sharpsvn search repository commits - sharpsvn

Using sharpsvn I want to search all of the comments on the commited files in our svn server for specific strings.
but i cannot get this to work. I have tried the following but it does not like my target path.
Error: Revision type requires a working copy path, not a URL
SvnRevisionRange range = new SvnRevisionRange(SvnRevision.Working, SvnRevision.Zero);
string targetPath = "http://********:81/svn/";
Collection<SvnLogEventArgs> items;
SvnLogArgs args = new SvnLogArgs { Range = range };
client.GetLog(new Uri(targetPath), args, out items);
any ideas would be great

This is because you used:
new SvnRevisionRange(SvnRevision.Working, SvnRevision.Zero)
It can't determine the revision number of your working copy when you just pass a URL.
Try SvnRevision.Head to get the latest version in the repository instead


How to get contents of file in pull request from pygithub?

I'm not able to find how to get contents of file present in pull request on github. Is there any way to do this using pygithub?
For repository, we can do this using
contents = repo.get_contents(filename)
However, I did not find such api for pull request object. Is there any way to do this?
I have found a nice workaround to this. We can not get contents from File objects, however, it is possible to get them from repository, at any version. I did this like following :
This works irrespective of PR is open/closed/merged.
(1) Grab commits from PR.
(2) Grab files from commits.
(3) Use Repository object to get the contents of file at reference corresponding the sha of commit in PR.
Example :
github = Github(login_or_token=my_github_token)
repo = github.get_repo(repo_name, lazy=False)
# Grab PR
pull_number = 20
pr = repo.get_pull(pull_number)
commits = pr.get_commits()
for commit in commits:
files = commit.files
for file in files:
filename = file.filename
contents = repo.get_contents(filename, ref=commit.sha).decoded_content
# Now do whatever you want to do with contents :)
Take a look at this:
Have not tried, but pygithub does have a method for this called get_files to use this API call:
EDIT: Using requests:
import requests
username = 'astrochun'
repo = 'Zcalbase_gal'
pr = 84
response = requests.get(f"{username}/{repo}/pulls/{pr}/files")
dict0 = response.json()
pr_files = [elem['filename'] for elem in dict0]

Oracle UCM - ridc - get all versions of document

I am getting files from Oracle UCM via RIDC. I am using DataBinder as follows :
IdcClient client =getUCMConnection();
DataBinder dataBinder = client.createBinder ();
dataBinder.putLocal ("IdcService", "GET_FILE");
dataBinder.putLocal ("dID", dID);
IdcContext userContext = new IdcContext(username);
ServiceResponse response = client.sendRequest (userContext, dataBinder);
InputStream fstream = response.getResponseStream ();
....... etc.
I want to ask, how can I get "ALL VERSIONS" of a document instead of latest released one?
First you have to call the service DOC_INFO, you can get the result set of the revision by using the REVISION_HISTORY set.
You will get specific dID for each version, you iterate them and use GET_FILE with dID as a parameter for each one of them
I can't test it right now but I think the service you are looking for is GET_INFO, try it and check all the resultsets you get I'm pretty sure one of them has the info for all the document's revisions.
You can use the service REV_HISTORY to get the result set REVISIONS which contains info of all the revisions.

How can I Diff a Svn Repository using SharpSvn

My question is quite simple and with the SharpSvn Api, it should be easy as well. Here what I did:
path = "c:\project";
using (SvnLookClient client = new SvnLookClient())
SvnLookOrigin o = new SvnLookOrigin(path);
Collection<SvnChangedEventArgs> changeList;
client.GetChanged(o, out changeList); // <-- Exception
and when I call the GetChanged, I get an exception:
Can't open file 'c:\project\format': The system cannot find the file specified.
So, Maybe there is something I'm missing? Or maybe it's not the right way to do find out the list of files and folders that were modified in the local repository?
Thanks in advance.
The SvnLookClient class in SharpSvn is the equivalent to the 'svnlook' console application. It is a low level tool that enables repository hooks to look into specific transactions of a repository using direct file access.
You probably want to use the SvnClient class to look at a WorkingCopy and most likely its Status() or in some cases simpler GetStatus() function to see what changed.
The path that the SvnLookOrigin constructor wants is actually:
path = "c:\project\.svn\";
That is, it wants that special ".svn" directory not just the root of where the source is checked out to.
Although you probably do want to listen to Bert and do something like:
path = "c:\project";
using (SvnLookClient client = new SvnLookClient())
SvnLookOrigin o = new SvnLookOrigin(path);
Collection<SvnChangedEventArgs> changeList;
client.GetStatus(o, out changeList); // Should now return the differences between this working copy and the remote status.

Mirth: How to get source file directory from file reader channel

I have a file reader channel picking up an xml document. By default, a file reader channel populates the 'originalFilename' in the channel map, which ony gives me the name of the file, not the full path. Is there any way to get the full path, withouth having to hard code something?
You can get any of the Source reader properties like this:
var sourceFolder ='host');
I put it up in the Mirth forums with a list of the other properties you can access
You could put the directory in a channel deploy script:
globalChannelMap.put("pickupDirectory", "/Mirth/inbox");
then use that map in both your source connector:
and in another channel script:
function getFileLastModified(fileName) {
var directory = globalChannelMap.get("pickupDirectory").toString();
var fullPath = directory + "/" + fileName;
var file =;
var formatter = new"yyyyMMddhhmmss");
return formatter.format(file.lastModified());
Unfortunately, there is no variable or method for retrieving the file's full path. Of course, you probably already know the path, since you would have had to provide it in the Directory field. I experimented with using the preprocessor to store the path in a channel variable, but the Directory field is unable to reference variables. Thus, you're stuck having to hard code the full path everywhere you need it.

How do I pass build number from Nant back to Cruise Control

I have a Nant build script which CruiseControl uses to build a solution on-demand.
However, we only recently got CruiseControl so our official build number is different from what is listed in CruiseControl.
I know CruiseControl injects some properties into build scripts so that I can access the CC build number in the script (CCNetLabel) but how do I pass a value back to CC to use as the build number on the UI screen?
Example, CC says build number 2
nAnt script increments a buildnumber.xml value every build, and the official build number is on 123.
I want the CC UI to show last successful build number: 123, not 2, so how do I pass that value back up?
A custom build labeler is required for this. Perforce is our source control provider and we derive our version number from it. The code is as follows:
/// <summary>
/// Gets the latest change list number from perforce, for ccnet to consume as a build label.
/// </summary>
[ReflectorType( "p4labeller" )]
public class PerforceLabeller : ILabeller
// perforce executable (optional)
[ReflectorProperty("executable", Required = false)]
public string P4Executable = "p4.exe";
// perforce port (i.e. myserver:1234)
[ReflectorProperty("port", Required = false)]
public string P4Port = String.Empty;
// perforce user
[ReflectorProperty("user", Required = false)]
public string P4User = String.Empty;
// perforce client
[ReflectorProperty("client", Required = false)]
public string P4Client = String.Empty;
// perforce view (i.e. //Dev/Code1/...)
[ReflectorProperty("view", Required = false)]
public string P4View = String.Empty;
// Returns latest change list
public string Generate( IIntegrationResult previousLabel )
return GetLatestChangelist();
// Stores latest change list into a label
public void Run( IIntegrationResult result )
result.Label = GetLatestChangelist();
// Gets the latest change list
public string GetLatestChangelist()
// Build the arguments to pass to p4 to get the latest changelist
string theArgs = "-p " + P4Port + " -u " + P4User + " -c " + P4Client + " changes -m 1 -s submitted " + P4View;
Log.Info( string.Format( "Getting latest change from Perforce using --> " + theArgs ) );
// Execute p4
ProcessResult theProcessResult = new ProcessExecutor().Execute( new ProcessInfo( P4Executable, theArgs ) );
// Extract the changelist # from the result
Regex theRegex = new Regex( #"\s[0-9]+\s", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
Match theMatch = theRegex.Match( theProcessResult.StandardOutput );
return theMatch.Value.Trim();
The method, GetLatestChangelist, is where you would probably insert your own logic to talk to your version control system. In Perforce there is the idea of the last changelist which is unique. Our build numbers, and ultimately version numbers are based off of that.
Once you build this (into an assembly dll), you'll have to hook it into ccnet. You can just drop the assembly into the server directory (next to ccnet.exe).
Next you modify your ccnet project file to utilize this labeller. We did this with the default labeller block. Something like the following:
<labeller type="p4labeller">
<!-- Other project configuration to go here -->
If you're just wanting the build number to show up in ccnet then you're done and don't really need to do anything else. However, you can access the label in your NAnt script if you wish by using the already provided CCNetLabel property.
Hope this helps some. Let me know if you have any questions by posting to the comments.
Did you try to use some environment variables? I believe CCNet can handle these.
I'll dig a bit on this.
Well I see a solution, quite dirty, but anyhow:
1- Add a defaultlabeller section in your CCNET project definition. It will contains the pattern of the build number you want to display.
2- Within NAnt, have a script to update your configuration file, inserting the build number you want to see.
3- Touch (in the Unix sense) the ccnet.exe.config file so as to make it re-load the projects configuration files.
et voilĂ .
We had this problem as well. I ended up writing a special CC labelling plugin.
If your build numbers are sequential, you can just hack the cruise control state file to give it the correct build number to start with. Your looking for a file called [projectName].state.
I changed the Label element to the correct number and the LastSuccessfulIntegrationLabel to be the new number.
However, we only recently got
CruiseControl so our official build
number is different from what is
listed in CruiseControl.
Sort of along the lines of what gbanfill said, you can tell CC what build numbers to start from, but there's no need to hack the .ser file. You can use the JMX interface to set the current build number to get it in sync with your NAnt build number.
You can also set the default label value to to your current build number, delete the .ser file and restart CC.
But maybe the easiest thing is to write the build number into a property file from NAnt and then use the property file label incrementer to read that file. (Be sure to to set setPreBuildIncrementer="true")