Plugin/API for flutter for making a voice changing app? - flutter

I wanted to make an application which changes the recorded voice into a different sounding voice for ex. Robotic voice, thin voice(high pitched/childlike), heavy voice, funny voice etc.
I already have the recording functionality handled with a plugin, I only want a voice conversion functionality.
Please suggest some plugins/API's compatible with flutter.

I don't think anything like this exist in dart but you can use C plugin to do this using Dart:ffi (


How can i Implement music equaliser as well as visualiser in flutter?

I am implementing a music app in a flutter. In the app, I want to implement a music equalizer first, and together with this want to implement a visualizer.
like this : Qualizer and Visualizer
I have used this package Qualizer but it doesn't provide sound null safety. so I need an alternative to this.
I've been trying to do the same thing and I was able to implement an equalizer using this package just_audio but the only problem is that it only worked on Android and I couldn't make it work on IOS, I found an issue on GitHub discussing this matter but it was kinda confusing I'm trying to make it work still GitHub link

How to recognize the human voice by code in iphone?

I want to integrate voice detection in my iPhone app. The iPhone app allow the user to search the word by using their voice. But, i don't know a single info about Voice Recognition in iPhone. Can you please suggest me any ideas,tutorials or sample code for this?
You can also use Google Chrome API to integrate voice recognition on your application, but there is a big problem : the API works only with FLAC encoded files, but this encoding isn't supported natively on iOS... :/
You can see those 2 links for more information :
I realized an application including voice recognition using Nuance SDK, but it's not free to use. You can register for free and get a developer key that allows you to test your application for 90-days. An application example is included, you can see the code, it's very easy to implement.
Good luck :)
The best approach will probably be to:
Record the voice on the phone
Send the recording to a server that runs the speech recognition software
Then return something to the phone to indicate what it should do
This approach is favorable as there are a number of open source voice to text softwares out there & you are not limited by computing power in the backend.
Having said that, iOS has OpenEars which is based on Pocket Sphinx. It looks promising...
Well voice recognition is not correlated with iphone. All you can do is record the voice in iphone. Once done, you can either code your one voice recognition module, or find a third party API and reuse it.
You can do google search on that.

How to convert a voice recorded by AVAudioRecorder into Text in objective-c?

I am working on a project where I have to record a voice covert into text then match the pattern and according to the user command perform action.
I am able to to record voice of the user through AVAudioRecorder and perform action. But the actions are perform on anything what user says. I want to perform on user's particular word like if he say play then playing should start.
Help me by any tutorial or any sample code.
Thanks in Advance
Most apps (including Siri) send the sound file to a remote data center via to do the speech recognition, which involves some fairly heavy duty processing. Nuance may have an commercial API.
Another option might be to try using the CMU OpenEars or PocketSphinx speech library, which has been ported to the iPhone. Also look at VocalKit and this article on running PocketSphinx on the iPhone.

voice changer, how is made?

I'm looking to implement a voice changer into my iPhone app. Something a bit like Talking Friends. I have 5 different voice styles.
anyone can give a hint
any info much appreciated
Unfortunately there is no UIDarthVaderify() object. There's an open source project called Skype Voice Changer, it's in C# so you obviously can't use it directly in a Cocoa Touch project but you can learn how voice changing works. Essentially you're looking to change the frequency distribution of the output signal without changing the envelope that represents the phonemes being made by the speaker.

how to synthesize audio in iPhone

I need to synthesize a voice so that it can be used to speak the text that is supplied to it. how can it be done in iPhone. I went through Sphinx voice synthesizer and other voice synthesizers, but they have some predefined voice for converting text to speech. In my app I require the voice provided by me to respond back.
Any suggestions in this regarding where to start with, is very helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I am looking for the same thing. It looks that apple doesn't provide any library for that, despite the fact the iPhone uses for speech during auto-text. The only way I have found till now is using 3rd party I havent tested yet.