Can someone please post a code piece for multiplying two one-digit numbers in the programming language brainf*ck?
,>,< input numbers at cell #1 #2
> go to cell #2
->+>+<< move data to cell #3 #4
>> go to cell #4
-<<+>> move data to cell #2
<<< go to cell #1
- decrement cell #1
>>. output cell #3
Program read to cell #1, #2 and result will be appear in cell #3
I use BF interpreter where I can input numbers as numbers(not ASCII Symbols)
Well, I might not have the most efficient way around it, but it works. I did things in a specific ways so that it would work with all of these
So, here it is:
>, >, <<
convert from ascii
+++++ +
>----- ---
>----- ---
separate numbers
>[-]>+> >+++++ +++++<
- >- [>>>]+++++ +++++<<+
<+++++ +++++>>>[-<<<->>>]<<<
convert to ascii
<+++++ +
>+++++ +++>
[+++++ +++>]
I used this interpreter:
well, I was inspired by the first one and made it much more simple:
the 48+ in the end is for the bfdev to show it in ascii.
I know this was posted over eight years ago, but I’d still like to share my answer in case anyone else stumbles across this thread.
This uses eight cells of space which should all be initialized with zero (in case your using this in a larger program) and the pointer begins at the left most of the eight cells. It will take in two single digit ASCII numbers and output a single two digit ASCII number. By an ASCII number, I mean it will take in and output the ASCII values of the characters making up the number. When this program is done, the pointer will once again be at the left most end of the eight cells and all cells will have been returned to zero. The values this will produce on the tape in normal operation will not go below 0 or exceed 81, so you don’t need to worry about negatives or wrapping.
Kinda hard to understand, but it works
I know this question is 11 years old but this is for future readers.
Post was made 12 years ago but I’d still like to share my answer just incase someone else see this thread.
,>>+++ +++[<<-------->>-]
<,>+++ +++[<-------->-]
I found this VERY VERY simple version that outputs the answer in the second cell
This example multiplies 2 by 2 and the number of +s in the beginning and in the bracket loop are the numbers to be multiplied
How can I get the array element range of first to second last?
For example,
$array = 1,2,3,4,5
$array[0] - will give me the first (1)
$array[-2] - will give me the second last (4)
$array[0..2] - will give me first to third (1,2,3)
$array[0..-2] - I'm expecting to get first to second last (1,2,3,4) but I get 1,5,4 ???
I know I can do long hand and go for($x=0;$x -lt $array.count;$x++), but I was looking for the square bracket shortcut.
You just need to calculate the end index, like so:
$array[0..($array.length - 2)]
Do remember to check that you actually have more than two entries in your array first, otherwise you'll find yourself getting duplicates in the result.
An example of such a duplicate would be:
Which, from an array of a single 1 gives the following output
There might be a situation where you are processing a list, but you don't know the length. Select-object has a -skiplast parameter.
(1,2,3,4,5 | select -skiplast 2)
As mentioned earlier the best solution here:
$array[0..($array.length - 2)]
The problem you met with $array[0..-2] can be explained with the nature of "0..-2" expression and the range operator ".." in PowerShell. If you try to evaluate just this part "0..-2" in PowerShell you will see that result will be an array of numbers from 0 to -2.
>> 0..-2
And when you're trying to do $array[0..-2] in PowerShell it's the same as if you would do $array[0,-1,-2]. That's why you get results as 1, 5, 4 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4.
It could be kind of counterintuitive at first especially if you have some Python or Ruby background, but you need to take it into account when using PowerShell.
Robert Westerlund answer is excellent.
This answer I just saw on the Everything you wanted to know about arrays page and wanted to try it out.
I like it because it seems to describe exactly what the goal is, end at one short of the upper bound.
$array[0..($array.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)]
I used this variation of your original attempt to uninstall all but the latest version from Get-InstalledModule. It's really short, but not perfect because if there are more than 9 items it still returns just 8, but you can put a larger negative number, though.
I have input with floats stored like 1000,50, ie. the decimal points are replaced by commas.
Is there an option in K to load these numbers directly into floats ?
When using
data:("SFF" ;";",";") 0:. filename
I get 0ns, of course, because the numbers are not recognized as floats.
I load them as strings now, and convert them using ssr like
c:.:' .q.ssr'[data;",";"."]
but that is extremely slow.
Is there an option somewhere to have K load these numbers in CCC,CC format as floats directly ? Normal format and ccc,cc format are not mixed, any file has just one of them.
If there is not, I imagine that it must by quite easy to replace a "." somewhere in the Q-binary where the load-function sits, with a ",", to get a version which loads these numbers. Has anybody tried that ? Or any other tip to load big files with these numbers in reasonable time ?
If ssr' is slow for your task you may find this tiny function useful:
c2p:{c:-1_sums count each x;p:ss[r:raze x;","];r[p]:".";(0,c) _ r}
Update: an alternative version:
c2p:{p:ss[r:raze x;","];r[p]:".";(0,-1_sums count'[x])_r}
It concatenates all strings into a single long string, finds positions of commas, replaces commas with periods then splits that long string:
q)s:string[N?100000],'",",'string N?1000
q)\t r1:ssr'[s;",";"."]
q)\t r2:c2p s
I was thinking something like find (?) combined with indexing/applying
q)s:string[N?100000],'",",'string N?1000
q)\ts {s[x;y]:"."}./:flip(til count s;s?\:",")
967 52972144
It's not perfect but that's the general idea. I'm sure there is an easier way...
I am making program which will go through all possible choices.
Range is from 00000 to 99999.
For example:
The problem is that i can make string as '00000' but as i convert it to int in order to add extra 1 to keep cycle going only one 0 appears. In that case i will get 0+1 = 1 and i need 00001.
Not completely sure how should i do it with lists because i might need it in the future for certain operations (to get one element from a current number 00450, 01004, 94571...)
Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated! :)
You can use zfill(num) on strings to add leading zeros
def convert_int(number,decimals) :
return str(number).zfill(decimals)
print convert_int(1,6) #prints 000001
I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but you can use string formatting. For example, this will turn int('00000') + 1 into '00001':
new_i = '%05d'%(int('00000')+1)
where %05d adds as many trailing zeros as necessary to whatever comes after % so the total length of the final string formatted number is 5.
I have a numeric column that I'm trying to format like currency, but I can't seem to get the format right. I currently have:
to_char(my_column, 'fml9999999999999999999D9999999999999999999')
but it outputs
If I remove the 'fm' modifier, it outputs:
$ .2000000000000000000
How would I go about getting it to preserve at least 1 digit on the left, and at least 2 digits on the right while removing all the rest of the trailing 0's?
Figured it out: the trick is to use 0's where you want it to preserve the digits:
to_char(my_column, 'fm9999999999999990D00')
I've searched for a while, but i couldn't find anything that could help me.
Let's say the first cell(or value, etc.) equals 165. How do i print "165"?
My idea was to cut the number into seperate pieces: 1,6 and 5. It would than be no problem to print them.
Note: I don't just want to print "165". I want to print the value the first cell has. No matter if it's 165, 255, 0, 1 or anything else.
use a famous modulo procedure ( will help you)
>+++++++++++[-<+++++++++++++++>] # initialize 165 at first cell
I have created a simple language that compiles to brainfuck which can be found here: There is a compiler for the language implemented in java.
I use the following function in that language to output a number. Maybe you can analyze the generated code and see if anything can be of use to you from it. One word of warning though, it does generate a bit of redundant copying around of cells (never got around to optimizing this). Anyway here's an example program and the BF code it generates. (note that indentations MUST be tabs in my language)
declare n, 165
declare digits
while n
push n % 10
digits = digits + 1
n = n / 10
if digits
while digits
out pop + 48
digits = digits - 1
outs "0"
And here is the generated code for that: