Address Book propertyID - unknown type? - iphone

Working on an app that makes heavy use of the Address Book framework. There are a number of View Controllers that interact with Address Book data, and they all work just fine. Except for one, and it's killing me.
I have a class that wraps address book access, in a method such as:
- (NSDictionary*)labelsToValues:(ABPropertyID)propertyID {
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
ABRecordRef aRecord = ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID(addressBook, [self recordIdFromAddressBookId]);
NSMutableDictionary *entries = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
ABMultiValueRef multiValueProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(aRecord, propertyID);
// do some other stuff
And then I call it in places like this:
- (NSDictionary*)emailProperties {
return [self labelsToValues:kABPersonEmailProperty];
And it works! Of course it does, I'm sending the message with an argument that is a Constant from the Address Book framework. So it should always work!
But that's not the case. This particular emailProperties: message is one that I'm calling in several places... and sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. When things go awry, I put it through the debugger and I get something like this:
How is that possible!? Even odder, if I sort of "prime" the problematic View Controller by viewing other View Controllers where everything behaves as expected, and then I return to the problematic View Controller, everything works fine. So, I'm guessing this is some sort of linking error, but I'm not sure how to even begin with troubleshooting that.

Turns out my question was a dupe of Address Book constants evaluating as zero, please vote to close.


App crashes when adding names to UIPickerView

When I click a button, a UIAlertView prompts the user to type a name. This name is then created as a new 'Customer' object and inserted into a mutable array.
There is a separate mutable array called 'CustListByName', which stores a list of all names.
The problem im having is that when adding a second or third name, the app crashes. Sometimes it happens on the second try, other times on the third try. There is no information given in the debugger except for (lldb). The program reports EXC_BAD_ACCESS and then it dumps me to a screen with a bunch of assembly code.
The crash is happening in these lines of code:
Essentially, it clears the array of names and then repopulates it based upon the object array. I've studied in step by step with a breakpoint but everything seems correct up until the point of crash. It is also confusing why this happens on the second or third try, never the first.
[custListByName removeAllObjects];
for (Customer *object in custListByObject) {
[custListByName addObject:object->name];
Here is the code where a customer is created and inserted everytime the new customer button is clicked:
Customer *tempCust = [[Customer alloc] init];
tempCust->name =[[alertView textFieldAtIndex:0] text];
[custListByObject addObject:tempCust];
[tempCust release];
I would really appreciate help with this, thanks!
What I suspect is happening is that the UIPickerView is attempting to load a row using information from your customer array after you have already cleared it, and before you repopulate it. This would cause a bad access error.
What you may consider doing instead, is keeping two arrays, an NSMutableArray for loading the customers, and an NSArray as the actual data source for the UIPickerView. Then right before you reload the UIPickerView, you say:
dataSourceArray = [loadingArray copy];
[pickView reloadAllComponents];
Hopefully this helps.
Here's what your updated code would look like if your loading array was called loadingCustListByName:
[loadingCustListByName removeAllObjects];
for (Customer *object in custListByObject) {
[loadingCustListByName addObject:object->name];
custListByName = [loadingCustListByName copy];
[pickView reloadAllComponents];
Doing this will ensure that the UIPickerView's datasource array always matches up with the number of rows it thinks it has.

Proper Management Of A Singleton Data Store In IOS With Web Service

I'm currently using a singleton as a data store for my app. I essentially store a number of events that are pulled and parsed from a web service and then added as needed. Each time I make a request from the web service, I parse the results and see if the items already exist. If they do, I delete them and add the updated version provided by the web service.
Everything appeared to be working properly until I fired up the Instruments panel to find out that my system is leaking the objects every time it loads them from the web service (from the second time on). The core method where things appear to be messing up is this one, which is located in my HollerStore singleton class:
- (void)addHoller: (Holler *)h
//Take a holler, check to see if one like it already exists
int i = 0;
NSArray *theHollers = [NSArray arrayWithArray:allHollers];
for( Holler *th in theHollers )
if( [[th hollerId]isEqualToString:[h hollerId]] )
NSLog(#"Removing holler at index %i", i);
[allHollers removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[allHollers addObject:h];
Quick explanation: I decided to copy the allHollers NSMutableArray into theHollers because it's being updated asynchronously by NSURLConnection. If I update it directly, it results in a crash. As such, I switched to this model hoping to solve the problem, however the Instruments panel is telling me that my objects are leaking. All the counts are exactly the # of items I have in my data set.
From what I can tell removeObjectAtIndex isn't effectively removing the items. Would love to get the thoughts of anybody else out there on three things:
Is my analysis correct that something else must be retaining the individual hollers being added?
Should I be using CoreData or SQLite for storing information pulled from the web service?
Do you know how long data stored in a Singleton should be available for? Until the app is killed?
I think I've found the source, however perhaps someone can provide some clarity on the proper way to do this. I've created a method called parseHoller which takes a dictionary object created through SBJSON and returns my own model (Holler). Here are the last couple lines:
Holler *h = [[[Holler alloc] initFromApiResponse:hollerId
//(some other autorelease stuff is here to clean up the internal method)
return h;
I figured that since I'm returning an autoreleased object, this should be fine. Do you see anything wrong with this?
Have you tried to do a retain count on the objects that is leaking? Maybe that could clear up when or where it is being retained.
The code should be
[putObjectHere retainCount];
and then write to an NSLog
Hope it gives you something

Filtering out email addresses from ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

I'm using ABPeoplePicker to show a list of contacts.
I'd like to filter this list of contacts to only show the contacts that have email addresses. How would I do so?
I needed it, so I started working on something like that. Check out
here is the good blog tutorial for extracting address book values,
try with below:
ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *peoplePicker = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc] init];
[peoplePicker setPeoplePickerDelegate:self];
[peoplePicker setDisplayedProperties:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kABPersonEmailProperty]]];
ABContactHelper is a greater wrapper for the Addressbook and has some methods for filtering contacts based on various things.
I'm trying to do a similar thing. I've gotten an instance of ABAddressBook, removed the entries I don't want, then set picker.addressBook = filteredBook. It...KINDA works. The list seems to be filtered, but entries are duplicated like it expects the full list to be there and it just copies existing entries until it has the expected count, or something.

kABPersonFirstNameProperty... trowing EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Im reading the address book contacts... everything goes well until I test a contact with no
First Name ( Since I can create a contact with just an email or a phone or wathever....).
The code (reduced) is this:
- (NSMutableArray *) getContactsInfo {
NSMutableArray *contactsList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
localAddressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
int contactsLength = (int)ABAddressBookGetPersonCount(localAddressBook);
if (contactsLength < 1)
return nil;
for(int currentContact=1; currentContact < (contactsLength + 1); currentContact++) {
ABRecordRef person = ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID(localAddressBook,(ABRecordID) currentContact);
firstName = (NSString *)ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty);
NSLog(#"%#", firstName);
[contactsList addObject:firstName];
return contactsList;
and the output I get is this:
2010-02-15 14:16:25.616 testApp[7065:207] Contact0
2010-02-15 14:16:25.618 testApp[7065:207] Contact1
2010-02-15 14:16:25.619 testApp[7065:207] Contact2
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
I have 3 contacts with First and Last names
And one created with just the last name, for test purposes.
It seems I can properly read any property such as email or address with arrays... but when a contact lacks First Name Property the app crashes.
You are doing something very wrong in your code: you are assuming that the record IDs are sequential and starting at 1. This is not the case at all, you cannot rely on this.
What you should do instead is use ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople to find all records in the Address Book and then use the Core Foundation CFArray functions to get to the individual items.
(Yes, the Address Book API in the iPhone is terrible)
You may want to enable NSZombies to see exactly where the EXEC_BAD_ACCESS is coming from.
To make sure, the crash is taking place within ABRecordCopyValue and not when you try to use firstName for the first time (which may be NULL?) Also, person is not NULL either, correct? (In general more code in the question along with details about which line is crashing would be helpful.)
Another thing to try would be to cast person to an ABRecord* and use [valueForProperty][1]; the two types are toll-free bridged and you might get a different result out of the latter (though I doubt it).
Update: Given the code you have posted you need to check that firstName is not NULL before trying to output it via NSLog - it is very possible ABRecordCopyValue is simply returning NULL (representing the fact there is no first name data present for that record.) You should also check for the validity of the person ref value itself - passing NULL in person to ABRecordCopyValue could be the source of additional problems.
The problem is indeed a nil first name - but not at the log statement, rather where you try to insert nil into the array. You cannot insert a nil value into an array, that causes a crash. NSLog has not flushed output to the console yet which is why you do not yet see your last log statement saying first name is nil.
Any time you get data out of the address book, check to see if the value is nil before you insert it into anything.

What's the best approach to asynchronous image caching on the iPhone?

I'm creating an iPhone app that will pull data down from a Web API, including email addresses. I'd like to display an image associated with each email address in table cells, so I'm searching the Address Book for images and falling back on a default if the email address isn't in the book. This works great, but I have a few concerns:
Performance: The recipes I've found for looking for an address book record by Email address (or phone number) are reportedly rather slow. The reason for this is that one must iterate over every address book record, and for each one that has an image, iterate over all email addresses to find a match. This can be time-consuming for a large address book, of course.
Table Cells: So I thought I'd gather up all the email addresses for which I need to find images and find them all at once. This way I iterate through the book only once for all addresses. But this doesn't work well for table cells, where each cell corresponds to a single email address. I'd either have to gather all the images before displaying any cells (potentially slow), or have each cell look up each image as it loads (even slower, as I'd need to iterate through the book to find a match for each email address).
Asynchronous Lookup: So then I thought I'd look them up in bulk, but asynchronously, using NSInvocationOperation. For each image found in AddressBook, I'd save a thumbnail in the app sandbox. Then each cell could just reference this file and show the default if it doesn't exist (because it's not in the book or hasn't yet been found). If the image is later found in the asynchronous lookup, the next time the image needs to be displayed it would suddenly appear. This might work well for periodic regeneration of images (for when images have been changed in the address book, for example). But then for any given instance of my app, an image may not actually show up for a while.
Asynchronous Table Cell Lookup: Ideally, I'd use something like markjnet's asynchronous table cell updating to update table cells with an image once it has been downloaded. But for this to work, I'd have to spin off an NSInvocationOperation job for each cell as it's displayed and if the cached icon is missing from the sandbox. But then we're back to inefficiently iterating through the entire address book for each one—and that can be a lot of them if you've just downloaded a whole bunch of new email addresses.
So my question is: How do others do this? I was fiddling with Tweetie2, and it looks like it updates displayed table cells asynchronously. I assume it's sending a separate HTTP request for every image it needs. If so, I imagine that searching the local address book by email address isn't any less efficient, so maybe that's the best approach? Just not worry about the performance issues associated with searching the address book?
If so, is saving a thumbnail image in the sandbox the best approach to caching? And if I wanted to create a new job to update all the thumbnails with any changes in the address book say once a day, what's the best approach to doing so?
How do the rest of you solve this sort of problem? Suggestions would be much appreciated!
Regardless of what strategy you use for the actual caching of images, I would only make one pass through the Address Book data each time you get a batch of email addresses, if possible. (And yes, I would do this asynchronously.)
Create an NSMutableDictionary which will serve as your in-memory cache for search results. Initialize this dictionary with each email address from the download as a key, with a sentinel as that key's value (such as [NSNull null]).
Next, iterate through each ABRecordRef in the Address Book, calling ABRecordCopyValue(record, kABPersonEmailProperty) and looping through the results in each ABMultiValue that is returned. If any of the email addresses are keys in your cache, set [NSNumber numberWithInt:ABRecordGetRecordId(record)] as the value of that key in your dictionary.
Using this dictionary as a lookup index, you can quickly obtain the images of ABRecordRefs for only the email addresses that you are currently displaying in your table view given the user's current scroll position, as suggested in hoopjones's answer. You can add an address book change listener to invalidate your cache, trigger another indexing operation, and then update the view, if your application needs that level of "up-to-date-ness".
I'd use the last method you listed (Asynchronous Table Cell Lookup) but only look images for the current records being displayed. I overload the UIScrollViewDelegate methods to find out when a user has stopped scrolling, and then only start making requests for the current visible cells.
Something like this (this is slightly modified from a tutorial I found on the web which I can't find now, apologies for not citing the author) :
- (void)loadContentForVisibleCells
NSArray *cells = [self.table visibleCells];
[cells retain];
for (int i = 0; i < [cells count]; i++)
// Go through each cell in the array and call its loadContent method if it responds to it.
AddressRecordTableCell *addressTableCell = (AddressRecordTableCell *)[[cells objectAtIndex: i] retain];
[addressTableCell loadImage];
[addressTableCell release];
addressTableCell = nil;
[cells release];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
// Method is called when the decelerating comes to a stop.
// Pass visible cells to the cell loading function. If possible change
// scrollView to a pointer to your table cell to avoid compiler warnings
[self loadContentForVisibleCells];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate;
if (!decelerate)
[self loadContentForVisibleCells];
Once you know what address records are currently visible, just doing a search for those (5 -7 records probably) will be lightning fast. Once you grab the image, just cache it in a dictionary so that you don't have to redo the request for the image later.
You seem to try to implement lazy images loading in UITableView.
there's a good example from Apple, I'm referencing it here :
Lazy load images in UITableView
FYI, I've released a free, powerful, and easy library for doing asynchronous image loading and fast file caching: HJ Managed Objects