Format postgres numeric like money ($0.20) - postgresql

I have a numeric column that I'm trying to format like currency, but I can't seem to get the format right. I currently have:
to_char(my_column, 'fml9999999999999999999D9999999999999999999')
but it outputs
If I remove the 'fm' modifier, it outputs:
$ .2000000000000000000
How would I go about getting it to preserve at least 1 digit on the left, and at least 2 digits on the right while removing all the rest of the trailing 0's?

Figured it out: the trick is to use 0's where you want it to preserve the digits:
to_char(my_column, 'fm9999999999999990D00')


Postgresql converting strings with parenthesis for negative and leading $ signs

I have values like these in data input and I have not been able to convert those with parenthesis to a negative numeric. I am using TO_NUMBER(a.Total_Paid,'L999999D99')
Example ($123.45)
It should be -123.45
Does this work for you? (Note that it does not work for me if I include the L in the format string)
to_number(translate('($123.45)', '()', '<>'), '999999d99PR')

How to format decimal merge field to display numbers without extra padding?

I'm having trouble formatting a decimal number to be displayed with a thousand separator and a decimal separator if needed. Number can have up to three decimal digits. I have a feeling that I'm missing something very obvious here.
1 -> 1
1.11 -> 1.11
1.111 -> 1.111
I have been using codes for formatting number and so far I've tried this combinations:
\# ,0
\# ,0.000
\# ,#
\# ,#.###
\# #,#
\# #,#.###
Basically, for a value of 1.11 I've gotten either a 1 as a result or 1.110 as a result.
Given your most recent comment (i.e. "The database returns a padded number 1.110 for example"), your data don't have 'up to three decimal digits'; they have exactly three decimal digits. If this is for a mailmerge, you could obtain both the thousands separator and suppression of trailing 0s with a field coded as:
{={MERGEFIELD MyField} # ,0.###}
Where the number ends with a trailing decimal 0, you'll end up with a space where the 0 would otherwise be and, where it's an integer, you'll end up with a trailing decimal point. If you really want to omit all this trailing stuff, you should modify the data so it's stored in the appropriate format; otherwise some fairly complex field coding will be required to achieve your desired outcome:
{QUOTE{SET Val {MERGEFIELD MyField}}{IF{=INT(Val) # 0.000}= {REF Val} {=INT(Val) # ,0} {IF{=INT(Val*10)/10 # 0.000}= {REF Val} {=Val # ,0.0} {IF{=INT(Val*100)/100 # 0.000}= {REF Val} {=Val # ,0.00} {=Val # ,0.000}}}}}
Note: The field brace pairs (i.e. '{ }') for the above examples are all created in the document itself, via Ctrl-F9 (Cmd-F9 on a Mac); you can't simply type them or copy & paste them from this message. Nor is it practical to add them via any of the standard Word dialogues. The spaces represented in the field constructions are all required.

Can I directly load text with numbers in CCC,CC format ? (K4)

I have input with floats stored like 1000,50, ie. the decimal points are replaced by commas.
Is there an option in K to load these numbers directly into floats ?
When using
data:("SFF" ;";",";") 0:. filename
I get 0ns, of course, because the numbers are not recognized as floats.
I load them as strings now, and convert them using ssr like
c:.:' .q.ssr'[data;",";"."]
but that is extremely slow.
Is there an option somewhere to have K load these numbers in CCC,CC format as floats directly ? Normal format and ccc,cc format are not mixed, any file has just one of them.
If there is not, I imagine that it must by quite easy to replace a "." somewhere in the Q-binary where the load-function sits, with a ",", to get a version which loads these numbers. Has anybody tried that ? Or any other tip to load big files with these numbers in reasonable time ?
If ssr' is slow for your task you may find this tiny function useful:
c2p:{c:-1_sums count each x;p:ss[r:raze x;","];r[p]:".";(0,c) _ r}
Update: an alternative version:
c2p:{p:ss[r:raze x;","];r[p]:".";(0,-1_sums count'[x])_r}
It concatenates all strings into a single long string, finds positions of commas, replaces commas with periods then splits that long string:
q)s:string[N?100000],'",",'string N?1000
q)\t r1:ssr'[s;",";"."]
q)\t r2:c2p s
I was thinking something like find (?) combined with indexing/applying
q)s:string[N?100000],'",",'string N?1000
q)\ts {s[x;y]:"."}./:flip(til count s;s?\:",")
967 52972144
It's not perfect but that's the general idea. I'm sure there is an easier way...

How to use numbers as delimiters in MATLAB strsplit function

As the title suggests I'm looking to detect where the numbers are in a string and then to just take the substring from the larger string. EG
If I have say zero89 or eight78, I would just like zero or nine returned. When using the strsplit function I have:
strsplit('zero89', but what do I put here?)
Interested in regexp that will provide you more options to explore with?
Extract numeric digits -
Extract anything other than digits -
strsplit('zero89', '\d', 'DelimiterType', 'RegularExpression')
Or just using regexp:
I got the \D+ from here
Assuming you mean this strsplit?
strsplit('zero89', '8')

Crystal report issue with int to string conversion

I want to convert int to string and then concatenate dot with it. Here is the formula
totext({#SrNo})+ "."
It works perfectly but not what i want. I want to show at as
but it shows me in this way
it means that when i try to convert int to string it convert it into number with precision of two decimal zeros. Can someone tell me how can i show it in proper format. For information i want to tell you that SrNo is running total.
ToText(x, y, z, w) Function can use
x=The number to convert to text
y=The number of decimal places to include in result (optional). The value will be rounded to that decimal place.
z=The character to use as the thousands separator. If you don’t specify one, it will use your application default. (Optional.)
w=The character to use as the decimal separator. If you don’t specify one, it will use your application default. (Optional.)
ToText(12345.678) = > “12345.678″
ToText(12345.678,2) = > “12345.67″
ToText(12345.678,0) = > “12345″
You can try this :
Ohhh I got the answer it was so simple.
totext takes 4 parameters
First parameter is value which is going to be converted
Second parameter is number of decimal previsions.
Third parameter is decimal separator. like (1,432.123) here dot(.) is third parameter.
Forth parameter is thousand separator. like (1,432) here comma(,) is forth parameter.
totext("1,432.1234",2) results 1,432.12
totext("1,432.1234",2,' " ') results 1,432"1234
totext("1,432.1234",2,' " ', ' : ') results 1:432,1234
Although i think this example may be not so good but i just want to give you an idea. This is for int conversion for date it has 2 parameters.
value to be converted and format of date.