Troubles with if-statement || - iphone

I'm just working on a new porject an I'm working actually with simple coordinates:
if (locationOnJoystick.x > joystickArea.frame.size || locationOnJoystick.y > joystickArea.frame.size) {
But while running the code I get an ERROR:
error: invalid operands to binary > (have 'CGFloat' and 'CGSize')
Can anyone see the solution?!

locationOnJoystick.x is a CGFloat, while joystickArea.frame.size is a CGSize. They're different types, you cannot compare them.
I guess you should compare locationOnJoystick.x with the width of your joystickArea.frame.size (and the same with y and height):
if (locationOnJoystick.x > joystickArea.frame.size.width || locationOnJoystick.y > joystickArea.frame.size.height) {


Wrong mode when using PIL.blend with 'F' mode images?

The title says most of it: I'm trying to blend two images with mode F, that is 32-bit float pixel values. However, I get an error from PIL that says:
image has wrong mode
However, I have verified that both images are of mode F and cannot find any evidence that this shouldn't be possible. Is there some way to make this work, preferably without converting to a new image type?
I'm pretty sure, that – under the hood – Image.blend calls this implementation. The very first check there is:
/* Check arguments */
if (!imIn1 || !imIn2 || imIn1->type != IMAGING_TYPE_UINT8 || imIn1->palette ||
strcmp(imIn1->mode, "1") == 0 || imIn2->palette ||
strcmp(imIn2->mode, "1") == 0) {
return ImagingError_ModeError();
So, although not stated in the documentation, I'd guess, that Image.blend is only supported for uint8 image modes.

Lower Limit < A < Upper Limit

I need to know if something is between two limits, but I keep getting the same 2 errors in playground and I can't seem to find a solution on the web. Any idea how to do this in Swift?
var upperLimit = 20
var a = 10
var lowerlimit = 5
if a > lowerlimit < upperLimit{
if lowerlimit < a < upperLimit{
Both of these methods give the same (2) error messages:
---> ! Non-associative operator is adjacent to operator of same precedence
--> Cannot invoke '<'with an argument of list type '($t4, #Ivalue Int)'
That's not a valid way to make the comparison. You need to check against the bounds with two comparisons:
if a > lowerlimit && a < upperLimit {
Although I prefer this way using pattern recognition on a range.
if lowerlimit..<upperLimit ~= a {
Note that the pattern recognition way requires the lower bound to be inclusive, so you'd need to increase the lowerLimit variable by one.

OpenCV cv::dft() iOS Assertion Error

I need some help in a bad way. I swear I have looked for now 1 week for an answer to this, and have been unsuccessful, so I come crawling for help.
My goal is simple. I am trying to use the OpenCV library in Xcode. I'm having some round about frustrating problem. I got the OpenCV library to work well with cvCanney and cvAdaptive Transforms, but I can't get it to do cv::dft(). I started by attempting the following:
cv::Mat tempMat = [self.imageView.image CVGrayscaleMat];
cv::dft(tempMat, output2);
This would error because it was not in the proper format (CV_32FC1). So I then tried:
cv::Mat tempMat = [self.imageView.image CVMat];
cv::cvtColor(tempMat, output2, CV_32FC1);
cv::dft(output2, output3);
and I get the same error. Specifically the error reads:
Assertion failed (type == CV_32FC1 || type == CV_32FC2 || type == CV_64FC1 || type == CV_64FC2) in dft
As an update to the original question, I've been trying to determine the type using cv::type() and it returns a type= 24. Can anyone explain to me how to decipher what this type means? Is it the wrong type? Latest attempt:
cv::Mat tempMat = [self.imageView.image CVMat];
cv::Mat output2(tempMat.rows, tempMat.cols, CV_32FC1);
cv::cvtColor(tempMat, tempMat, CV_32FC1);
int type = tempMat.type();
int type2 = output2.type();
When I run this I get a type of 24 for tempMat, and a type of 5 for output2. If I try to add this:
cv::cvtColor(output2, output2, CV_32FC1);
I get error: Assertion failed (scn == 3 || scn == 4) in cvtColor
Any ideas? Even if it a RTFM suggestion, I'll take anything at this point. Please help.
Thank you.
I think it is a variable type and number of channels problem.
cv::Mat tempMat = [self.imageView.image CVMat];
cv::Mat output2;
cv::cvtColor(tempMat,output2, CV_BGR2GRAY);
output2.convertTo(output2, CV_32FC1);
cv::dft(output2, output2);
output2.convertTo(image, CV_8UC1);
Please let me know if this works, I have a similar code in my project and tried to derive an answer from it; thus it may contain some errors. And we can work it through interactively from here.

Simple if statement for checking whether a co-ordinate is inside a square?

I have an UIImageView and taking the raw touch input. I need to check if a touch is within a certain set of squares. At the moment...
I have this if statement....
if(46 < touchedAt.x && touchedAt.x < 124 && 18 < touchedAt.y && touchedAt.y < 75)
but I have tried to simplify it to this one...
if(46 < touchedAt.x < 124 && 18 < touchedAt.y < 75)
It didn't work. Is it possible to simplify like this or am I stuck with the slightly lengthier version at the top? Is there a reason why the types of comparisons in the bottom if don't work?
I think a better solution would be to use CGRectContainsPoint:
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(46, 18, 124 - 46, 75 - 18);
if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect, touchedAt))
// do whatever
Some languages support the "simple" version (Python, for example) but the C family doesn't.
In C family languages, the comparison operators are binary operators that return a boolean. One operator, two parameters, one result. Try to add another comparison and you end up comparing your boolean result against the next value. That's why you need all the && operators.
I don't know Objective-C, but I assume it does what C does.
To simplify, just write a simple function (perhaps inline) called "bounds_check" or "range_check" or similar that takes three parameters. Or better still, use one that's already written.

What is the preferred order for operands in boolean expressions?

Is there any benefit to structuring boolean expressions like:
if (0 < x) { ... }
instead of
if (x > 0) { ... }
I have always used the second way, always putting the variable as the first operand and using whatever boolean operator makes sense, but lately I have read code that uses the first method, and after getting over the initial weirdness I am starting to like it a lot more.
Now I have started to write all my boolean expressions to only use < or <= even if this means the variable isn't the first operand, like the above example. To me it seems to increase readability, but that might just be me :)
What do other people think about this?
Do whatever is most natural for whatever expression you are trying to compare.
If you're wondering about other operations (like ==) there are previous topics comparing the orderings of operands for those comparisons (and the reasons why).
It is mostly done to avoid the problem of using = instead of == in if conditions. To keep the consistency many people use the same for with other operators also. I do not see any problem in doing it.
Use whatever 'reads' best. One thing I'd point out is that if I'm testing to see if a value is within bounds, I try to write it so the bounds are on the 'outside' just like they might be in a mathematical expression:
So, to test that (0 < x <= 10):
if ((0 < x) && (x <= 10)) { ... }
instead of
if ((0 < x) && (10 >= x)) { ... }
if ((x > 0) && (10 >= x)) { ... }
I find this pattern make is somewhat easier to follow the logic.
An advantage for putting the number first is that it can prevent bug of using = when == is wanted.
if ( 0 == x ) // ok
if ( 0 = x ) //is a compiler error
compare to the subtle bug:
if ( x = 0 ) // assignment and not comparison. most likely a typo
To be honest it's unusual to write expressions with the variable on the right-side, and as a direct consequence of that unusualness readability suffers. Coding conventions have intrinsic value merely by virtue of being conventions; people are used to code being written in particular standard ways, x >= 0 being one example. Unnecessarily deviating from simple norms like these should be avoided without good cause.
The fact that you had to "get over the initial weirdness" should perhaps be a red flag.
I would not write 0 < x just as I would not use Hungarian notation in Java. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The Romans write x >= 0. No, it's not a huge deal, it just seems like an unnecessary little quirk.