Converting voice to text using Phone-Gap - iphone

I need to make an iPhone application that read sound from microphone and convert it to text, is possible to do using phoneGap.

It's not yet possible with phonegap.
As you will need to stream the audio.
This streaming is in the roadmap tough.


Plugin/API for flutter for making a voice changing app?

I wanted to make an application which changes the recorded voice into a different sounding voice for ex. Robotic voice, thin voice(high pitched/childlike), heavy voice, funny voice etc.
I already have the recording functionality handled with a plugin, I only want a voice conversion functionality.
Please suggest some plugins/API's compatible with flutter.
I don't think anything like this exist in dart but you can use C plugin to do this using Dart:ffi (

How can I record currently playing audio on the iPhone?

I'd like to record what the iPhone is currently outputting. So I'm thinking about recording audio from Apps like Music (iPod), Skype, any Radio Streaming App, Phone, Instacast... I don't want to record my own audio or the mic input.
Is there an official way to do this? How do I do it? It seems like AVAudioRecorder does not allow this, can somebody confirm?
Officially you can't. The audio stream belongs to the app playing it ,and iOS.
The Sandbox paradigm means that a resource owned by your App can't be used by another App. Resource here means Audio/Video stream or file. Exceptions are when a mediator like Document interaction controller are used.
If you want to do this you'd have to start with deducing AVFoundation's private methods and find out if theres a way there. Needless to say this it wouldn't be saleable on the App store and will probably only be possible on a jailbreak.
Good Luck.
This is only feasible only from time to time, as it's a time expensive process.
You can record the screen while listening your songs on Spotify, Music or whatever music application.
This will generate a video on your Photos application. That video can be converted on MP3 from your computer.
Actually, this is not true. The screen recordings will not actually have the audio from Apple Music at all, as it blocks it. Discord also uses this pipe as well, so you cannot record Discord audio either this way.

iPhone: Anyway of streaming WMA?

Does anyone have a solution or a possible open library that can be used to stream WMA radio station streams on iPhone?
I know for a fact that there are Apps out which are able to do this.
Any pointers on where to start?
In order to play WMA, look into using the ffmpeg library. I'm not sure if it can stream as well, but I'm pretty sure it can play the format.

iPhone external video playback from an app

I know the iPhone can play video on an external screen if you have the Apple component output cable. I also know you can write an app that plays video. Is there a way to put those two things together and write an app that will play video specifically on an external screen?
This is currently not possible with the iPhone API. I have heard of apps that have done it on jail-broken phones, but there is not Apple-approved way of doing it at this time.
This can be done using private private APIs, but it won't get in the store. This guy wrote a class to do it here: Haven't used it myself, but it looks very simple.

iPhone MP3 Streaming alternative to Segmenting

I have run into a bit of a problem. I built an iPhone app that streams my podcasts via the MPMoviePlayerController. Apple will not approve it because it can use too much bandwidth over the Carrier Network. So their workaround is to use a Stream Segmenter. I am unable to install a stream segmenter on my server. Are their ANY other solutions people have come up with that can help me stream my podcast to iPhone devices? Even if I have to make it a Web Application as opposed to a native application.
You could use a simple service like to create iphone segmented ondemand versions of your files for multi bitrate adaptive playback. You could also provide a high and low quality and only display the high when the reachability class shows that your using wifi. I had to do the second option to get one of my apps to pass approval. Hope this helps!
Well if you don't want a native app, I think you can just put a video link on a webpage and when the user clicks it Quicktime will take over and play the file. It will play the file as it downloads it.
I don't have any experience streaming large files over the iPhone, so I can't help guide you on alternatives and keeping it a native app.