Facebook Like Buttons and Apps - facebook

I'm able to make Facebook apps. But I have some problems. The documentation highlights this example: http://www.facebook.com/cocacola?v=app_161193133389
My apps are getting included as iFrames, even when I specify FBML - Coke's is more embedded. The "like button" generator creates a different style of like button to Coke's. Coke's uses a built in Facebook CSS stylesheet. Coke also has FB style links down the left side of their page.
Does anyone know how I could go about making an App like that? The documentation really does not cover it. Even useful web-links would be great. Thanks!

Actually, the link to Coke is not an application, but a FB page. The like button showed is the standard like button that you get when you create a page, which is different than the one that you obtain when you use FB social plugins.
They are very different things. A page represents something: a business, product, service, etc., while an application is, well.. an application. Note that pages can hold applications in their tabs, or just normal (and brand new) iframe tabs.


Facebook Pages: Add multiple Tabs or Links to the left menu

you all may know, there are some FB apps for creating tabs or links on the left menu of a FB fanpage. tabpress is such an app.
you can add multiple tabs with different content, for example iframe, youtube video, contact forms, ...
how this apps are done? do I need an own app for each type of tab?
which FB api functions add the tabs to left side?
does anybody have some input? I want to create an app like tabpress.
Please read: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs/ for how to develop page tabs. For a tab to have a different name, it will also need to be a different app. So in your case, you will have multiple apps.
William, use this FB URL http://www.facebook.com/add.php?api_key=ENTER-YOUR-APP-ID-HERE&pages where you replace ENTER-YOUR-APP-ID-HERE with actually APP ID. Then just submit that by selecting one of your pages and you're done.

Do I have to have a website in order to have a page on FB?

I offered to set up a FB page for our upcoming 30th high school reunion. I went in and created the page, but cannot seem to figure out how to add the "LIKE" button. Everything I have read: Getting Started / Websites https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ as well as the Social Plugins page https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ all seem to begin with the assumption that I have a website. I don't have one.
So my bottom line question is: do I have to CREATE a webpage (outside FB) in order to move ahead with adding the social plugins?
Obviously I am a newbie, have no technical experience but can read and follow directions.
Solutions, O Great Ones?
If you create a page, other users will see a Like button on the page. So, they can like that page and then you can publish posts to it. This is a good way to keep people informed, involved, and engaged.
That's what the plugins are for (to include in html), they are not necessary to use to just have a page.
You might not see the like button because you created it, i'd imagine.
You don't need to have a website in order to use the Social Plugins, but it does help. Otherwise, you need permission to use the HTML on websites / pages you don't own but have access to.
E.g. You can ask your school to add the Social Plugins to their existing website that will let students like the fan page you created.

Can you have a Facebook Like button for a whole site and/or for individual product pages?

I know this is borderline StackOverflow question, but since a lot of user will have installed Facebook Like buttons, I thought it was a good place to ask.
I want to add a little Facebook Like button on my site, with the little counter showing how many people like this. I'm simply wondering if I can choose to have the counter site-wide (count all the Likes across all pages) or have the counter individual for each page.
As a side question: what do you think is better.?
Like buttons with more impressive number but all linking to the same (home) page...
Like buttons with smaller count, but (facebook stream) linking to different pages...
every page that has a FB widget can be linked to an FB page... therefore the possibilities are endless... if you want every page to additively connect to just one FB page, then just make sure that each embedded widget points to the same FB page...

Facebook tab application scripting

I have a web application that I am trying to port to Facebook. The app uses a few external javascript files. So initially I wanted to create an iframe Facebook application. However, it turns out that you cannot use iframes when creating a tab application(which is a requirement). By tab application I mean placing your app on the profile page next to the wall, info, photos, ect. tabs.
Does any one know of a good tool to help convert my javascript to the FBJS scripting? Or better yet does anyone have a work around so that I can include my own javascript in this tabbed application?
Thanks for the help.
From my understanding loading external js is disabled when the user first visits the tab page (the passive page). But, once a page loads and the user interacts with it in some way (ajax post, redirect) the page is "active" and you can run flash, javascript, etc...
If you're using Ruby on Rails and Facebooker, I wrote a nice little tutorial on how to inline your javascript inside a profile tab while keeping your code DRY :
I thought you might find this interesting, how to add a Live Chat Tab to a Facebook page:

IFrame with facebook tabs

I want to get iframe application but on top of it, would love to put tabs. and iframe are not really seem compatible. Do you guys know any work around this?
You can't use an iframe in a Facebook Tab application due to restrictions from Facebook, though in this blog post from mid-August they say they will begin supporting IFrames for Page tabs "in the next few months".
There are other restrictions for applications which live within a Tab too, eg you have to use FBJS methods instead of regular javascript. It's a pain in the neck.
In this presentation, from January, Facebook suggest that if you really need iframe functionality in a Tab you can work around it by not putting your application in the Tab... make a Tab containing just a link to a Canvas Page, where your application can use iframes.
Alternatively if you are talking about a 'tab-style' UI for your application then it is possible with using iframes. Just use javascript to show and hide different content divs.
Here is an example of an app with a tab-style UI (and it's a Tab app, so it can't use iframes):