the underscore in Lisp identifiers, though this is rarely use in code for aesthetic reasons.
One can also use every character in an identifier. The vertical bar encloses an arbitrary symbol:
|this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?|
> (defun |this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?| (|what? really?|)
(+ |what? really?| 42))
|this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?|
> (|this *#^! symbol is valid - why is that po_ss_ib_le?| 42)
Note that the backslash is an escape character in symbol names.

What characters are allowed in Perl identifiers?

I'm working on regular expressions homework where one question is:
Using language reference manuals online determine the regular expressions for integer numeric constants and identifiers for Java, Python, Perl, and C.
I don't need help on the regular expression, I just have no idea what identifiers look like in Perl. I found pages describing valid identifiers for C, Python and Java, but I can't find anything about Perl.
EDIT: To clarify, finding the documentation was meant to be easy (like doing a Google search for python identifiers). I'm not taking a class in "doing Google searches".
Perl Integer Constants
Integer constants in Perl can be
in base 16 if they start with ^0x
in base 2 if they start with ^0b
in base 8 if they start with 0
otherwise they are in base 10.
Following that leader is any number of valid digits in that base and also optional underscores.
Note that digit does not mean \p{POSIX_Digit}; it means \p{Decimal_Number}, which is really quite different, you know.
Please note that any leading minus sign is not part of the integer constant, which is easily proven by:
$ perl -MO=Concise,-exec -le '$x = -3**$y'
1 <0> enter
2 <;> nextstate(main 1 -e:1) v:{
3 <$> const(IV 3) s
4 <$> gvsv(*y) s
5 <2> pow[t1] sK/2
6 <1> negate[t2] sK/1
7 <$> gvsv(*x) s
8 <2> sassign vKS/2
9 <#> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC
-e syntax OK
See the 3 const, and much later on the negate op-code? That tells you a bunch, including a curiosity of precedence.
Perl Identifiers
Identifiers specified via symbolic dereferencing have absolutely no restriction whatsoever on their names.
For example, 100->(200) calls the function named 100 with the arugments (100, 200).
For another, ${"What’s up, doc?"} refers to the scalar package variable by that name in the current package.
On the other hand, ${"What's up, doc?"} refers to the scalar package variable whose name is ${"s up, doc?"} and which is not in the current package, but rather in the What package. Well, unless the current package is the What package, of course. Similary $Who's is the $s variable in the Who package.
One can also have identifiers of the form ${^identifier}; these are not considered symbolic dereferences into the symbol table.
Identifiers with a single character alone can be a punctuation character, include $$ or %!.
Identifers can also be of the form $^C, which is either a control character or a circumflex folllowed by a non-control character.
If none of those things is true, a (non–fully qualified) identifier follows the Unicode rules related to characters with the properties ID_Start followed by those with the property ID_Continue. However, it overrules this in allowing all-digit identifiers and identifiers that start with (and perhaps have nothing else beyond) an underscore. You can generally pretend (but it’s really only pretending) that that is like saying \w+, where \w is as described in Annex C of UTS#18. That is, anything that has any of these:
the Alphabetic property — which includes far more than just Letters; it also contains various combining characters and the Letter_Number code points, plus the circled letters
the Decimal_Number property, which is rather more than merely [0-9]
Any and all characters with the Mark property, not just those marks that are deemed Other_Alphabetic
Any characters with the Connector_Puncutation property, of which underscore is just one such.
So either ^\d+$ or else
ought to do it for the really simple ones if you don’t care to explore the intricacies of the Unicode ID_Start and ID_Continue properties. That’s how it’s really done, but I bet your instructor doesn’t know that. Perhaps one shan’t tell him, eh?
But you should cover the nonsimple ones I describe earlier.
And we haven’t talked about packages yet.
Perl Packages in Identifiers
Beyond those simple rules, you must also consider that identifiers may be qualified with a package name, and package names themselves follow the rules of identifiers.
The package separator is either :: or ' at your whim.
You do not have to specify a package if it is the first component in a fully qualified identifier, in which case it means the package main. That means things like $::foo and $'foo are equivalent to $main::foo, and isn't_it() is equivalent to isn::t_it(). (Typo removed)
Finally, as a special case, a trailing double-colon (but not a single-quote) at the end of a hash is permitted, and this then refers to the symbol table of that name.
Thus %main:: is the main symbol table, and because you can omit main, so too is %::.
Meanwhile %foo:: is the foo symbol table, as is %main::foo:: and also %::foo:: just for perversity’s sake.
It’s nice to see instructors giving people non-trivial assignments. The question is whether the instructor realized it was non-trivial. Probably not.
And it’s hardly just Perl, either. Regarding the Java identifiers, did you figure out yet that the textbooks lie? Here’s the demo:
$ perl -le 'print qq(public class escape { public static void main(String argv[]) { String var_\033 = "i am escape: ^\033"; System.out.println(var_\033); }})' >
$ javac
$ java escape | cat -v
i am escape: ^[
Yes, it’s true. It is also true for many other code points, especially if you use -encoding UTF-8 on the compile line. Your job is to find the pattern that describes these startlingly unforbidden Java identifiers. Hint: make sure to include code point U+0000.
There, aren’t you glad you asked? Hope this helps. Or something. ☺
The homework requests that you use the reference manuals, so I'll answer in those terms.
The Perl documentation is available at The section that deals on variables is perldata. That will easily give you a usable answer.
In reality, I doubt that the complete answer is available in the documentation. There are special variables (see perlvar), and "use utf8;" can greatly affect the definition of "letter" and "number".
$ perl -E'use utf8; $é=123; say $é'
[ I only covered the identifier part. I just noticed the question is larger than that ]
The perlvar page of the Perl documentation has a section at the end roughly outlining the allowable syntax. In summary:
Any combination of letters, digits, underscores, and the special sequence :: (or '), provided it starts with a letter or underscore.
A sequence of digits.
A single punctuation character.
A single control character, which can also be written as caret-{letter}, e.g. ^W.
An alphanumeric string starting with a control character.
Note that most of the identifiers other than the ones in set 1 are either given a special meaning by Perl, or are reserved and may gain a special meaning in later versions. But if you're just trying to work out what is a valid identifier, then that doesn't really matter in your case.
Having no official specification (Perl is whatever the perl interpreter can parse) these can be a little tricky to discern.
This page has examples of all the integer constant formats. The format of identifiers will need to be inferred from various pages in perldoc.