Simple if statement for checking whether a co-ordinate is inside a square? - iphone

I have an UIImageView and taking the raw touch input. I need to check if a touch is within a certain set of squares. At the moment...
I have this if statement....
if(46 < touchedAt.x && touchedAt.x < 124 && 18 < touchedAt.y && touchedAt.y < 75)
but I have tried to simplify it to this one...
if(46 < touchedAt.x < 124 && 18 < touchedAt.y < 75)
It didn't work. Is it possible to simplify like this or am I stuck with the slightly lengthier version at the top? Is there a reason why the types of comparisons in the bottom if don't work?

I think a better solution would be to use CGRectContainsPoint:
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(46, 18, 124 - 46, 75 - 18);
if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect, touchedAt))
// do whatever

Some languages support the "simple" version (Python, for example) but the C family doesn't.
In C family languages, the comparison operators are binary operators that return a boolean. One operator, two parameters, one result. Try to add another comparison and you end up comparing your boolean result against the next value. That's why you need all the && operators.
I don't know Objective-C, but I assume it does what C does.
To simplify, just write a simple function (perhaps inline) called "bounds_check" or "range_check" or similar that takes three parameters. Or better still, use one that's already written.


Mean of values before and after a specific element

I have an array of 1 x 400, where all element values are above 1500. However, I have some elements that have values<50 which are wrong measures and I would like to have the mean of the elements before and after the wrong measured data points and replace it in the main array.
For instance, element number 17 is below 50 so I want to take the mean of elements 16 and 18 and replace element 17 with the new mean.
Can someone help me, please? many thanks in advance.
No language is specified in the question, but for Python you could work with List Comprehension:
# array with 400 values, some of which are incorrect
arr = [...]
arr = [arr[i] if arr[i] >= 50 else (arr[i-1]+arr[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(arr))]
That is, if arr[i] is less than 50, it'll be replaced by the average value of the element before and after it. There are two issues with this approach.
If i is the first or last element, then one of the two values will be undefined, and no mean can be obtained. This can be fixed by just using the value of the available neighbour, as specified below
If two values in a row are very low, the leftmost one will use the rightmost one to calculate its value, which will result in a very low value. This is a problem that may not occur for you in practice, but it is an inherent result of the way you wish to recalculate values, and you might want to keep it in mind.
Improved version, keeping in mind the edge cases:
# don't alter the first and last item, even if they're low
arr = [arr[i] if arr[i] >= 50 or i == 0 or i+1 == len(arr) else (arr[i-1]+arr[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(arr))]
# replace the first and last element if needed
if arr[0] < 50:
arr[0] = arr[1]
if arr[len(arr)-1] < 50:
arr[len(arr)-1] = arr[len(arr)-2]
I hope this answer was useful for you, even if you intend to use another language or framework than python.

Julia (JuMP): Indicator constraints with multiple conditional values (is a boolean expression possible?)

I want to implement a constraint depending on the change of values in my binary decision variable, x, over "time".
I am trying to implement a minimum operating time constraint for a unit commitment optimization problem for power systems. x is representing the unit activation where 0 and 1 show that a power unit, n, at a certain time, t, respectively is shut off or turned on.
For this, indicator constraints seem to be a promising solution and with the inspiration of a similar problem the implementation seemed quite straightforward.
So, since boolean operators are introduced (! and ¬), I prematurely wanted to express the change in a boolean way:
#constraint(m, xx1[n=1:N,t=2:T], (!x[n,t-1] && x[n,t]) => {next(t, 1) + next(t, 2) == 2})
Saying: if unit was deactivated before but now is on, then demand the unit to be active for the next 2 times.
Where next(t, i) = x[((t - 1 + i) % T) + 1].
I got the following error:
LoadError: MethodError: no method matching !(::VariableRef)
Closest candidates are:
!(!Matched::Missing) at missing.jl:100
!(!Matched::Bool) at bool.jl:33
!(!Matched::Function) at operators.jl:896
I checked that the indicator constraint is working properly with a single term only.
Question: Is this possible or is there another obvious solution?
Troubleshooting and workarounds: I have tried the following (please correct me if my diagnosis is wrong):
Implement change as an expression: indicator constraints only work with binary integer variables.
Implement change as another variable relating to x. I have found a solution but it is quite sketchy, which is documented in a Julia discourse. The immediate problem, found from the solution, is that indicator constraints do not work as bi-implication but only one way, LHS->RHS. Please see the proper approach given by #Oscar Dowson.
You can get the working code from github.
The trick is to find constraint(s) that have an equivalent truth-table:
# Like
(!x[1] && x[2]) => {z == 1}
# Is equivalent to:
z >= -x[1] + x[2]
# Proof
-x[1] + x[2] = sum <= z
- 0 + 0 = 0 <= 0
- 1 + 0 = -1 <= 0
- 0 + 1 = 1 <= 1
- 1 + 1 = 0 <= 0
I was recommended MOSEK Modeling Cookbook to help working out the correct formulation of constraints.
See eventually the thread here from where I got the answer for further details.

Is there a range data structure in Scala?

I'm looking for a way to handle ranges in Scala.
What I need to do is:
given a set of ranges and a range(A) return the range(B) where range(A) intersect range (B) is not empty
given a set of ranges and a range(A) remove/add range(A) from/to the set of ranges.
given range(A) and range(B) create a range(C) = [min(A,B), max(A,B)]
I saw something similar in java -
Though subRangeSet returns only the intersect values and not the range in the set (or list of ranges) that it intersects with.
RangeSet rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create();
rangeSet.add(Range.closed(0, 10));
rangeSet.add(Range.closed(30, 40));
Range range = Range.closed(12, 32);
System.out.println(rangeSet.subRangeSet(range)); //[30,32] (I need [30,40])
System.out.println(range.span(Range.closed(30, 40))); //[12,40]
There is an Interval[A] type in the spire math library. This allows working with ranges of arbitrary types that define an Order. Boundaries can be inclusive, exclusive or omitted. So e.g. (-∞, 0.0] or [0.0, 1.0) would be possible intervals of doubles.
Here is a library intervalset for working with sets of non-overlapping intervals (IntervalSeq or IntervalTrie) as well as maps of intervals to arbitrary values (IntervalMap).
Here is a related question that describes how to use IntervalSeq with DateTime.
Note that if the type you want to use is 64bit or less (basically any primitive), IntervalTrie is extremely fast. See the Benchmarks.
As Tzach Zohar has mentioned in the comment, if all you need is range of Int - go for scala.collection.immutable.Range:
val rangeSet = Set(0 to 10, 30 to 40)
val r = 12 to 32
rangeSet.filter(range => range.contains(r.start) || range.contains(r.end))
If you need it for another underlying type - implement it by yourself, it's easy for your usecase.

What is the preferred order for operands in boolean expressions?

Is there any benefit to structuring boolean expressions like:
if (0 < x) { ... }
instead of
if (x > 0) { ... }
I have always used the second way, always putting the variable as the first operand and using whatever boolean operator makes sense, but lately I have read code that uses the first method, and after getting over the initial weirdness I am starting to like it a lot more.
Now I have started to write all my boolean expressions to only use < or <= even if this means the variable isn't the first operand, like the above example. To me it seems to increase readability, but that might just be me :)
What do other people think about this?
Do whatever is most natural for whatever expression you are trying to compare.
If you're wondering about other operations (like ==) there are previous topics comparing the orderings of operands for those comparisons (and the reasons why).
It is mostly done to avoid the problem of using = instead of == in if conditions. To keep the consistency many people use the same for with other operators also. I do not see any problem in doing it.
Use whatever 'reads' best. One thing I'd point out is that if I'm testing to see if a value is within bounds, I try to write it so the bounds are on the 'outside' just like they might be in a mathematical expression:
So, to test that (0 < x <= 10):
if ((0 < x) && (x <= 10)) { ... }
instead of
if ((0 < x) && (10 >= x)) { ... }
if ((x > 0) && (10 >= x)) { ... }
I find this pattern make is somewhat easier to follow the logic.
An advantage for putting the number first is that it can prevent bug of using = when == is wanted.
if ( 0 == x ) // ok
if ( 0 = x ) //is a compiler error
compare to the subtle bug:
if ( x = 0 ) // assignment and not comparison. most likely a typo
To be honest it's unusual to write expressions with the variable on the right-side, and as a direct consequence of that unusualness readability suffers. Coding conventions have intrinsic value merely by virtue of being conventions; people are used to code being written in particular standard ways, x >= 0 being one example. Unnecessarily deviating from simple norms like these should be avoided without good cause.
The fact that you had to "get over the initial weirdness" should perhaps be a red flag.
I would not write 0 < x just as I would not use Hungarian notation in Java. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The Romans write x >= 0. No, it's not a huge deal, it just seems like an unnecessary little quirk.

In what circumstances can a compiler change the execution order of programme statements?

If this is not a real question then feel free to close ;)
Not only the compiler can reorder execution (mostly for optimization), most modern processors do so, too. Read more about execution reordering and memory barriers.
The compiler can change the execution order of statements when it sees fit for optimization purposes, and when such changes wouldn't alter the observable behavior of the code.
A very simple example -
int func (int value)
int result = value*2;
if (value > 10)
return result;
return 0;
A naive compiler can generate code for this in exactly the sequence shown. First calculate "result" and return it only if the original value is larger than 10 (if it isn't, "result" would be ignored - calculated needlessly).
A sane compiler, though, would see that the calculation of "result" is only needed when "value" is larger than 10, so may easily move the calculation "value*2" inside the first braces and only do it if "value" is actually larger than 10 (needless to mention, the compiler doesn't really look at the C code when optimizing - it works in lower levels).
This is only a simple example. Much more complicated examples can be created. It is very possible that a C function would end up looking almost nothing like its C representation in compiled form, with aggressive enough optimizations.
Many compilers use something called "common subexpression elimination". For example, if you had the following code:
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
x += y * i * 15;
the compiler would notice that y * 15 is invariant (its value doesn't change). So it would compute y * 15, stick the result in a register and change the loop statement to "x += r0 * i". This is kind of a contrived example, but you often see expressions like this when working with array indexes or any other base + offset type of situation.